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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. since when has a law ever been made which is "soft" enough not to deter the perpetrator? Just answered my own question............when it is only a revenue gathering exercise and has no basis in making people comply with the law!!

    Or when it supports an industry of incarceration... see 'war on drugs'!

  2. To remind you

    Section 68. No person shall exercise the rights and liberties prescribed in the Constitution to overthrow the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State under this Constitution or to acquire the power to rule the country by any means which is not in accordance with the modes provided in this Constitution http://http://www.asianlii.org/th/legis/const/2007/1.html

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure GB had that as a clause when the American revolution started too... Change tends to upset the status quo and those of little imagination. This country obviously needs a kick in its political arse because neither side is happy, lets reform, reset sand restart, what's the issue?

  3. Global Climate Change. Well duh, the global climate has been changing for millennia... In the 70s we learned that the next ice age was 'approaching' (100,000 years or so...), in the 80s/90s we learned that global warming was an rapidly approaching 'disaster'... In the 00s we learned that scientists don't have anywhere near enough data to know whether we are warming or cooling...

    Chill-out brethren, mother earth is doing what she does and we humans are NOT controlling or causing it, she will cool or heat based not on us but based on a much more complex schedule that we have yet to understand...

    Farking alarmists!!

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  4. The Thai press should call it the way it is. Sedition and anarchy. When a protest leader pre announces that he will lead the protesters to "shutdown" the city, occupy government offices, and refuse to compromise or negotiate, it can be called only sedition and anarchy.

    I believe in a former British colony, now know as the USA, about 250 years ago they called it "revolution"...

  5. why would anyone do a stamp run ( not to get a visa) to KL???

    So many options far cheaper,

    even flight to hat yai and taxi to boarder would be cheaper

    Why would you care how the OP spends his money? If he has the cash and makes a decision he is comfortable how can it be a bad one? Not everyone needs cheaper...

    Sent from my ME172V using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  6. Without any connections or influence you are a dead duck doing business here.

    And even if you do have connections or influence you are still probably a dead duck.

    The odds are stacked way against you. wai.gif

    Please don't listen to the idiots. If you are only looking to minimally support your lifestyle/self a small biz a viable option. it will not be easy, nor incredibly pleasurable, but doable. It really depends on you.

    "HotelTravel.com former CEO & Founder Blair Speers is a Canadian national who has lived and worked in Phuket, Thailand, for the last 20 years.

    Since the dawn of personal computers, Blair was fascinated with their potential and immediately immersed himself in the culture of technology and information communications.

    He first moved to Thailand in the early 1990s and founded three international schools. But as the Internet and ecommerce revolution came of age it was not long before his high tech background naturally led him to his dual passions of travel and technology.

    By then the online travel industry had sprung up and was rapidly growing in Phuket. Initially he cut his teeth working with Planet Holiday in 1997, before founding HotelTravel.com in 1999.

    Under his leadership the company grew to become one of the Internet’s leading hotel booking platforms. Mr Speers is a frequent guest speaker at leading international travel conferences, universities, colleges and technology institutes worldwide covering a broad spectrum regarding the online travel industry.

    He has also devoted countless hours to supporting Thailand’s travel industry, and is the current IT Chairman for the PATA Thailand Chapter."

    I know for a fact that when Blair founded HT.com he had less than nothing in his pocket and a Thai wife and child... no connections or influence, just an idea. The glass can be half full or empty... up to you, as the Thai's say!!

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  7. You will not be busted for weed in the USA, no cop would waste their time on less than an ounce.

    In 2012, more people subject to the New York Police Department’s controversial stop-and-frisks were]arrested for marijuana than for anything else, according to a new analysis by the New York Civil Liberties Union. While NYPD’s stated purpose for its aggressive and racially disproportionate stop-and-frisk program is to target guns, the number of people arrested for marijuana was more than six times the number of guns recovered. While 729 guns were recovered, 5,000 people were arrested for marijuana. Overall, more than 26,000 people were stopped for marijuana possession.

    Most importantly, the judge found that the police targeted minorities with its stop-and-frisk tactics. In fifty-two per cent of the 4.4 million stops, the person stopped was black, in thirty-one percent the person was Hispanic, and in ten per cent the person was white. (In 2010, New York City’s resident population was roughly twenty-three per cent black, twenty-nine per cent Hispanic, and thirty-three per cent white.) In all, Judge Scheindlin concluded, “these results show that blacks are likely targeted for stops based on a lesser degree of objectively founded suspicion than whites.”

    FBI statistics from 2011 show that the War on Drugs is going strong, with more people arrested for drug crimes than anything else. U.S. police arrest someone for a marijuana crime every 42 seconds, and 87 percent of those are for mere possession. These numbers are slightly down from the last two years, but drug crimes still represent more than eight percent of all arrests.

    You will not be busted for weed in the USA if you are white, is the bottom line (trolling for those who don't quite get it...).

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  8. I think iwill try to board an air asia from Krabi to BKK and show them my police report, photocopy and just explain to them.. but it's hard to imagine non photo id and you get on.. that or buy the ticket at the airport and ask them there...
    Personally, I would book your AA flight online, check-in online and just walk on up. You will have no issues with the police report. Don't fret too much, your circumstance is fairly common and all will work out fine!

    Sent from my ME172V using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  9. @ IF: We seem to have deviated from my main point which was that simple possession can get you hard time in the USA. It seems rather pointless to debate the legitimacy of viewpoints though... Your have no knowledge of my intimacy with drug culture, yet seem to believe yours is greater (which I very highly doubt knowing my past!) and more legitimate... weird. I also never mentioned dealers - just the fact that there is an industry built around incarceration for simple possession and that most of those enjoying a free stay are blacks and Latinos. Why is a question far too big for an off-topic sidebar!

    Sent from my ME172V using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Wonder how long it'll be before possession of marijuana is decriminalised throughout the World, as is now the case in North America & the UK ?
    To be clear there are a (very) few jurisdictions in NA which have decriminalised ganja. In MOST jurisdictions the 'war on drugs' is still raging and destroying innocent lives. For the NA black and Latino communities simple possession carries significant jail time and props up an entire industry of incarceration.

    Sent from my ME172V using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    spoken like someone who has never been to America, but has 'educated' himself reading biased material.

    yeah, the white drug dealers are freed and given apologies. geesh

    The incarceration rate statistics are published everywhere, didn't need to spend half my adult life living in the USA for that to be true... but I did.

    Sent from my ME172V using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  11. It's not the same. We are talking tourists. Does the average tourist to America eat Big Macs? The answer is a resounding YES. Go to America eat hamburgers. Go to Thailand eat rice. Got it?
    If you really think the average tourist goes to the USA (BTW 'America' encompasses two continents and 22 countries, most of which do not worship Big Macs.) to consume burgers you are clearly delusional. The range of international and fusion foods available, even in hick-towns, in the USA is incredible compared to other countries - especially Thailand! Texas chilli, chicken-fried steak, jambalaya, crawfish, corn fritters, wild salmon, king crab, clam chowder, Maine lobster, Buffalo wings, BBQ ribs, Chicago/Boston/New York pizza, Philly cheese steak, Reuben sandwich... those are USA foods worth craving!
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