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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. How do some people not realize how difficult it is for victims to come forward against powerful aggressors without cover of some sort? The fact that many women are coming forward now that they have cover is not surprising at all (review the timeline of Cosby's demise as reference). Does this mean they are all genuine? No. Does it give credence to the accusations? Yes.

  2. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    How about Thais you sort of know casually.Wouldn't it polite to say a little something to acknowledge the situation? If so, what? 


    I asked my Thai friends and they said "Sait jai duay" would be appropriate...

  3. 1 hour ago, yogi100 said:


    No one tried putting his tongue in anyone's mouth with or without a warning. I don't know if you think we're all a bunch of perverts in London but if someone had done what you said to us he'd have got the same reaction from us as he'd have got from you.


    All we heard on our media is an old partly garbled recording with a few bleeps in it of a bloke saying how his money gets him his women and one woman in particular blanked him. It was said light heartedly and was not said in a nasty or malicious tone.

    Except he was describing exactly what he IS alleged to have done... as with Bill, Trump has a long history of alleged sexual misconduct.

  4. B.H.I. Media, located on 2nd floor, Joint Service Center, Department of Consular Affairs, Chaeng Watthana Road, Bangkok Metropolis. We provide translation to the public and juristic persons both Thai into English and English into Thai, for legalization with Legalization Division or your own purpose. Our translation team is knowledgeable, our center provides quick and standard service with reasonable price, responsible for the documents before and after the legalization with Legalization Division. We have been operating at the Department of Consular Affairs since 2013 and have more than 20,000 translations.

    Our Services

    • Translation

    • Legalization with the Legalization Division

    • Deliver documents by Post (EMS)


    Easy to find... just up the escalator at the DCA!!

  5. 2 hours ago, jonbalion said:

    ...as for getting around, motorbike, i think if i can handle BKK and PARIS i can handle anything

    Obviously you have not spent much, if any, time in HCMC... HCMC traffic makes BKK and Paris traffic look like a walk in the park.

  6. 2 minutes ago, clokwise said:

    Good advice, thanks everyone. One of the older used devices may be closer to what I'm after, I'll go check tomorrow. I'm surprised to see cassette players are still being made today, good to know!

    How are you planning to convert to digital if you use an old analogue player? Just playing it and recording through computer mic? Much better reproduction with a cassette to USB...

  7. 1 hour ago, davo2003 said:

    "Those people are called 'conservatives'. They fear change... they would be stagnant back home as well."


    Odd statement. I've never known a connservative to fear change. Plenty of left wingerz I do know that fear change so much they won't even sit with a right leaning person.


    adjective con·ser·va·tive \kən-ˈsər-və-tiv\

    Simple Definition of conservative
            : believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society.
            : not liking or accepting changes or new ideas.

  8. Thanks ubonjoe. The Canadian Marriage Certificate is in English. This is the first year we have been asked for a translation. They are quite insistent. My extension went through no problems but my wife got the 30 day until we provide the certified trans. We will contact the Legalisation Department. Didn't see that section on the MFA website (but if all in Thai I may have skimmed past it...).

  9. Hi All!


    This year my wife and I require a Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand 'certified' translation of our Canadian marriage license for our annual visa extensions in Nakhon Si Thammarat.


    Has anyone been through this process? Can it be done by registered post or must we attend the Ministry in BKK?


    Numerous calls to the MFA and being transferred to a variety of people has left us bewildered and without an answer. Our Thai is limited, as is the English of the people we have spoken to at the Ministry.


    We have a translation of the document done by a very good translator in Nakhon Si Thammarat and our preference would be to mail it to the Ministry and have the certified document mailed back.


    Any thoughts appreciated. Also happy to have a contact (phone or email) at the MFA who we could communicate with in English.


    Thanks TV experts!!

  10. 50 minutes ago, rjw said:

    Correction then: full working rights as far as being an intern is concerned.

    Mmmmm, not so much.


    Government Gazette Vol. 95, Part 73, Special Issue, dated 21stJuly B.E. 2521

    Section 5. In this Act,

    "alien" means a natural person who is not of Thai nationality;
    "work" means engaging in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefit;


    There have been updates to the law, most recently 2010, I believe, but this part from 1978 remains...

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