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Posts posted by mikebike


    I had a good friend, a long term resident of Thailand, that died from Emphasyma due too chronic Marijuana use - so  the 'experts here' can't tell me its not harmful in the long run..........just look at Willie Nelson, 67 & looks like 100.:coffee1:   as with alcohol, moderation is the key .

    Did ur friend happen to smoke ciggies as well by any chance?
  2. 16 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    All I want is to be able to see the Macbook screen on the TV. Would be good to control from the TV if possible but don't want to pay big bucks


    HDMI cable (200 baht) from MacBook to TV. Wireless mouse and keyboard by your chair (logitec 700 baht). Done.

  3. 12 minutes ago, hdkane said:

    please supply the data that the TSA engages in comprehensive racial profiling...


    you won't find it...because if it did exist, there would lawsuits being filed daily and huge settlements being offered...

    You won't find it because independent observation and analysis of TSA procedures on-site is not allowed. The only data available is from the TSA and their parent, DHS. Not exactly unbiased sources.


    Public lawsuits may well follow the ACLU's lawsuit to gain access to the TSA's procedures, data, and the scientific basis for said procedures.


    This is why I was interested in learning from you and the data you have reviewed - I was hoping for a glimpse into some independent data I was previously unaware of.

  4. think hot weather can have an adverse effect on battery performance. probably need to get one with good cooling measures to get the best mileage. i am interested in getting an electric plug in car but it seems limited range would be prohibitive. not so many hybrid plug ins around. bmw has one but the back up petrol tank in only 1.9L i just signed up to in interesting newsletter from plugincars.com which you may find interesting.

    Prius power capability increases with higher temperatures and decreases at lower temperatures. The Prius has a computer that’s solely dedicated to keeping the Prius battery at the optimum temperature and optimum charge level. The Prius supplies conditioned air from the cabin as thermal management for cooling the batteries.

    ​I assume the offerings from Honda, Nissan and the rest do the same.

  5. Be good when they have a fully electric car that can rival the normal fuel fed system we have now. But getting back to hybrids, you pay a lot more to buy one and as calculations have shown it takes many years just to break even.

    There is a vehicle called a Tesla which is in many ways a better car than most 'fuel fed system' vehicles. the problem is not electric tech, or even batteries at this point it is overcoming the fossil fuel industry's lobbyists and getting investment into charging stations to support an electric fleet of retail vehicles.

  6. For now I would not buy a hybrid and the reason is the technology is still in its infancy. I would let it mature a few more years then think of buying one.

    20 years of retail hybrids and you think the technology is in its infancy? The first Model T rolled off the line in 1908 making the entire auto industry only 108 yrs old ... Electric cars were around before the Model T... Infancy my arse! You would have still been riding a horse in 1928 'cause the auto industry was 'still in its infancy'...

  7. At Niagara Falls Appleby's, Ihop, Skylon and many, if not all, legitimate, international businesses charge a 10% "TIF" (Tourist Improvement Fee) on your itemised bill. You CAN ask for it to be removed if you know about it. Otherwise unsuspecting tourist just pay 10% more than locals for everything. The "fee" is NOT a legitimate local or provincial tax it is just a money grab done far more sneakily than Thai dual-pricing.

  8. Anybody watching "Better call Saul"?

    So far I don't think it lives up to Breaking Bad.

    Seems like an endless pile of loose threads...Mike's story, Kim's story, Chuck and his electric phobia, etc.

    I keep waiting for the show to start! Jimmy becomes Saul, teams with Mike, gets down to biz. Maybe we get to see the rise of Los Pollos Hermanos? Get on with it, please.

    We got another season or so before that starts I suppose. Has a lot of potential but will need some great scripting to avoid a flop as the concept here isn't nearly as compelling as Breaking Bad's. Maybe they're hoping that a massing of background interest will carry it.

    Still, I'm liking what we have, such as it is, look forward to watching the latest episode every week.

    I am really enjoying every show to date so far. It is really showing and developing toward what the end product was. We can see how Mike is being pushed to become a hit man, how Jimmy was just a crook with showmanship at heart and how everything is merging slowly into the drug scene. At some point we are going to see everyone break and that is what I am looking forward too...

    I'm guessing a tragedy to Kim is going to be the impetus for Jimmy/Saul's change.

  9. Rip up, Nafta? Yes, why not? It's lose, lose, lose. As for TPP and TTIP, they're not even in place yet. So, just don't approve them. Surprised you and the other lefties don't get that, as most of the leftwingers on this forum constantly howl about how TPP is an American conspiracy to control Asia. Here's your chance to stop it. Why don't you?

    I'm a free trader. I like trade and the benefits it brings. But then I'm a capitalist and I believe in competition. I work for myself and don't rely on government trying to shield me from the big bad world. (which is quite funny you call me a lefty....but anyway).

    But you haven't answered my my question. If you rip up these trade deals, then what happens? How does everything become wonderful and magical again?

    You tell me.....step by step. Spell out what happens, and how....

    Let me try once again. TPP and TTIP are not done deals. Don't do them and the world continues to run pretty much like it is today. Tear up Nafta and maybe food safety and health standards return to the higher state they were before Nafta came along and allowed big agribusiness to shift its farms to Mexico (and totally dismantle Mexican peasant farming, btw, sending the farmers north to the US, leaving villages and small towns decimated). Two things in particular made America prosperous in the past. High wages and cheap land. Nafta and immigration, alongside each other, has successfully driven down wages and driven up land/house prices. Yes, things were better before Nafta. Scrap it. America spent over 200 years without merging its economy directly with mexico and canada. It can do well again without them.

    You've got a tonne of trade deals. Not just Nafta. You've got the US-Australia FTA for instance. US Singapore FTA. Ones with South American Countries.

    So you rip them all up. Tariff walls go up. Fortress America is back.

    Who gets to decide the level of tariff protection? You know tariffs are really just a tax. Which I thought was supposed to be an evil for you fellas.

    Tariffs are what made America the greatest nation on earth. Pat Buchanan has already pointed out how the US grew to power under tariffs, while the British declined into irrelevance under Free Trade.
    You do realize in those halcyon days the US had a vibrant and adaptive manufacturing sector. Returning that won't happen overnight with the tearing up of FT agreements. Much groundwork to be done to go back to the future...
  10. I already have it via a VPN. Will programs be the same as in the USA?

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    As of yesterday Netflix was not allowing access to USA Netflix from Thailand. Thai Netflix is accessible but has fewer offerings

    Not true. I am watching US Netflix right now from Thailand.

  11. FB should be sued under the trade description act in the UK. It is not even social media, as it is more like social garbage. Full of the worlds hates and prejudices. I only have FB to keep contact with my family. Even they do garbage most of the time. A lot of the time I delete the notifications from my email inbox without opening them. The family is still there if I need them.

    Marketeers are are gradually using the natural content of SM sites to tap into your thoughts in a covert way to coerce you into buying things online. A very subtle form of financial manipulation is taking place that people are not aware of.

    Marketers were on to neuromarketing well before social media became a thing. It is caveat emptor as aways.

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