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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. Key word: "apparent"... The "divisiveness" existed - and would with or without the raid.
  2. On YOUR schedule, or theirs?
  3. Why? In depth investigations of criminal organisations often take months or years.
  4. YES! The only source for this is his son, but that is good enough for me too! ????
  5. Very, very old news... your point?
  6. So which liar to believe? The lying cops of the lying highest government official? The razor says it is more logical to believe the statement with greater oversight...
  7. Apply Ocam's razor. Don't trust police. Don't trust 45. But in this case the razor tells me I trust 45 less.
  8. Rain is not political. So the raid is political according to the faithful, but any inferred statement from 45 is not. Did I get that right?
  9. Yeah you are 100% right! Its just like Tucker asking "questions"... why would anyone have the impression that he is making a statement to his ravenous base?
  10. You may not be up to date on all of 45's recent postings to Truth... "Trump said on his Twitter knockoff Truth Social. "Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, 'planting.'"
  11. Yes this! Because nothing about 45's 4 years and Biden's 2 were different! No need for further analysis or nuance! BTW Obama's was 1.4... I guess he wins in your mind.
  12. Phew, I was worried that the news of an empty safe came from a biased source... Patience grasshopper.
  13. Ahhhh... the famous neutrality! ????????
  14. The easiest way for 45 to "fade away" would be for the old school Republicans, the majority of the party, to stop jumping on the bandwagon in the hopes of capturing some of his base. Don't go on Fox News, or other media - just let him scream into the ether without support.
  15. Because you continuously ignore the words you type. AND you forget the fourth point of your list: • I only use incendiary language when referring to one side of my neutral beliefs and I never mention anything about the other side. Until your rhetoric is as "neutral" as you claim your beliefs to be, no one will believe you, even though you really do seem to believe it yourself. Cognative dissonance.
  16. Oh the irony is just delicious... "I am NEUTRAL"... except when it comes to deliberate obfuscation! ???????????? The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one.
  17. I'm not biased he screams as he yells at "lefties"... classic. ????
  18. You do not seem to understand the term "investigation"... investigation (including the execution of warrants MAY result in charges which, MAY result in a conviction. Your cart is soooo far ahead of your horse no one can see it ????
  19. High end grocery store... would build the costs of "extras" into their business model. You definitely ARE being charged for it.
  20. Yes, it IS good practice to use it. Very little time or cost.
  21. Yep! Just like all those flavoured, sparkling hard sodas... never seen an underage or uninitiated chuck one of those back without seeing the giant warning labels on them ????????????????
  22. Assume you are coming from a legal weed jurisdiction? Otherwise just no.
  23. Yeah, after movies with white Jesus and white Nelson Mandela, its just so hard to take ????????
  24. 15+... means 15 to 150 not teenagers as the poster you were replying to was talking about.
  25. PLEASE. Give me ONE substantiated case of a non- indigenous immigrant being unwillingly taken from their family for reeducation. You are truly nuts.
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