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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. Yeah, go with that in a court of law. U understand that this is a LEGAL issue right? Ur feelings and assumptions matter little.
  2. This has been FS mission for DECADES. 45 just won the SCOTUS lottery and did what he was told.
  3. From the very beginning anyone who understands the law knows govt docs and national security "trumps“ personal documents and A-C privilege
  4. And the above just exasperates the problem. I have more in common with my 45-loving friends than not. The <deleted> above is just tribalism.
  5. Can I introduce you to a great song?
  6. Innocent until PROVEN guilty. Has everyone gone nuts?
  7. Or, rather than acting like a 45 sycophant, you could wait and see what develops. Several posts about the Federalist society seem to be unaware that they are most definitely NOT pro 45. Their agenda is much more conservative original style, not MAGA.
  8. There's some unripe conjecture for no apparent reason.
  9. Wow. How condescending of you.
  10. And it never will. We will never know. Do you advocate filling that gap with spiritualism or god?
  11. I'm sorry, you are seriously going to argue that a random serf's life was as valuable to human progress as Shakespeare's? ????????????
  12. ???????????? never heard anyone describe evolution as "boredom driven" before! Great comedy! ????????????
  13. No. It is not. It is about fulfilling biological directives. Value fulfillment is a very debatable concept.
  14. How is it even possible to make a statement like that with a straight face? For it to have any salient value you would have to first prove either of those animals feel "boredom", otherwise u r just spewing words.
  15. Seems like most of the perps were disenchanted Christians... how does that fit ur narrative?
  16. Like Christians? Biggest victim complex on the planet.
  17. "Not very vocal majority"... Oh man, you need a Netflix comedy special... Not very vocal ????????????????????????
  18. Please do elaborate... Currently? Historically? Verbal? Physical? Really not sure what u r on about.
  19. The Wayne Gretzky of conversation... nice deke. Under ANY circumstances! Its really easy! But just do the avoidance dance ???? it works for the elites, why not me? So, for rhetorical purposes I'll take that as a "no, I am too busy building my own internal dialog to educate myself and be sharp enough to distinguish the nuance between reality and fantasy. I will just smother myself in ideas which cocoon me in good feelings".
  20. So, serious question, is there any law enforcement you trust?
  21. Not very knowledgeable about investigations are you?
  22. Yep, I agree 100%! If someone even appears to have more detailed knowledge than me, I call BS!
  23. Sorry, did I read that right? It is Canada and the USA's fault that the Thai govt delisted BEFORE they had any idea of the demand and/or supply AND that Thai entrepreneurs want to fill the demand with proven-quality, well priced imports. Really girl? Look in your own back yard and don't blame anyone else.
  24. Source other than Eric?
  25. It is not old news, there is a long write-up of new information. Then why did I know about it months ago? What news sorce is claiming this is new info?
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