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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. As someone who has had psoriiasis and tried many different treatments for over three decades, firstly don't listen to your garden variety doctors, unless they have done their own independent research..usually they just parrot what the FDA tells them, and they are basically clueless : 35 years with psoriasis and I totally agree with you - but no way I would limit it to the FDA, all nations medical establishments are basically clueless on the disease.

    second the most effective way to keep the symptoms to a minimum is through diet :period :

    If I eat a raw food based diet it clears up completely within a month or two, when I go back to my preferred diet of beer, pub lunches, pastas, Thai food etc it returns with a fury : While appreciating your antidotal evidence my experience with diet modification was no more successful than any other treatment - initial impressive reduction of symptoms followed by the psoriasis reestablishing its natural fierce and fade cycles.

    I'm interested to see what the thais have come up with... Yes, despite what the posters who do not suffer from psoriasis may think, those of us with psoriasis are well aware of the false claims and charlatans vulturing around the disease trying to profit from it and the self-conscousness of its victims - no need to be Thai to do this so really no need for the warnings guys!!. The only thing suffers are are worrying about is: will this work for me, personally; and, are there side effects. Personally I'm gonna see if I can get the tea and give it a try...

  2. You will hate Thailand, whether or not you are able to figure out your extreme workout regimen or not.

    This country does not bode well for perfectionists. It doesn't even bode well for people who are "slightly fussy". This is my position.

    That might well be true, but again you're over-interpreting, and it's a chronic problem on this site.

    It's a chronic problem in forums in general...

    You're falling over yourself to pigeon-hole people, to fit them into a category that you already understand.

    Confirmation bias is alive and well!! LOL!!

  3. ...tell me why you are doing all this fitness type exercise in the first place, is it to compete, look good, feel healthy, to beat the clock,stay alive longer, worry yourself into an early grave. What drives you to this.

    By the way Im 62 and not fit(but I can walk most places, swim enough and do enough exercises to I enjoy my life here.

    I too was curious as to the OP's motivation prior to reading all his posts. Now I believe it is as simple as his wanting to maintain a personal level of 'fitness' he defines by a certain specific set of indicators. As the OP stated, not pedantic - just a focused, narrow, specific, numerical target for successful workouts for him. To each his or her own!!

    Antidotally I would be on the other end of the workout spectrum. Other than a six week rehab period in my 30s after a motorbike accident I have never set foot in a gym to workout. I am 53 and am within 2-3 kilos of my weight at 18. I much prefer participatory exercise and continue to enjoy beach footy, badminton, basketball, volleyball, waterskiing, sailing, bicycling, ice hockey, snowboarding, hiking, kayaking, swimming, dancing, etc... usually followed by a ciggy and a beer!! To each his or her own!!!

  4. Lot's of people don't have a problem exercising in the heat for the same reason that a 50cc air-cooled moped engine doesn't need a radiator.

    A bit of a flawed analogy as there are many 1000cc, 100HP bike engines which require no external cooling either... A better one to illustrate your idea would have been to point out that an engine of any size will operate more efficiently and effectively being able to shed heat quicker. The Yamaha RD350 air cooled two stroke produced 39HP. Its liquid-cooled sister, the RZ350 59HP.

  5. Craig krup - please help me understand your theory. You have a mathematic equation which states it is impossible to dissipate enough heat to properly exercise in Thailand (or, I guess, in the tropics in general). Yet, in the real world, many athletes DO manage to exercise and train in Thailand and other tropical climates - even without the benefit of aircon. Please explain - I'm must be missing something... do you believe poor Thai's throughout the country train for muay thai at expensive air-conditioned gyms?

    You need to be clear about what is being said. You can't do the kind of endurance exercise that produces lots of heat.

    Incidentally, the bloke in the picture is quite fat - about 14% I'd guess, having seen people going in for immersion weighing.

    OK - thanks for the responses to myself and others - it has helped in clarifying your position and aims, which were unclear in your OP.

