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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. LivinLOS - this is NOT exclusive to Asia. Road rage and the perceived anonymity of being ensconced in large powerful vehicle is a deadly problem in many western urban areas as well AND the easiest targets are bikes there too!!

  2. I never understand this mindset..

    So you want an unspoiled beach with no electric and services.. You know how long you need to drive to find this ?? A hour perhaps ??

    My buddy runs a resort on Koh Phayam island, no electric, no cars, dirt trails etc.. Just a couple of hours up the coast.

    If people really dont want any services, stick a pin in a map on the coastline and your more likely to hit a beach like that than one developed.. So go to one like your asking for.

    Phayam is a wonderful place for chillaxin' - but its about a 3.5/4 hour drive from Rawai to the pier in Ranong and what, an hour/hour and a half ferry ride? Frig, the last thing Phayam needs is dirt bikes... yikes.

  3. Hi All!! We have been using a product called En-Dex 4000 for tick, flea, heartworm and mange control for a couple of years and found it to be very effective and reasonably priced compared to the western-style Frontline type products. Unfortunately our supplier, a pet shop called Euro Dolla in Rawai has closed and we cannot find En-Dex 4000 anywhere else. Does anybody here know where we can get En-Dex 4000 in Phuket? Thanks in advance for any help!!


  4. Wow. My experience has been the total opposite of many of the posters... I have found the average Thai male to be infinitely more caring and trustworthy with children than their western counterparts. The average western male is a fumbling, disinterested clod when it comes to children - whereas even my two sixteen year old Thai male staff are loving and nurturing with children of all ages (check that with western sixteen year old boys - HA!)

    The hygiene issue has been well covered... No need for western levels of hyper-cleanliness, common sense is all that's required, and you end up with a healthier, stronger human being.

    Drunkeness? Spell it out again: C-O-M-M-O-N S-E-N-S-E!!

    Check out the under five death rates for some common expat countries versus Thailand... hmmmmm - How's it going if you're from the US?

    If you go on population density and using your attachment then Thailand is in line with the states. The States has close to five times the population of Thailand give or take the odd 100 thou....

    Actually on a per capita basis the table would look like this:

    U.S. - 0.011

    Thailand - 0.011

    Australia - 0.009

    U.K. - 0.006

    Canada - 0.006

    France - 0.005

    Germany - 0.004

    Italy - 0.003

    Sweden - 0.000

    Switzerland - 0.000

    With a group average of 0.008... Traditional western thought would see the "developing" nation (Thailand) as far more apt to have higher under 5 mortality than "developed" western nations... As I mentioned in my previous post - how's the U.S. taking care of their most vulnerable citizens?

  5. Wow. My experience has been the total opposite of many of the posters... I have found the average Thai male to be infinitely more caring and trustworthy with children than their western counterparts. The average western male is a fumbling, disinterested clod when it comes to children - whereas even my two sixteen year old Thai male staff are loving and nurturing with children of all ages (check that with western sixteen year old boys - HA!)

    The hygiene issue has been well covered... No need for western levels of hyper-cleanliness, common sense is all that's required, and you end up with a healthier, stronger human being.

    Drunkeness? Spell it out again: C-O-M-M-O-N S-E-N-S-E!!

    Check out the under five death rates for some common expat countries versus Thailand... hmmmmm - How's it going if you're from the US?


  6. Someone mentioned K. Woody's computer clinics... I had laptop issues and went there and was directed to a young Finn named Jacek. Jacek works in the computer industry and laptops are his hobby and passion. He was amazing - knowledgeable, friendly, cheap and efficient. He is located in Chalong. If you would like his contact info please PM me.

  7. How did she get into Thailand? I was under the impression that minors needed a letter of permission from parents/guardian to enter Thailand alone. How did she enter?

    Don't know where you got that idea... both my daughters travelled alone from Canada to Phuket for visits as sixteen year olds :)

  8. Two quick thoughts here...

    One, not everyone involved in yacht racing is a millionaire... some of us are working stiffs who love the sport... this is especially true for crew.

    Two, Eric, yes big name entertainers do need indeed the proper visa/permits... why do you think MOST big concerts do Singapore and Hong Kong, conveniently missing BKK?

