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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. As stated earlier in the thread, this sign is obviously written by a westerner. No Thai from that family could have come up with that.

    Is the dive shop guy charging?

    No the dive shop guy is not charging 'cause he sub-leases just the shop from the family... its their land/parking.

    It is entirely feasible that one of the family wrote the the sign. the father and older kids have very good english language skills. My Thai landlord a few years ago (a 68 year old Phuket native) had below average spoken english, but could write a grammatically perfect letter in english.

  2. The question is, do they officially own, or are leasing, the land in question, and do they have the legal right to put up a sign post and start charging people for the use of the land at this particular location?
    Yes, they do, and therefor have the right to charge for use of that land.
    They own the beach? hmm thats a new one, did the land ownership laws change in the last couple of days?
    Nice straw man! NKM ask if they own/lease the land. steven says yes, then you switch to owning the beach which no one was talking about... Try to say with the conversation.
  3. The family that run Ao Sane restaurant and bungalows are a very nice a fair bunch. I totally understand them charging other businesses for use of their land. They are very clear in their signage that they are charging people using their land for business purposes.

    • Like 1
  4. If your in Krabi go to the Boat Lagoon marina. Talk to the harbourmaster. He from the US, lived here for over 35 years and knows his stuff. If anyone knows where to get the good stuff in Krabi or nearby its him. Most Thai stainless isn't!

  5. We brought 2 dogs and 2 cats from the west a number of years ago and have never had an issue although our animals have now encountered every snake from crate to king cobra... In fact our one dog has become a very efficient herp-eradicator, killing them and burying them under our neighbour's villa!! No training required!

    • Like 1
  6. Could you please tell us a bit more about the caliber of expats in Chalong, IrishIvan?

    Most people from Chalong and Rawaii are on a set budget, most people from this area would have the line of thought...

    You mean kinda like most people from Ireland and drunken poets and most Ivans are vodka swilling tractor jockeys? Just checking how far you wanna take your absurd generalizations...

  7. What a load of buffalo chips! Being a Chalong/Rawai resident for the last seven years I must say I enjoy grabbing a bagful of Leo cans for a couple of hundred Baht and siting on the beach at sunset as much as I enjoy 200 Baht beers at clubs/high end venues. One of my favourite beers back home is a 500 Baht/bottle wheat brew!! Chalong expats in general don't see the point of bringing conspicuous consumer baggage from their home counties and don't need the self-gratifying labels like the deluded-end, ooops, I mean high-end expats of Surin commenting in this thread.

    Please go to this beach club before commenting. Thanks. It belongs in Chalong as much as a cock on a woman.

    I've been twice... Some people like a cock on a woman!

  8. What a load of buffalo chips! Being a Chalong/Rawai resident for the last seven years I must say I enjoy grabbing a bagful of Leo cans for a couple of hundred Baht and siting on the beach at sunset as much as I enjoy 200 Baht beers at clubs/high end venues. One of my favourite beers back home is a 500 Baht/bottle wheat brew!! Chalong expats in general don't see the point of bringing conspicuous consumer baggage from their home counties and don't need the self-gratifying labels like the deluded-end, ooops, I mean high-end expats of Surin commenting in this thread.

  9. Renewal of five year license required:

    1. Passport photocopies

    2. Notification of Residence from Immigration

    3. Old license(s)

    4. Brake reaction test

    5. Identifying red, yellow and green flashes from a toy traffic light (be aware if you are colour blind, they do not appear in their "traditional" order of red on top, yellow in the middle...)

    6. Watching one hour video which clearly defines Thai traffic laws as identical to the west (its just the interpretation of the laws which varies!!).

    All as of Nov. 10 (took from 9am to 11am.)

  10. I said nothing bad about the dog man or the freaky lady.....

    Fact is it is kinda strange that his calling in life is to spend all day everyday with filthy soi dogs, BUT god bless him if he is happy go for it...

    As for the freaky lady...

