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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. So I noticed today that traffic cams have been installed today (Nov. 10) on Saiyuan. One before Moo Texmex pointing at the 90 degree turn/intersection with the small soi which comes out at the Monday/Thursday market (near OK Bar) and another before Soi Kokmakham in front of the big bike rental shop pointing at that nasty little intersection. Anyone seen any others go up in Rawai recently???

  2. When I first moved to Phuket 5.5 years ago I brought 2 cats with me... never had an issue with housing, and have lived in Thai row houses, Thai bungalows, and expensive villas... my cats loved all of them and got on very well with all the local fauna. Kinda a non-issue IMHO.

  3. What do you mean with 'Wichit' BTW, do you mean the road normally spelled Viset Road?

    Transliteration is a fluid thing... I saw a gov't sign transliterating "Phuket" as "Phu Ket" the other day.

  4. We have a cat who has suffered renal failure and must go to the vet every 10 days... We recently switched from a vet in Phuket Town to Dr. Boo. So far quite impressed... way closer, 50% of the cost and very good personal service. Two thumbs up so far!!!

    Okay. Without naming the vet, which soi/road in town? Am thinking of a second opinion. Not grasping at straws, simply concerned at lack of information from nice but timorous Dr Boo.

    Sorry been away for a while... He is in the villa complex at the intersection on Choa Fa East which you can turn at coming from Chalong to get t the motor vehicle department and/or immigration. There is a 7-11 and tropical fish shop there as well.

  5. Simple question Phuketlen... Why should anyone believe a word you type when all you are saying is, "I know better that you, na-na-na-na-boo-boo", with coy, vague responses to reasonable put questions and statements? I particularly liked the early post when implied you know more/better than most Thai lawyers.

  6. We have a cat who has suffered renal failure and must go to the vet every 10 days... We recently switched from a vet in Phuket Town to Dr. Boo. So far quite impressed... way closer, 50% of the cost and very good personal service. Two thumbs up so far!!!

  7. The one thing that puzzles me about about this whole fiasco is what language was the "Cambodian Message" written in....If written in Khmer, how do the Thai's know what it said....The tablet could have said "get your free Somtam here" for all they knew...

    Cummon Sout. Many of the indigenous people of that region be they Thai or Khmer understand each other... To those who think the Thai's and Khmer are behaving like children about this "little piece of land" have we westerners not fought for two freakin' thousand years over a little piece of desert in the middle east?

  8. It baffles me that people don't seem to want to maintain even a quite high end property.

    Its really quite simple. In asia, in general, maintenance is considered the responsibility of the renter, not the landlord - diametrically opposing the western convention which makes maintenance the landlord's responsibility. It is also ultimately easier and cheaper for the landlord to do a full renno when you are gone rather than dealing with everything that goes wrong while you are there... Simple no?

  9. I was fortunate to crew on a class series placing yacht this year. We had been monitoring wind and weather and decided to anchor well off the beach prior to the opening of the regatta last Sunday and drop all our chain secured by rope to a buoy and our dinghy. Each evening we'd haul up the chain secure it THEN double brace the chain with heavy rope, cleating it both port and starboard. We didn't move at all all week including the storm. I congratulate my skipper and his attention to safety all week. It may have cost us a higher placing overall but safety first is always the correct choice at sea and anchorage.

  10. mmmm, curry wurtz, anywhere in Phuket to get them? not the ketchup, the wurtz:P

    There's a restaurant in Rawai, across from Icon nightclub that has them... haven't tried them, but a couple of friends have and liked.

  11. Pick up trucks nowdays drive and feel like cars when you are inside driving them. I recently got a new truck, 3.0 litre turbo and it feels like you are driving a car and it is very, very powerful and fast. The only thing is that it doesn't handle like a car at high speed or when cornering, it is too high and light. Insurance companies have told me that these vehicles are designed to be driven with at least a half of it's rated load and they do not handle the same when they ar empty. Put this together with poor driving, inexperienced drivers, too much speed and it is a recipe for disaster. The major issue that concerns driving in Asia is this, in the West my grandfather drove a car and took us out in it, my parents owned numerous cars and drove us everywhere in them and I got my license when I was 16 in Canada and have driven ever since, in many different countries. That is 3 generations that have grown up with automobiles. Here in Asia, more and more people are only just starting to be able to afford cars, powerful, fast cars and trucks and they just don't have the experience of driving and the awareness of how dangerous driving can be if not taken seriously every time you get behind the wheel. It is not only Thailand, China has only 4% or 5% of the worlds roadways yet the are responsible for almost 20% of the worlds road accident fatalities. It is down to experience, in the West we grew up with automobiles. The traffic police used to come to our schools twice a year when I lived in Canada and made us aware at an early age how dangerous driving can be. I just don't feel that driving here is given the same respect as it is in the West. I recently sat my driving test for a motorbike license here in Phuket. I can tell you that the highway traffic code is very similar to the UK's, they only problem here is the total lack of enforcement.

    You've gotta be kidding, pmgt. I also hail from the true north and had a good friend in Montreal whose immigrant father never drove yet he became a very successful Can-Am road racer... Driving skills are biologically or genetically transfered...? That's just too whack for words.

    Now since you have identified the main issue - the infancy of automobile culture in Asia, let's address that. Is there some reason why you believe that Asia should be able to instantly learn the road etiquette and maturity that it took the west a century to develop? Maybe you are too young to remember riding around in the back of the station wagon or pick-up in Canada in the sixties with no seatbelt and dad with more than a few cocktails under his belt at the wheel... In high school "booze-cruises" were de rigueur where I came from - piling six teenagers into the car with a two-four of 50, a bottle of Royal Reserve and rocketing around rural roads is what we did on Friday and Saturday nights... stupid yeah, but things have changed a lot in 35 years. Give the Asians a break - they will take the same amount of time to reach western levels of driving culture as we did.

    On a side note I still believe every western car driver should be forced by graduated licensing to ride a motorbike for a year before they can apply for a automobile license. In the west it teaches you to be much more aware of your own vulnerability and the potentially dangerous actions of vehicles around you... a lesson many western drivers never learn as they drive around blissfully ensconced in their three ton SUVs barely registering others rights on the road. This DOES NOT apply to Asia where the scooter culture is a different beast altogether!

  12. I find it very hard to believe a person who is frightened/terrified of monkeys would not listen to the tour guides warning

    Tourists OFTEN tune out the tour guides, whether its the accent or they just prefer to chat amongst themselves - who knows... Its entirely possible she was talking with her travel mate or another passenger when the warning was given. Also take some responsibility for your own actions and know what circumstances you are getting into... anyone who doesn't know primates are often aggressive shouldn't be venturing too far from their cave.

    I was not suprised that the tour opertaor would not accomodate a seriously wounded client and stuck with the tour irrespective. Tourism here is a bottom feeding sector, land of smiles, yeah right.

    Was she really seriously wounded? By her own time line she arrived in Phuket on the 18th, departed for a DAY TRIP to Phi Phi on the 20th or 21st, was back that evening - BUT after dumping on the tour operator for doing nothing she herself didn't go to (real) hospital until the 28th...????

    I hope this poor lady has not become infected with HIV

    or rabies.

    Not likely BUT very likely to get some form of Hep...

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