    I think the main hinderance to you getting responses more on point to your query is your vague and undefined use of the term 'fitness' in this discussion. Members reading your OP were responding to 'fitness' in a more general usage than your micro-specific, personally-defined usage. What you are calling general 'fitness' most would perceive as 'physical obsession'. Your comment regarding the 'fitness' of the muay thai fighter in the photo pretty much defines your perception: you perceive him to be 'quite fat', but by any normative standards of general populations he would be seen as fit and athletic.

    I truly hope you can figure out a way to exercise while on vacation that is compatible with your routine and requirements.

  6. Craig krup - please help me understand your theory. You have a mathematic equation which states it is impossible to dissipate enough heat to properly exercise in Thailand (or, I guess, in the tropics in general). Yet, in the real world, many athletes DO manage to exercise and train in Thailand and other tropical climates - even without the benefit of aircon. Please explain - I'm must be missing something... do you believe poor Thai's throughout the country train for muay thai at expensive air-conditioned gyms?


  7. Bluebspunk, I do get that you are only stating your opinion, but you seem to have staked-out an indefensible position. You are trying to apply criminal law precepts to an immigration law case. Two very different jurisdictions with entirely different goals/aims and entirely different criteria. I believe you would have a difficult time convincing anyone that immigration law should be coincidental to criminal law.

  8. Well I'm at it...

    Unless there is another news report with more info, nowhere does it say the unstable cop brandished a weapon nor even had one... Where is that coming from space members?

    And, what's wrong with him working a menial job at the station and being paid while on medical/psychiatric leave? I feel like I live on another planet to some of y'all!!

  9. Some of you are nuttier than the "cop"... or just lack any knowledge of the rules of the road. A no parking zone IS NOT a no stopping zone. It is legal to stop there if you are behind the wheel of the car (which the chauffeur was). It is illegal to stop and leave your car unattended - hence "parking". There was NO infraction peeps. Neither the Gov, nor his driver were doing anything wrong. So get over the hi-so bashing!

  10. I guess everyone has their own needs... My wife (from my home country) and I would never consider owning here because we like the flexibility of being able to relocate at a whim. We do however own extensive rental property in our home country and acquire additional rentals whenever possible. Our properties back home are 100% ours, 100% secure, and 100% debt-free allowing us to live off the income they generate monthly while the real estate portfolio accrues in value over time...

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Adam Sandler is no Charlie Chaplin but if you accept work to act in a film and bail over something like this ... forget about working again. Nobody made them sign, did they?

    Sorry. I respect Sandler's right to make the movie he wants to make and then the market can decide.

    They should hire illegal Mexican nationals to play the natives ... sorted.

    If people want to protest at the screenings, that's a different matter.

    So you respect the producer's right to make the film but do not respect the actor's right flip-off the film and their salary? Strange logic. I respect Sandler's right to make the film, and use freakin' Bosnian's as native Americans if he so chooses. I also respect the rights of native actors walking away from something which makes them feel uncomfortable.

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  12. The basic fact is that in the past people with gender identity issues as well as Gays and Lesbians had little choice but to hide this important, omnipresent part of their life. The inability of society to accept these [gender identity] issues has caused a lot of hurt [to] many people.

    Gays and lesbians do NOT have gender identity issues.

    Get with the program -- gay/lesbian is about sexual ORIENTATION.

    People who feel they are a different gender are dealing with something very different than that

    As I read/understand Credo's comment, he didn't say they did.

    The sentence in its entirety reads to me as if sexual orientation is ALSO a gender identity issue. So either it was written awkwardly or I misread it but that's how I read it so I replied to how I read it, if that's OK with your honor.

    It WAS awkwardly written, which is why I pointed out there may be a misinterpretation - your highness.

  13. The basic fact is that in the past people with gender identity issues as well as Gays and Lesbians had little choice but to hide this important, omnipresent part of their life. The inability of society to accept these [gender identity] issues has caused a lot of hurt [to] many people.

    Gays and lesbians do NOT have gender identity issues.

    Get with the program -- gay/lesbian is about sexual ORIENTATION.

    People who feel they are a different gender are dealing with something very different than that

    As I read/understand Credo's comment, he didn't say they did.

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