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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. Thought number one: In general a car will move to the left shoulder and signal a right turn to initiate a U-turn. As a bike or car behind the U-turner, travelling in the same direction, I would move to the 'fast' lane and pass the U-turner expecting them to wait until all traffic had cleared and it was safe to cross four lanes of traffic (thought I would be cautious that the U-turner didn't dart right out). This sounds like the situation at hand.

    Thought number two: Discussion of mitigating factors seems presumptuous without more detail. We have no idea of the cause of death. Might not have been head injuries, who knows... so we have no idea whether a lid would have made ANY difference, it certainly MAY have. We also have no idea if either of the parties had valid driving licence(s) so we cannot presume here either. Finally we have no idea if the car initiated a proper, signalled U-turn or if the motorbike was using, or even had, a headlight, no idea if either of the parties had imbibed... no facts whatsoever to hang a presumption on here either!

    Thought number three: What we DO know. Car initiated/attempted a U-turn and bike went down, rider died That's it peeps. Everything else posted here is 8 pages of total speculation.

    Thought number four: Other drivers (specifically Thai nationals) doing a "runner" after an accident has no logical basis as an excuse or mitigating factor in this case. Every hit-and-run case must be judged on its own merits - it is NOT alright to say it's OK because someone else does it.

    Final thought: I have sympathy for the young lad who died. I have sympathy for his family who will probably never know exactly what happened to their son that night. Also, it may surprise some TV posters, not all Thai's are money-grubbing dicks and the feeling I get is that these people would value the closure more than the compensation (this 'feeling' comes mostly from the fact that they donated the lads organs and to me that indicates more compassion than they are being given credit for).

    OK - flame away blame-gamers!!

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  2. Good read, having worked in the health care system there is so much I would like to change, however the Provincial Goverment(s) seem to be more interested in keeping the fight up with Ottawa over payments than listening to solutions.

    I have a feeling the next PM will be Justin, the folks from Je Me Souviens will boot the NDP out and the Tories won't be able to keep hold of their power in the East.

    As for cuts just leave my CBC alone smile.png

    After the Quebec provincial election I think you are "correct" (I was gonna say "right" but NOBODY wants to get close to Harper at this particular time!)... Liberals will rock La Belle Province and Trudeaumania ll will roll over Quebec. Its Ontario and the west (not including the LEFT coast!) which will dictate whether we get a majority or minority Liberal Gov't.

    • Like 1
  3. I don't buy the BS climate thing, Canadians thrive on the cold, they deal with it from a young age. Heck they are ice skating as soon as they can stand.

    Dealing with it ain't the same as thriving on it! Into your forties the winter climate thang looses its appeal big-time... I now happily sacrifice hockey, ice fishing, snowmobiling and snowboarding for beaches, diving, sailing and rugby!

  4. We are here to discuss the Khmer influence on Thai.

    No, according to your OP we are here to discus:

    "Thais have borrowed much from Cambodian culture & civilisation but WITHOUT giving adequate/proper acknowledgement".


    "isn't it time that Thailand should give Khmer their due?"

  5. @ mikebike

    You missed out on what I am saying. What about deliberate distortion of history whereby Thai went further and said that it was the Khmer who copied from them. How can such an act ever be justified?

    Because it is nationalistic jingoism perpetuated by nationalistic goals and education, NOT academic fact - even to Thai historians. Very much the same in the USA and most other countries.

  6. I am simply reiterating the point that some commenters are missing out on. The Khmer weren't given any credit for the 'inspiring' Thai culture...

    So your whole point is really that modern THAIS are not acknowledging borrowing from Khmer culture. Certainly this has been acknowledged for centuries in acedemics and social sciences. Is the empirical evidence not enough for you?

    If, for their own (debatably misguided) cultural reasons, Thais choose to ignore/deny these historic links I fail to see how this devalues any perceived "credit" to the immediately preceding culture OR the culture(s) preceding that since all cultures are built on the hubris of those which pre-date them.

  7. not employing the number of Thais required for the workpermit" - out of curiosity, just a couple of quick questions on this requirement. I believe there must be four Thai's employed for every work permit.

    Do these four Thai Nationals have to be present at the business whenever the foreigner is working, or, can one Thai be there, and another one come in later on the night shift etc, for example?

    Also, do they all have to be full time staff? If so, what is the minimum hours per month, or minimum amount of salary, that classifies as "full time?"

    Must be full-time (employer is paying for social services based on full-time). Minimums? Something like 8hrs/day x 5 or 6 days a week x Thai minimum wage x 4. No they do not all need to be there at the same time.

  8. ...in the US or in Europe, there are effective rules, regulations and controls.