  9. Whenever I go to Paradise Beach, which is not too often but several times, I just park my bike down there, go to the restaurant and have a drink there and then enjoyed the beach. Nobody ever charged me some money for parking or a chair. And if you eat a snack or fried rice or whatever, no problem at all.

    Not anymore, and maybe our story will illustrate this further...

    Given that the owner of Paradise Beach has repeatedly rejected substantial offers to sell his land to hotels/developers and is on public record as saying he wants to keep the beach natural and open to all, paying 100 baht to help him do that, doesn't seem totally unreasonable.

    Not sure on the truth in this after reading LivinLOS' response, but this was our impression as well. In fact there was a two page feature article about this and the owner of Paradise Beach a while back but it doesn't come up in their site-search...

    So my wife and I are expats and had a couple visiting from home. For an afternoon out we decided to longtail from Rawai (home) to Paradise Beach and back. We've always enjoyed our time there (usually arriving by road) but it had been about 10 months since we'd been.

    We arrived around 1pm and headed straight to the restaurant for lunch. After eating and drinking copiously (and pleasantly) we paid the 1400 baht tab and our friends went and rented snorkeling gear (400 baht) for a swim. My wife and I didn't feel like it (been there, done that...) so we said we'd walk/hang on the beach while they were exploring.

    We walked from the restaurant around the rock outcrop to the smaller beach and didn't even make it halfway to the other end when we were accosted by a beach-boy demanding 200 baht for us to stroll the beach. Smiling and in our semi-competent Thai my wife and I explained that we had arrived by longtail, eaten, drank, and our friends were now snorkling with rented equipment. Although understanding all of this the kid became more and more animated demanding baht. We said we'd stand in one spot until our friend's swim was done then be outta there... tout de suite!

    He eventually and grudging left us there. We waited patiently for about another 15 minutes and a different beach-boy with exactly the same patter and attitude came and started again... By this time our friends were swimming in and we were able to extricate ourselves and beat a retreat to the longtail.

    Needless to say a potentially stunning afternoon was tainted for us and we won't be returning to Paradise Beach until we've heard the policy/attitude has changed.

  10. Hi Livin'. There is an OTC muscle relaxant but I cannot remember the name... I can highly recommend Brian Kendall a Canadian Registered Massage Therapist specializing in deep muscle therapy. He is located next the the Bank Of Ayudhya on Sai Yuan Road. He can be reached at 0862770795 and he DOES know the muscle relaxant. I would suggest at least calling and talking to him, he is very knowledgeable and helpful... I think a RMT is a better first step than doctor, osteopath, or chiropractor... Hope you're fellin' better soon!!

  11. People, Thai and farang alike, can institute change.

    Thing is though, SB (and I feel this might come as a surprise to you), what some TV members seem to be saying here is they are content with their lives and environs here which are infinitely more agreeable to them than where they have come from (and I, personally, believe they speak for a silent majority). They are not rising up with indignation regarding Thai culture/society/perceived problems because they are inherently satisfied with their life(s) and their own ability to to live safely and happily within them. Righteous pontificating and instituting change is not something they are shying away, or hiding, from as you imply, its just that those traits, which you hold in such high esteem don't even register on the radar of a happy and content individual...

  12. Come on people... get off that elevated equine...

    Variable pricing happens all over the world. Western businesses price based on ability to pay as a matter of course. A similar bathroom renno costs a lot more for the professional couple living in the gated upper-class community than it does for the lower middle-class suburban couple. A corporate identity package costs the mom 'n' pop biz proportionately a lot less than the multinational corp. The only difference is it may be more visible here - kind of like corruption... this is a good thing peeps, visibility is always good. It all comes down to your ability to negotiate - get the price you want or walk the power is in you!

  13. We love Supercheap! My (farrang) wife and I go once a month if we need to or not! Its entertainment on a grand scale... sure you have to know the value of things 'cause sometimes they're not the Supercheapest!!! Sure we've been in there in the worst monsoons and worried (apparently not unfounded) about the roof blowing off! But come on... a cubic meter of size 11 black wellingtons - no Thai labourers have size 11 feet!!! Sugary pastries a meter away from twinkle lights, pigs knuckles and prostate medicine, hydrochloric acid and hifis, rock hard Thai matresses and rocks for your garden... need I continue?

