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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. OK - I'm with all of ya who posted you really can't use a big sportbike on Phuket. A 150 smoker or 400 4-stroke are lots of fun on the coast roads and have more than ample acceleration for Phuket. What I don't get are the 'I wouldn't tour/ride in Thailand' bunch... What the whole country? Are ya nuts? Outside of the urban centres/Phuket/Samui touring Thailand by sportbike is amazing! Great roads, great peeps, great scenery. What's so scary about riding in rural Thailand?

    Some buffaloes, cows dogs, cats, people, bikes, kubotas, people who can't drive,vehicles without light and the potholes..........

    Thanks for the post - you beat me to it.

    I was going to say: Getting to rural Thailand.

    In the styx some road surfaces are appalling and driving standards non-existent.

    Again how is that different from anywhere else? Rural rides where I'm from involve sketchy tarmac, sand, gravel, and mountain passes where their idea of a road surface is boulders the size of your head. Add to that seasonal black ice, sleet and snow and Thailand looks positively pleasant! As for driving standards - you are a target for idiots when you ride anywhere. The blue haired brigade was out to murder me every time I rode. The mobile phone and coffee crew are oblivious to anyone else being on the road with them as the conduct business, apply make-up and blindly and furiously rush to get to work. And of course not matter where you are half the car pilots are so myopic they have absolutely zero cognisance of motorbikes on the road whatsoever.

    For me rural Thailand is a blissfully relaxing place to ride.

  2. OK - I'm with all of ya who posted you really can't use a big sportbike on Phuket. A 150 smoker or 400 4-stroke are lots of fun on the coast roads and have more than ample acceleration for Phuket. What I don't get are the 'I wouldn't tour/ride in Thailand' bunch... What the whole country? Are ya nuts? Outside of the urban centres/Phuket/Samui touring Thailand by sportbike is amazing! Great roads, great peeps, great scenery. What's so scary about riding in rural Thailand?

    Some buffaloes, cows dogs, cats, people, bikes, kubotas, people who can't drive,vehicles without light and the potholes..........

    So how is that different than rural touring in any other country? Where I'm from its moose, cows, dogs, cats, people, bikes, tractors, people who can't drive, mennonite buggies without lights, and the potholes... If these things really bother you why the heck you you even consider two wheels? Stick to your cage (car) and watch the scenery through the TV screen (front windscreen)!

  3. OK - I'm with all of ya who posted you really can't use a big sportbike on Phuket. A 150 smoker or 400 4-stroke are lots of fun on the coast roads and have more than ample acceleration for Phuket. What I don't get are the 'I wouldn't tour/ride in Thailand' bunch... What the whole country? Are ya nuts? Outside of the urban centres/Phuket/Samui touring Thailand by sportbike is amazing! Great roads, great peeps, great scenery. What's so scary about riding in rural Thailand?

    • Like 2
  4. Interesting web-site:

    I clicked "Cancel".

    I think it was just the annoying scrolling banner, nothing else.

    Note for the everybody. Flash/shockwave is good for some games, nothing else.

    Maybe so. But I would NEVER allow a website to run an application.

    Since he is in the alarm/security business, I'm surprised he doesn't realise the effect that has on potential customers.

    Never saw that, but since my Mac doesn't run .exe files, I guess I wouldn't. I just go to the site, no warnings... Check it on your mobile if your antivirus program doesn't block .exe files.

  5. Hope the event will be successful!. I don't ride, but I always found bikers good company.

    At one point when I was still living in the Netherlands, I even employed almost a complete motorcycle gang. They were not willing to admit me as a prospect though. Got the wrong aura I guess, I am not gay but often people who just get to know me tend to think that I am.

    Hey kees... I bet these bikers wouldn't be prejudiced by any 'aura'!!


