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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. Would you answer a Skype call from a complete stranger? Or accept their friend request on Facebook?

    No I am the antithesis of oilinki when it comes to talking to strangers - I would not talk to someone waiting for a bus, unless they spoke first. But I do not have a problem with him reaching out that way or any other way, for that matter.

  2. For real?

    You need it explaining to you how your guests would find it obnoxious when you insist on confiscating their possessions on arrival? Or why being interrupted by a random , pointless phone call from someone who doesn't even speak their language wouldn't exactly someone them feel 'happy and special'?

    You're a long way detached from reality.

    Maybe you did not understood what I said.

    I said: The internet and the social media is pretty damn great possibility to be able to interact with people around the world.

    I said: We should not be afraid of communicating with other people, we should embrace it.

    I said: It's wonderful to be able to meet and interact with people who don't share our cultural background and thus can teach us something new, which we could never have thought of.

    When it comes to the everyday interaction, I'm one of those people who talk to others while waiting for a bus. I'm one of those people who learn a new language to make a girl laugh. I'm one of those people who simply want to learn, what others thing and why they think the way they do.

    I want to expand my bubble, far beyond what my cultural background expects. How about you? Do yo really wish to keep within your little bubble, for the whole of your life? Do you really wish that?

    Btw. When it comes to the languages, the languages are moderately easy to learn. I'm sure you have already learned several. Anyway the reason for the suggested calls was not just the language, the reason was to get connected with people from different backgrounds.

    You've clearly completely misunderstood both Facebook and Skype. They're not things you use to approach strangers - they're ways of keeping in touch with people you already know.

    FaceBook and Skype are TOOLS. There is no "correct" way of using them. Creative use of tools by individuals is what we do as humans. It is called progress. Now pass me that claw hammer - I need to open my beer.

  3. The conservative "fringe" that hates Jews is tiny. Most conservatives respect their faith. After all, the Jewish God is exactly the same as the Christian one and both use The Old Testament.

    On the other hand, the far left and not so far left is extremely anti-Semitic. They are a lot more worried about protecting Islam than Jews.

    What utter nonsense!

    You do understand that the Old Testament is considered by Christians to be a Jewish book, written by Jews under the inspiration of God, to proclaim God's name to all mankind? The New Testament was written entirely by Jews as well. In fact, Christianity is inherently Jewish and was begun by all Jews. It could easily be described as Gentiles -and some Jews - recognizing Jesus as the promised Jewish Messiah of the Old Testament. Jews and Christians don't have all the same beliefs, but both religions are interwoven.

    If you are going to bundle Jewish and Christian faith you must also tie Islam into the bundle.

  4. Not true - many examples of effective graphics work done on less than top-of-the-line, calibrated, monitors, TVs, and laptops. How did designers get by from the early days of DTP in the mid 80's until the early 2000s? Were all those designs and layouts compromised by the monitor? Elitist bs.

    Back in the mid 80's and onwards most colour printing was done conventionally. Image colours, density etc were tweaked by the repro house or the printers. Those designs etc were not compromised by the monitor because things were fixed after the designer had done his or her job.

    Occasionally true for early ('85 and earlier) high-end output but even by '87 imagesetters were the norm and no competent designer was going to relinquish control to the plate burners! What came off the press had better be a clone of the proofs and seps!

    Even today high-res monitors are no real improvement for those working in low-res design like screen printing, newspapers or low-end web design which generally require outputs of 100dpi or less.

    Personally, I believe, the only print-graphic technicians to benefit from ultra-high quality monitors are those who work in colour-correction and retouching suites in near black-out rooms.

  5. I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

    As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

    When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress. The history of independent Malaysia (and by the way origination of Singapore) is intimately tied up with institutional discrimination through UMNO. The usual drab left crowd conveniently turn a blind eye to the internal politics of Malaysia but when they do and in the above case try to line up behind the antics of the Malaysian government as their heroes of the week, their ridiculous politics are exposed for the embarrassment they are. Imagine that.

    Being an officially Islamic state, I could see where a Malaysian Prime Minister, after seeing thousands of innocent fellow muslims killed and maimed at the hands of the Zionist State, would have some strong sentiments regarding Jews. What he may have said, and if it was true or not, I don't know. Yes, there is also allot of garden variety ethnic and religious discrimination against minority groups in Malaysia and maybe Jews get get some of that too, not because they're Jews per se but because they're not Malay muslims.

    It would probably be best if athletes from the Zionist State confined their participation in international sporting events to venues wherein their government has diplomatic relations with the host country government.

    As ever facts disprove your nonsense. Since 1948 the number of Muslims killed in all the hostilities against the Israelis amounts to a tiny 0.3% of the total. So to somehow blame Israel for these deaths and not blame other states responsible for killing far more Muslims demonstrates how selective an argument this is.


    Kind of a feeble red-herring. Conflating Sunni/Shia and Israeli/Palestine death tolls doesn't eviscerate the needless deaths in both conflicts.

    And if you were going for a pass because the number of deaths is significantly less I would ask if you believe we should only attempt to cure lung cancer and not worry about those other 'minor' cancers which kill significantly less people?

  6. I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

    As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

    When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress.

    Unfortunately your legwork stopped almost 2 decades early. I would be more interested in seeing quotes/links of influential Malays pre 1949 to debunk OMG's statement.

  7. An extension of what ?

    Do you have a visa (if so which visa) or a visa exempt entry ?

    Extensions of stay are obtained from a Thai immigration office not from an "agent"

    Generally speaking an "agent" is not required/needed to obtain an extension.

    Why do you believe an "agent" is needed ?

    Ok guys let me put this nice an simple for u.

    I know I can go immigration to get extension of stay, but read my post slowly.

    I said I want to know of an visa agent shop in Maesot, I don't need to explain why I need to use their services.

    You are correct. You do not have to explain. Conversely responders do not have to answer in the manner you were expecting... :-)
  8. So... drove into Nakhon for 90 day after no approval on-line... and... the girl at the desk asked why did we come down - they approved it on-line this morning! Well, maybe because today was 90 days and we hadn't received approval? Got home and yes, approval email had arrived - at 8:45am - exactly 15 minutes after we left for the 1.5 hr drive to immigration!! But the girl did give us a direct phone number and said if not approved on-line next time to call and they will do it right away.

  9. Reporting in Nakhon Si Thammarat:

    Using Chrome on Windows 10 with IE tab. All submitted perfectly now pending. Will update when approved (or not!!).

    Well, no approval from Nakhon Si... Will be going in person on the 23rd.

    I think they are onr of the few offices that are not processing online applications.

    Weird, because I did one last Jun(ish) and it was approved, when we went to extend based on retirement in Sept everyone in the office was excited about seeing the first 90 day they had processed on-line in our passports.

  10. Although I like Sanders very much and agree that Citizens United is poison for democracy in the US, his remark is merely playing to the crowd since he is certainly aware that no nominee will announce his or her position on any issue during the nomination hearings. That's been the standard approach for many years. There might be some nominees who would give private assurances.

    Maybe he was coyly referring to the Dems best choice, Scalia's former clerk, Harvard Law professor, and former director of the Safra centre for Ethics at Harvard; Larry Lessig... His views on CU, money in politics, and other issues are well known.

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