    I may well find people "freaky" or "strange" upon meeting but I would never refer to them as such because one persons "strange freak" is another persons son, daughter, husband, wife, father, brother, sister. That is compassion. Your statements are the definition of "saying something bad".
    • Like 2
  11. Petercallen: How strange... Where have all the bikers gone? All the Aussies I've ever met are bikers... Ask your host for the TV party, Mr Stafford! Its Ducati's second most important market after the US!

    ALFREDO: If you have 35 years of riding experience you should know that a pillion ride for kids is fun with proper gear and extreme caution... My daughters loved to go for a ride when they were young, no problem there. But trying to defend speeding and blowing off a police checkpoint with your child on your motorbike is borderline psycotic - and my bell curve of normal is enormous!

  12. double pricing is wrong wherever it occurs full stop.

    Bullscheiße. Dual pricing endeavours to address inequalities. Farmers and fishermen the world over pay less for gas/diesel than the general population - haves subsidise have nots in all manner of commerce.
  13. Sorry to the mods for multiple posts of same topic. I was unsure of where to post and where I would get the best/most knowledgable response(s). Odd that the one which you have left it in is the one with no useful information and the two which were closed had useful responses.

    Anyway upon reduction of my panic and further web surfing I found the following - may be of use to others in the future:

    For a Lost Driving license

    To replace your lost license please bring with you

    • Police report of loss (required). This must be made at the police station closest to where lost your license or, if you don't know where go to the station closest to where you live.

    • Passport (and 1 signed copy of ID page)

    • One signed copy of Visa page in passport

    • Two 1 inch photos

    • Note: Available from vendors outside in the parking lot on the main road or the copy office inside the exit gate.

    • Make the payment

    • Sign your signature in your new driving license and receive it on the next day

  14. Thanks guys! I have been surfing the web since I posted and found this:

    For a Lost Driving license

    To replace your lost license please bring with you

    • Police report of loss (required). This must be made at the police station closest to where lost your license or, if you don't know where go to the station closest to where you live.

    • Passport (and 1 signed copy of ID page)

    • One signed copy of Visa page in passport

    • Two 1 inch photos

    • Note: Available from vendors outside in the parking lot on the main road or the copy office inside the exit gate.

    • Make the payment

    • Sign your signature in your new driving license and receive it on the next day

  15. Thanks stevenl. Been surfing the web since I posted and found this: http://phuketdir.com/pkttransport/

    For a Lost Driving license

    To replace your lost license please bring with you

    • Police report of loss (required). This must be made at the police station closest to where lost your license or, if you don't know where go to the station closest to where you live.

    • Passport (and 1 signed copy of ID page)

    • One signed copy of Visa page in passport

    • Two 1 inch photos

    • Note: Available from vendors outside in the parking lot on the main road or the copy office inside the exit gate.

    • Make the payment

    • Sign your signature in your new driving license and receive it on the next day

  16. So I'm out doing my morning run around and get home to find my wallet has fallen out of my pocket (I know - I'm a dumb-ass). I have already reported my lost credit and bank cards to my bank and new ones are being issued... but I have no idea of what to do regarding my lost Thai car and motorbike licences. Has anyone here had to go through the process replacing a lost Thai drivers licence? Any advise appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  17. So I'm out doing my morning run around and get home to find my wallet has fallen out of my pocket (I know - I'm a dumb-ass). I have already reported my lost credit and bank cards to my bank and new ones are being issued... but I have no idea of what to do regarding my lost Thai car and motorbike licences. Has anyone here had to go through the process replacing a lost Thai drivers licence? Any advise appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  18. So I'm out doing my morning run around and get home to find my wallet has fallen out of my pocket (I know - I'm a dumb-ass). I have already reported my lost credit and bank cards to my bank and new ones are being issued... but I have no idea of what to do regarding my lost Thai car and motorbike licences. Has anyone here had to go through the process replacing a lost Thai drivers licence? Any advise appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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