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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 11 minutes ago, Tug said:

    It really is unbelivable he could spout such nonsense how do his people keep a straight face!this coming from the birther in chief defies belief I guess if you tell a really big lie.........

    ...and then progress to delegitimizing the (admitted feeble) fourth estate and promoting "alternative facts" you can, conceivably, do anything you like.

  2. On 1/24/2017 at 2:12 PM, Johpa said:


    The question is how does China pay for the oil. It can not pay in Canadian dollars as China exports too little to Canada to cover their costs of energy. So they still will pay with $US and thus will still need to sell boatloads of goods to the US to pay for the oil.

    The PRC could have chosen an alternative direction to build their economy by focusing upon internal consumption rather than exports. But like their Teo Chieu brethren here in Thailand, they prefer the internal colonial model, export and extract resources, that benefits the elite at the expense of the nation.

    The NYC housing bubble will inevitably collapse. The fragility of the US financial system is a self inflicted wound apart from Chinese policy. The US financial system too will collapse, but it can easily be temporarily nationalized if the politicians are willing to force the bond holders to pay and not the taxpayers. And that is a big if.

    Happy Trails


    China does not have to, "sell boatloads of goods to the US to pay for the oil", they can pay Canada with US debt it already holds.


    Data suggests that internal consumption in China is growing exponentially. Starting by exporting to nations which can afford goods, as Japan and S. Korea have done, is the common path to advanced industrialization.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Silurian said:


    DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! Please, go ahead with the investigation that will prove once and for all what kind of nut job you really are. And when the results show no (or next to none) voter fraud will you accept the results or just spout more mouth garbage about how the investigation was tainted? And maybe it will also shut up all those supporters who really believe there was massive voter fraud. I welcome this investigation. DO IT!


    Unfortunately there are deeper thinkers than the Donald amongst his advisors. The "investigation" will be carried out by someone already pre-biased (note cabinet picks) to agree with the premise that there was voter fraud and they will use this to justify partisan "adjustments" of voting laws. There is a long play at work here to manipulate not just the surface talking point of the D's sensitivity to perceived slights.


    It will NOT induce the D or any one in his cadre to accept reality.

  4. The driver was from Vancouver (which, admittedly, covers a large area),  but if she was from downtown or the coastal area, she would be unlikely to have had a lot of experience in slippery conditions.  It rains at least 56 inches a year in Vancouver, with snow being a rare visitor.

    True, but how many peeps in Van who drive don't get out to Whistler, 'Loops, etc...? And if not, she would be familiar with wet conditions!!

  5. 13 hours ago, mercman24 said:

    words fail me when these people come to a foreign country with no insurance.

    especially the young, they think they are bullet proof but sadly they are not, Thai wet roads are lethal, as the tar oils come to then surface when the roads are wet, but tourists are not aware of this.

    You may be surprised too learn that tar oils rise to the surface in Canada and all other countries as well. We also have vicious winter ice and snow which require the ability to handle a vehicle in, ahem, somewhat slippery conditions. At 22 these ladies would have had plenty of experience in slippery conditions. Unfamiliarity with the vehicle's peccadilloes would be a much more likely cause.

  6. We breath test everybody before they hop on a boat to go offshore for us.  Even cooks and cabin boys.  Takes 10 seconds.
    Seems like it would be easy to test a few key people before they take the controls of $200 million aircraft with hundreds of lives at stake.  It's not like the rest of us haven't had to accept inconveniences in the name of flying safety.

    Haha... you don't have to deal with pilots unions!
  7. My argument is not about the source of their income nor how they gained it. They are spending it locally. That is all that matters. There is no moral dimension to the money they spend, just as there is no moral dimension to the money you spend. Claiming that a legal worker's money somehow contributes more to the economy when he spends it than when an illegal worker or an over-stayer spends exactly the same amount of money on exactly the same goods and services - how does that work?

    Again. They are a superfluous middleman spending baht already in the Thai economy.
  8. You're saying that the source of money gives that money a moral dimension? I realise that's a popular perspective but it's not a logical one. All money is in the economy; the only newly created money is by the central bank, hence the phrase "the circulation of money"

    No. The failure in logic is the money is already in the economy. The overstayer is just a superfluous middleman adding nothing to the economy. Where is the moral component to this?
  9. Really? Why? Indeed, the whole point of my posts is that I don't care whether they're here legally or illegally, nor whether the source of their funds is legal or illegal. The fact that they're spending money here is the only salient fact. Old Croc on the other hand believes that their legal status here or the legality of the source of their funds somehow invests their money with a moral character. I dont. It's just money.

    The failure of your logic is that if the funds are illeagal, begged, borrowed or stolen by an overstayer it is NOT new money being spent but money which was in the economy anyway. Your logic is severely flawed.
  10. 35 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Yes, I read this before. 


    So just because the Immigration Officer was with an Employment Officer when she was arrested for an Overstay while riding a horse you assume she was working illegally? Well, maybe she was? But it certainly doesn't say she was, which I would think they would mention that, so I don't assume anything like that.


    All we know for sure was that she was arrested, deported, and banned, for her Overstay. 

    In post #44 I did allude to the FACT that she was working in another province recently, and had to vacate that riding business and province. 'Nuf said. 

  11. If you look closely at the picture in the article, you'll notice that there are no Rubbish Bins available to put the trash that tourist generate. This is true in most of Thailand. Most foreign tourists are quite aware of the need to put trash in a proper disposal area. But there are none in most of Thailand. And for the record, most of the tourists that go to Bang Saen, ARE THAI.

    If you look at the photos attached to the original Sanook article, there is a bin 20m away.
  12. I am talking about a better plan for the world drug war, The US plan has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens all over the world and the drugs are readily available within walking distance of every school in the US. If they have a thousand or so "innocent" collateral damage deaths and end up with no drugs on the street then Success will be had for all but those innocents. I do not believe western media to tell the whole truth of anything anyway.      Show us a better plan to stop the daily carnage that drugs are causing. Just down talking someone else's efforts is worthless to me.
                         I believe the west is not only standing by to watch Afghanis grow illegal Opium, but we are protecting, and supporting them. Is this a humane way to deal with the drug problem?   We need a real working plan, at least the Philippines are trying something different.

    Simply it is not a war. For the best, not better, but empirically best plan, read up on Portugal's plan and it's outcome. The exact results everyone wishes for and no one dies. Simple solution that is proven to work. No need of a ridiculously ineffective, expensive, 'drug war'.
  13. On 12/13/2016 at 9:52 AM, williamgeorgeallen said:

    just what i was going to say. americas military might is massive. their spending is more than the 6 next biggest military spenders combined. as long as america can keep printing or borrowing money to pay for it all they dont have much to worry about.

    All that military might yet no real military success since WWII... I'd worry that this massively expensive military is useless at fighting in a modern insurgent conflict and that its masters are drunk on profiting from all sides.

  14. I take it that your not happy with true visions. What other options are there? Premier league is exclusively true. Apart from football what other options are there for Bangkokians or up country folk. Oil riggers prefer Netflix. Any others? Plz

    In the rural south... no use whatsoever for TrueVisions. Prefer to choose my own viewing. If you look everything from live sports to newly released movies and TV is available for your own unique viewing experience. Why would I watch someone else's programming based on how much they pay for the rights?
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