  14. Libel... dear oh dear oh dear. Anyone care for a little celery with their over-reaction?

    Although suing a restaurant guest would seem over the top if the owner is Thai and wants to screw you as a patron chances are Thai libel law would support his action...

    I have allways found when you hire staff you get what you pay for, if you only pay a minimum wage dont expect your staff to go out of there way for you in Thailand. Better wages and bonuses will keep your staff happy and ensure they look after your customers which will keep you happy.

    :):D :D That's rich. Remuneration has little if anything to do with the competency/loyalty of Thai staff.

  15. Hi

    2. Transport. Living in Tokyo we exclusively use the awesome public transport. In Australia I never used a car either and my husband has only ever used a scooter. I want to know what we should do about transport.

    a. I've heard you can get motorbikes with passenger cars? Is this true? If so,what do you think about them in terms of safety?

    b. Will it be too expensive to live where the action is and use taxis for all other stuff?

    c. I've heard car hire is minimum 15,000 a month. Is this true?

    3. Where to live? I put this one after the transport one as it's important for us to live near everything. I want to be near eating places, market or supermarket, the beach. Schools - I've read that they have school buses so not too much of a concern I think. I also want the area to be family friendly and it would be great if there were other families with young kids around.

    a. I had thought Kata or Nai Harn. I'd love to hear what these places are like. Chalong seems to be near all the schools and with cheaper rent but how far would it be to get to the beaches? We're going to be on a budget but that doesn't mean we want to be stuck in the boonies with nothing to do.

    b. After reading some previous posts on house break ins I am really concerned about renting a house. Seriously, I've been living in Japan where you can leave your bag at your table in the cafe, go upstairs to the loo, and come back and still find it there.

    c. Soooooooo, are apartments safer than houses?

    d. Are houses in gated communities the safest option of all?

    e. If yes to d, will we be able to find such gated communites in Nai Harn or Kata and how much will it cost for a 2 bedroom.

    f. We were hoping not to pay more than $500 a month for rent. What is my safest and best option?

    4. Health insurance (buying in Phuket) or travel insurance? We have a kid so I want the best cover for anything that should arise. What do you think?

    5. What would you budget for food and entertainment? I know this is a vague question so I'll try to be more specific. We will probably eat out a lot but as long as it's safe and healthy, are ok with basic Thai most of the time and with going to more moderately priced non-Thai a few times a week. Also buy ready cooked food to eat at home sometimes. I don't drink and the husband doesn't drink a lot. We'll probably want to have some nights out too but nothing too extreme. Would be nice to take the kid to the pool a few times a week (I heard if we order something at the hotels we can use their pool??), go to the cinema, fun things like water parks occasionally, go out for ice-cream, that kind of stuff.

    6. Finally (though probably not), is there anything we should definitely bring with us that is either hard or expensive to get there. For example, I use Aussie toothpaste since the stuff here generally doesn't contain flouride. So anything you can think of that could come in handy for a family, let me know.

    Hi - wow that's a lot to cover... I know nothing about pre-schools but I'll give my best responses to the rest. Remember you're gonna get as many opinions as there are people... :)

    2a. If your budget cannot support car purchase (very affordable and reliable sedans for 100,000 - 150,000 baht) do not come. If you are a westerner considering only a motorbike w/sidecar for a family with a 3.5 year old you are making a mistake and putting your son;s life in jeopardy.

    2b. You do not want to raise your child "where the action is" on Phuket.

    2c. That's about right.

    3a.Nai Harn/Rawai is nice and quiet - farrang community with other children would be your ideal spot.

    3b,c,d,e,f. Lived in Chalong and Nai Harn for 3.5 years and never lock-up, and have never had an issue... Gated communities are good for the child but somewhat sterile. Only reason for condo over house would be ease of maintenance...

    4. BUPA

    5. 60,000 - 100,000 per month

    6. You can get pretty much anything you need here...

    Hope it helps as you amass info!! :D

  16. The principle of the two-stroke engine as we see today, was first introduced in 1881, and since then the engine has not evolved. The metal skills and alloys are the biggest change in the two-stroke engine, over the 128 years that the two-stroke is in production.

    Yamaha's Power Valve System was as big of a change as metal/alloy skills... 500cc MotoGP smoker powerplants didn't much resemble the 1881 model... If y'all want to see the pinnacle of two stroke tech today check this site... The Two Stroke Shop!!!

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