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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. "I don't know any Christian that gives religion a second thought". You sure you wanna go with that?
  2. I don't know. I don't drink alcohol.
  3. Yes, contrary views are scary. Best run.
  4. Funny I've been pondering how much help you folks need!
  5. Not trolling at all. In fact I struggle to understand the concept of trolling, but that is another discussion. I am second gen atheist. I have had profound "spiritual" experiences. I do not believe in God nor any creating being. I started my education taking history and religious studies. I have read all the major religious and philosophical diatribes more than once. I did engage in this endless thread several times throughout its existance and left. But because it is entertaining, in a train-wreck kinda way, I find myself sucked back in... But I gotta thank y'all for your childish dismissal of any other input besides what you deem appropriate. Hey, wait a sec - that sounds exactly like how religion treats its detractors! Quelle suprise!
  6. Yes! This! Because how can we have a discussion without politeness. "Politeness" is a weasley way of saying, "I don't like HOW you present your ideas, so I will not engage ". I find most posts in this thread to be absurd beyond belief... its like a bunch of children who have never had the benefit of education rehashing things people of far greater intellect have debated for millenia - without the wit, knowledge, or ability to decern to do so.
  7. I know ven diagrams model overlap in concepts. I also know that ven diagrams DO NOT detail timelines.
  8. Yep. That article just confirms what I have said.
  9. MAGA = 45 = dear leader authoritarianism. ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with tradition conservatism.
  10. FS = 1986 Tea Party = 2009 What r u on about?
  11. I need a reference to that dreck.
  12. Ok... I don't get this post. Sounds like it agrees with me. FS founded under Reagan. Reinforced under both Bush. Beared fruit under 45. Virtually EVERY conservative lawyer since 1986 is a FS member (or their careers will go nowhere? FS WAS the ONLY ideology required for traditional conservatives for decades prior to MAGA. Why the heck are you trying to tie basic conservative Republicans to a movement started in 2016? MAGA is a movement without any focus other than dear leader...
  13. I have personally found very few posts in this enormous thread to be either "deep" or "inspired". In fact they are, for the most part, a feable rehashing of inspired philosophy throughout the millenia. Do you judge your worth by "engagement"? How sad for you.
  14. 100% wrong. FS is the foundation the traditional conservatives have built for the last 3 decades. FS is squarely in the very middle of US conservatism.
  15. Bait? Or just a tad too uncomfortable for your worldview? The second methinks.
  16. Yes, I can read them. They pick out the asinine and leave the hubris. Yours? Not so much.
  17. Of course. That was my point. Your oversimplification of "boredom" being a driving factor of cultural or evolutionary change is just plain wrong
  18. MAGA has absolutely NOTHING to do with traditional conservative ideology. Easy question for you: Does 45 = Mitch? MAGA is ideolatry and authoritarian. Traditional conservative values are not
  19. I love hearing newby stories... try learning to grow proper female hydro in the early 80s!
  20. The federalist society predates maga by 30 years (founded 1986). Do you even have a clue of what has been going on for those 30 years without 45? Do you seriously think that MTG has even the vaguest clue to the very smart, very evil plans hatched by the FS 30 years ago? Or any other MAGA supporter? Preposterous.
  21. My point WAS NOT about the FS, but about its relationship to MAGA, which you do not seem to comprehend.
  22. Personally? More than I'd like to... Statistically? The number of Christians around the world has nearly quadrupled in the last 100 years, from about 600 million in 1910 to more than 2 billion in 2010. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2011/12/19/global-christianity-exec/#:~:text=The number of Christians around,to 6.9 billion in 2010.
  23. Huh? The largest religious group in the world (soon to be passed by Islam) have, according to you, "no interest in their religion"? Are you high?
  24. The actual justice u originally refered to did the right thing and punted it back to the proper jurisdiction. Do you have a problem with that?
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