    They have fooled you into thinking that the regulatory bodies are there for your protection. They are there for the corporations profits. Each and every dangerous chemical used in agriculture was invented/developed in the WEST. As one gets knocked off the list for use because of hideous side effects another NEW ONE fills its place - and 10 or twenty years down the road the new one will be found to have harmful effects and be replaced as well... the cycle turns ad infinitum. AND where do you think these corporations then sell their stockpiles of banned chemicals? Developing countries. "We know its banned here, but we can still sell it in Africa, SA and Asia!"

    Please don't be so naive as to believe this is a Thai issue. It is a western, corporate agribusiness issue delivered gift-wrapped to developing nations.

    Since 1945, the use of pesticides in the United States has quintupled. More than 1 billion pounds of pesticides—a broad term that includes weed killers, insecticides and fungicides—are now used in the United States each year. Over 1,000 chemicals registered to fight pests and pathogens are formulated into some 20,000 products. Most are for agricultural use, but a fifth are designed for nonagricultural applications—in homes and gardens, playgrounds, schools, offices and hospitals. It's no surprise that studies show many of us—even newborns—harbouring detectable levels of pesticides in our bodies.

  9. The quickest boat is from Surat town to Tao. Mini bus from Phuket to surat 4 hours about 200 - 300 baht. If you go to Donsak there is no direct boat, you must go Samui - Phangan - Tao.

  10. All a VPN does is make you APPEAR to be accessing the internet from a different (chosen yourself) location on the planet. It is useful in viewing location based content such as TV from your home country, or for nefariously accessing internet sites which are blocked/illegal where you are currently located such as gambling websites and pornography.

    A VPN has ABSOLUTELY NO AFFECT on your local internet usage - your download limit remains the same, you are still using your host's (guesthouse/hotel) bandwidth and your usage will be noticed by other users of the guesthouse/hotel's network. High volume downloading WILL be seen by network administrator and noticed by others using the network.

    If you are at a coffee shop with WiFi in the US you will still have access to VPN VPN service BUT you WILL be affecting service at the shop - all a VPN does is disguise your location to content providers it DOES NOT alter the fact that you are accessing the internet from whatever point and consuming bandwidth and megabytes.

    Hope that helps!

  11. the police (at least in the US) do have the authority (granted by the 4th amendment of the constitution) to detain citizens if given probable cause. That means: they can detain arrest people based on reasonable perceptions and assumptions.

    Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion and two totally different legal terms with their own specific definitions. Surely you are not comparing the perception of an advert to legal defined Probable Cause...

  12. To OP: caution to using existing company: who are the Thai 51%? You know 'most' of the farrang partners, but they make up ONLY 49% of the company. Controlling interest is held by Thais and it would be a good idea to find out who they are and realise that they could mortgage 'your' property at any time, without notice to you and leave you holding the proverbial bag.

    You need to 100% understand the property laws of Thailand AND the special rules which apply to Koh Tao yourself and not rely on the word of others. You need to do much more due diligence than you would in your home country.

  13. You wrote, "Now that we have settled that." You settled your own argument? No way.

    I asked a well educated Thai immigration official (because we are in Thailand and he deals with many different countries daily). So I asked, "do you know me?" He said, "yes." I asked him. "what kind of passport do I have?" He said, "American." I asked him what was my nationality and he answered, "American." I asked him if America was a country? He said, "of course." Just to check I asked him do Mexicans have American passports? He said no.

    Different words are used differently in different places. Since this is Thailand and the forum, ThaiVisa, what better person to ask than a Thai Immigration officer?

    So there you have it. So now we have settled that.

    Hmmm, I gave that same officer Canadian Tire money as a tip/tea money and he took it with a big grim and was off to buy a new bike... A paragon of knowledge and info he was.


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  14. It is really no problem. You need to go out and apply for a Non-Imm "O" for the purpose of retirement. My wife and I (both Canadian) did it in Vietnam. Since you do not have 800,000 baht in the bank here you will need a letter from your consulate confirming you have adequate INCOME (60,000-65,000 baht/month) as your bank account at home will not help or be used in your application when you apply for Extension to Stay back at Thai Immigration.

    You may find these threads enlightening:



  15. OK, you've got common sense, but how many other Scots have not realised that if they take the wrong road there is no turning back. Yet according to Salmonds, if the vote goes against him, he will go back, expecting that within 20yrs that they will try again and then again until, they do get the decision that he wants. This is one of the reasons that many English people are so sick of this question, we don't want it to continue, better to separate now and be done with this problem.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Quebec has been doing this for 35 - 40 years in Canada... Never quite manage to get out though! The benefits of membership seem to outweigh the negatives when it gets down to the nub.

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