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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. Are you sure you're missing something, I think there is nothing much to it.

    Foreigner has relationshio with Thai girl, they go into business together from his money, putting all real estate in her name. She has enough of him and starts a relationship with somebody else, which within one year breaks off. Foereigner and girl keep seeing eachother, but she has enough and tells him she wants to break up and will keep the real estate. He gets angry and kills her.

    In order to keep income of the mentioned real estate he decides to continue business as before and simply have her disappear. After 3 years of persistence the girls family manages to get the police interested, and they find her remains in the foreigner's basement. In order to get a light sentence the foreigner decides to confess to accidently killing her, hoping to get off with 10 years. Since there is no/hardly any evidence otherwise, he'll probably get those 10 years.

    Prefect summation from what I have gathered, stevenl.
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  2. i cant. My country is over 10x the size of yours as well. It's not something you should be able to do unless you're a nazi narcisist or heard them speak in a very specific accent.

    No its not. I am Canadian. I can most certainly tell an east-coaster from a quebecois from a torontonian from a prairie boy from a west coaster.
  3. The op finds it cute that kids are able to look down upon a race, obviously as lower class than themselves.

    It's something that should be discouraged in a child, not endorsing it with laughter or praise by a parent.

    Say what? Your divining skills are great oh seer of all! Maybe they call Juncylon Central Russia because its a favourite place for Russians to shop... do you see racism in that?

  4. well a young kid being able to tell the difference from distance between a thai and a burmese is showing very racist traits early on..

    Uhmmm... Phuket's not on the Burmese border. It is a southern province. Southern Thais (even young ones) CAN tell the difference between a southern Thai and a Burmese - just as you and I can often tell which part of our home countries our compatriots come from. Where did you divine that they were identifying Burmese "at a distance"? OP just said it is a favourite place for Burmese to shop.
  5. frankyj... Sept is hardly high season here. Best advise - get a nice hotel room for 2-3 days and suss out longer-term accoms when you arrive. You can probably get 2-2.5 weeks in a really nice studio for about half the price you are being quoted if you do it after you arrive. If you are the type who feels better pre-booking try here nearer to your arrival.

  6. I admit I'm relishing a bit in his downfall...

    5555555 - Forum understatement of the decade!!! - 55555555

    Let's not forget that a woman is dead, and some children no longer have a mother. This is nothing to celebrate.

    No dis intended to family. Commenting on the specific statement quoted.

    Added: Took out quasi-offensive bit and must say I was referring to the obviousness of the "relishing" evident in the poster's prior utterings...

  7. Right now we have 300 troops in Thailand...I wonder how much they are robbing the American government for that. Or how much the government alllowed the Tuk Tuk drivers to rob from the Navy.

    US foreign policy dictates that their troops are here (most probably at the embassy) not as though the Thai's want them here. And yes the Thai government runs all the Tuk Tuks in the country, the same way the US govt runs all the cabs in Manhattan!! You're funny dude!

    Read all comments from people on the thread who know the area. See a policereport?

    Then you read the post of someone knowing jaws, which agrees with here statement.

    I doubt most farangs will not file a police report, it means paying out bouquet tea money.

    Uhm, yeah - one guy who "recognises" a long haired, squared jawed ladyboy (not many of those around) from 2009!!! You're gonna hang onto THAT as "fact"?
  8. There is a very nice one called Phengkepa Resort at the southbound lane in Tha Sae a bit north of Chumporn. They have a swimming pool, massage facilities ,a good restaurant and even a small zoo.

    Love that little place. Good food, everyone very friendly!
  9. OP: "...after everything I have read I do not think this is a good idea."

    Did yer grandma not teach you to believe none of what you read and half of what you see?

    Phuket is a lovely place to honeymoon offering more variety than anywhere else in the south.

  10. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand you do not do on holiday what you wouldn't do at home. Would you advise a preg teeen to walk an alley in a booze driven red light district in Sidney, Moscow, London, Paris, LA, Toronto etc... at 1am? Would you advise it in Bali, Rio, Mo Bay, Costa Brava? Get your heads outta the sand and realise it is not Phuket but the world we live in.

    My daughter came to visit Thailand a couple of years ago at age 16 and had a safe enriching experience. Spent most of her time away from dad hanging with local (Thai) teens and rastas who always made sure she got home safe by escorting her home. She also aways carried a phone and knew that dad was a speed dial away, as did her friends.

    Very sorry for the girl in this story but in my experience you what you get out of any situation is directly related to what you bring into that situation.

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  11. Some places the locals actually have morals, integrity and decency. And actually make an extra effort to ensure that they are properly cared for.

    In which tourist haven in the developing world are these altruistic taxi drivers? I'd love to meet them!
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