    • Like 1
  6. very sad to lose yr work like that hope he will find it back soon

    he is not waiting i think for anyone telling him what he should have done ,, its done and its gone now try to find it back is the case

    You are right. Its too late to teach him, but others may want to take note: It is industry standard for a "professional" or even a conscientious amateur, to keep TWO offsite back-ups... 30 years ago using film a professional would keep original negs, copy negs and original prints at separate locations... in the age of $100 terabyte drives it is inexcusable not to back up.

  7. Thailand is no different than anywhere else in the world. Immigrant labour works harder and cheaper in every country. The immigrants are trying to achieve something. Locals feel entitled, end of.

  8. There has been a couple of posts stating about morals, why don't the people who profess to having these high morals report the immigration officers for trying to obtain a bribe for something that is free!! Help others by stepping forward and put an end to this dishonest practice, looking forward to any replies!!

    Dude... you have the POTENTIAL to earn ten times the AVERAGE thai salary if you have even half a functioning brain in the west... please 'splain the moral issue to me Lucy...
  9. We were at Norbu's a year and a half ago. Great atmosphere but the food was only okay. We met a couple last July who were taking over AJ's on Rawai beach neat he Orbitor called L'ugar De Place. Beautiful spot and the food is wonderful. Small western and Thai menu. Not being a meat fan I stick with seafood but my husband orders the steak and it melted in my mouth. Will order it next time. Smoking outside only and a good wine list as well as reasonably priced. Enjoy!

  10. Don't go to Phuket

    Don't go to Phuket

    Don't go to Phuket

    Don't go to Phuket

    Don't go to Phuket

    Avoid it like the plague!

    Amazing that anyone still goes to Thai beaches. What a terrible place for a scam filled holiday, over priced crappy food, blood thirsty locals. not to mention the kicker, polluted beaches and water.

    i'll pass.

    Cool peeps, stay away... in fact tell all your friends to stay away to, and if ya can please start an email/blog/forum campaign telling people to stay away!! 7+ years on Phuket, no issues whatsoever, loving it!
    • Like 1
  11. NKM why are you on about something which has no relevance to the topic. People, weddings or not, on the beach is not the issue, conducting business is. Straw Man - to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and to refute it, without ever having actually refuted the original position

    • Like 1
  12. Thanks for the input to my hubby's post. We're in Rawai, Chalong bay side. I've seen 3 in the past 5days. Almost stepped on one in the bedroom during the day, 10-12 inches but then gone. Of coarse my husband was gone. Next night watching T.V and felt something on my foot. Needless to say I've never moved so fast. About 6 inches but no bite. Mick stepped on it and smashed it but the bugger took it's time to die. Our home is spotless as I clean myself, the odd cockroach but not sure what their food source would be.

  13. In the future they could charge for air and water. In the future the sky might be pink. In the present I went and tested my comprehension of the sign. Took three Leo's in a bag, drank, swam and sat on the beach at Ao Sane for an hour. Got a pleasant wave from the staff on arrival and departure. No muss, no fuss, no purchase from them...

  14. We have recently (last week or two) been inundated with giant centipedes between 6 - 12 inches. Been at present location for a coupla years and seen a few but not like a dozen, in the house in such a short period. Any ideas on eradicating the buggers? Heavy duty pesticides not a great option 'cause we have a cat with renal failure and she's not to strong to begin with... Any thoughts appreciated.


  15. If a minivan drives down the road to the car park, and lets out a dozen people to have a wedding on the sand, and then drives away, how can they charge for that? The ceremony will be held on the sand, not in the carpark. The beach is public land. How can they charge 300 baht?

    I'm not complaining about it, just questioning their legal right to do so.

    Maybe it should be renamed from Ao Sane Beach - to In Sane Beach. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

    The deal is they do WEDDING PHOTOS there, not weddings themselves. The wedding photographer is conducting his biz and earning. In the west wedding photographers must pay to shoot at certain locations I really see no difference. If the wedding party and photographer arrive by longtail and stay on the beach, not on said land then there wouldn't be a 3000 baht charge. Its all pretty simple and no one's ripping anyone off... Ivanhoe - tuk-tuk mafia is in another thread!
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