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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. I go to the red cross blood bank on the forth floor at Vachira hospital. Never busy and they are so nice there!

    Agreed! Not easy to find a parking space but much more professional and nice than Saphan Hin.

    You are right about the parking!! I go by moto!!!

  2. I heard this story - as it was happening - from a friend who was at the bar in question. Junie drew the attention of other patrons by slapping up a farrang woman (unknown relation to him - may have come with him or been his GF). Bar patrons started by asking him to stop or for the pair to leave. He was well lubricated and took to physically intimidating the other patrons. He was calmed by staff and patrons and reseated several times before things escalated to the brawl level. There were no Thai males involved, just farrang patrons and female Thai bar staff. Hope this helps all the fiction writers out there...

  3. Today the girl, with the French Consul, Claude de Crissey and the 3 volunteers who rescued her were at a meeting with The Phuket Gazette, The Phuket news and Phuketwan. The girl was in good humour and well considering what she has been through. I do not wish to steal from the media, who will publish their stories in due course but I can tell you the other sister flew back to Paris last Thursday, this girl should fly back next Tuesday and their father is with the immigration police in Bangkok., likely to be going home soon. When published, it should make interesting reading, answer mention of the questions posed here and destroy most of the myths. I can confirm she spoke in French and a little English. Before anyone starts doubting or slagging me off, don't, these are the facts, I was there. I was very pleased to have been part of the operation, which was run solely by the Tourist Police Volunteers, in conjunction with the French Consul, not Honorary Consul.

    Thanks for that BT2005!!

  4. I did it read at as it happens. It was a survey done in the 1950's on only 225 female students! Apparently there have been various studies that have 'pointed to the existence of' a basal process. You talk about it in your post as if it's 100% fact. Are you basing your opinion of mankind on a 60 year old survey done on 225 students?

    If you did indeed read and not blindly skim looking for something to support your point of view, then your reading comprehension skills may need some work. The article clearly states, "the oldest study on the subject was conducted by Jack Brehm at the University of Minnesota in the 1950s." It then goes on to reference multiple studies through 2001. Very few things are black and white facts but this research is well established in the field. Perhaps this Yale University Press research article from 2007 might be more recent for you. BTW I'm considering giving up believing in relativity and gravity because those studies are so freakin' old!

  5. These threads can be both hilarious and tedious... There is a scientific reason why we have these debates, we are programmed to (really, really) like the things we like and disproportionately dis the things we don't like. Click here for a primer!

    I don't think the word 'We' is appropriate. That may be the case for a lot of forum users, but it certainly isn't the case for normal balanced people in the real world. Most people understand it's 'horses for courses'.

    The "we" refers to humankind (I'm guessing "we" all fall into that category?) and the studies cover everyone from children to adults (and capuchin monkeys!). I'm also guessing you didn't bother to read the link prior to posting... ;)

  6. Although it is inconsequential to the actual story - the rescue of two very young girls from the streets - the debate over their background is hilarious. To anyone who has reasonable reading comprehension skills their background is obvious.

    They are referred to in the title AND first paragraph as "French girls". "using photos supplied by the French Embassy... the 11-year-old has already been rescued and repatriated to France by French social services to live with her grandmother, who instigated the search for them." Repatriated is the key word, definition: repatriate - verb: send (someone) back to their own country.

    Further reinforce by the fact the older girl was able to converse to someone who definitely speaks French and definitely does not speak Berber or Arabic according to blackthorn2005 who knows the gentleman in question.

    Is it not clear that these are FRENCH girls of Moroccan ethnicity? :huh: :huh:

  7. For good fish and chips try Coconut on rawai beach road near the orbortor, maybe not the cheapest but they do battered and breaded and the battered is excellent!

    Do you know what type of fish they use?

    I'm not the connoisseur, my british friend is the judge... large, generic, flakey, tasty white fish is all I can say!

  8. By the way, do bars and restaurants in Phuket sometimes sell Archa beer? It's the cheapest type of beer there is, to my knowledge. If I get the type of people in my place who complain that even the air you breath is expensive in Thailand, but who nevertheless want to drink beer, I always advice them to order Archa, I sell a big bottle for 90 Baht.

    You can get Archa at some (mostly) Thai bars but at 38 baht from the mom and pop shop around the corner how can you charge 90?

  9. For good fish and chips try Coconut on rawai beach road near the orbortor, maybe not the cheapest but they do battered and breaded and the battered is excellent!

  10. Paul,

    Thanks. You nailed it. I am quite sure they do complain about those "immigrants who do not learn our ways and respect our culture!" (And suggest they should "go back where they came from")

    You know, every silver lining needs a cloud, and sadly, this type is over represented in Thai Forum. Finding fault with everyone and everything Thai. It does make one wonder why they continue to live here. They could go back to the heavenly West, or even cross the Asian borders to greener pastures.

    According to them, Thailand is unique, and is the only place where accidents happen, natural disasters occur, and politicians stretch the truth. Can you imagine what it would be like if peaceful protesters here were pepper sprayed, shot with rubber bullets and beaten with riot batons? Can you imagine the uproar if Thai politicians suggested building an electrified fence along the border? Can you imagine a the commentary if Thailand had to declare bankruptcy and beg the EU for a country wide bail out?

    I could go on and on... I mean, there are heavily regulated companies all over the West who still screw up and cause loss of life...how we believe we can 100% of the time control the outcome of riding an animal the size of a house is beyond me. sadly, this was a freak fall, much like people who fall getting out of the shower. She was on a adventure to a country she loved, and it is sad to lose a person who was "busy living." Perhaps some people might think about that, count their blessings and enjoy the positive side of Thailand, and life in general.

    One of the best, most reasoned responses I've read here recently!!
  11. Guess it depends on where you live. Even though its gonna rain tonight I can walk or bike to Rawai beach. Even though its gonna rain tonight I'll still go. Anyway I like to be in the same mood as Job and I doubt one could puff a fatty at Indigo Pearl! LOL!

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