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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. I'd say it does. When you do anything for 15 years you not only become an expert in a personal sense, you becomepart of a community engaged in that activity. That community, whether it be bowling, or book club, or puffing, or your local pub, tends to be a diverse group. Being immersed in an activity for 15 years means you DO have a clue, whether you agree with the opinion or not.
  2. What do you mean "advertised"? My home country doesn't "advertise" holidays either... Just buy a Thai calendar. Or the free extension for your calendar app.
  3. Yep. Since the 70s. Used to keep a blowtorch, ceramic tile and a coupla butter knives in there... ????
  4. Not the right thread for this but... Cornell will open the Overton window and move Biden more towards progressive ideals. Something like Bernie in 2020. It's not a bad thing.
  5. ???????????? Back when those of us who are 60+ we're in school we had a thing called "history class", maybe they don't anymore, but FDR was recent history then, and he was VERY well covered. Of course we remember him.
  6. Hmmm... I guess that's what "executive time" was on 45's daily itinerary. Gotta give those aging presidents a break, eh!
  7. Huh? Apparently you don't know much about the "rest of the world". ????????????
  8. Old folks and those fleeing way more expensive states has always been Florida's stock in trade. Nothing has changed except the fleeing.
  9. If YOU consider a rando on substack a "credible link" I guess.
  10. So you'd be fine with American Muslims, Jews, Buddhists griping, complaining and clogging up the internet regarding xmas and Easter parades I'm sure. ????????????
  11. mikebike

    an awful day

    That was your takeaway from the op's story? We are all aware of the horrors of this world, but, sometimes, things that affect US have a slightly more direct impact. That WAS an awful day for the op.
  12. So kinda like spring break... Don't mind those butt cheeks, eh? Sexualization is sexualization and I would suggest spring break is worse than pride Month for sexualizing kids.
  13. Funny how this wasn't an issue until the right-wing propaganda machine started grinding out it's pablum for the easily duped and outraged. I'm always amazed at how many sheeple get reeled in by, and led by their noses by, obvious manipulation.
  14. This is local Thai transport, nothing to do with tourists.
  15. It's from a recording from his chief of staff's biography. It was NOT leaked by the DoJ. Try again.
  16. I think, in this case, that goes both ways. The writer's (who does not seem to be an authority of any sort - reviewed by one random Dr.) conclusion in this far-from-scientific paper is: "When it comes to how long you should hold in a hit, there’s no scientific studies to turn to (yet)."
  17. Subjective stories are what they are. But the fact is most long term users suffer little to no ill effects. Personally (subjective story...) I started ciggies, booze and weed around 12-13. Quit ciggies a few years ago, drink moderately, but still puff weed dawn to dusk. Great life, great family. If it works for you use it. If it doesn't don't. Who needs the government in all of this?
  18. It's no different. If any wrongdoing is going on it should be investigated either way.
  19. ???? am so sorry. I must have missed that. Can you point me to the data which suggests all this "clogging"? Which foreign countries are having this issue?
  20. But the same system is NOT in place all over the world. It is an "americas" thing, anachronistic now, but needed at the time in immigration-based nascent nations.
  21. Are you suggesting it is somehow "morally wrong"? It certainly isn't legally wrong, and I see absolutely zero moral implications, so what is "wrong" with it?
  22. Really? Have any data to back that up? Or just your feelings?
  23. Apparently you haven't read any of the Brexit threads ????????????
  24. Nothing if you don't trample on it and follow the procedures to amend. It was designed to be ammended.
  25. Birthright citizenship is pretty rare in the world. Not sure why you equate that to racism.
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