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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. Tip of the hat to Tim Walz. It resonated immediately. And you chose the perfect weirdo from the Heritage Foundation to quote. Project 2025 is deeply weird and unamerican.
  2. Why is this a data security issue? It seems prudent to remind someone that they OWE the government money while they are collecting free money from the government.
  3. No. Incorrect and more strange. Native speakers understand meaning in casual conversation. Only debate-club weirdos try to press grammatical errors to their advantage in conversation.
  4. 2010 Suburu Forrester with harness. OEM new as expected with an EV battery.
  5. Because most ethnic minorities like their cultural heritage and embrace it. Italians ANYWHERE in the world are proud of their ethnic heritage and own it. It took them a long time for them, and the Irish, to be perceived by the puritanical English as even white, much less peers. Why shouldn't they embrace it?
  6. So your contention is that we are all African? We ALL immigrated from there? Interesting.
  7. No one said it wasn't out there. The contention is that it is as hard and long to source an obscure ICE engine and harness as it is to source an old EV battery.
  8. Recoiling to semantics is, despite your weirdness, below you.
  9. Understandable that you cannot recognize clarity. You certainly cannot project it.
  10. Just you bro... You have wisps of others insanity, but you bring your own unique weirdness to every conversation on here which you engage in.
  11. Father: professor of economics Mother: biomedical research scientist Is that good or bad?
  12. Did Vance go to the same train camp? If yes, he must have got the wrong instructor. Or does your astute analysis only apply to the Dem and not the GOP? BOTH freaking parties have exactly the same access to advisors, trainers. Why has it worked out so well for Kamala, yet so poorly for 45 n Vance?
  13. Without being as pompously verbose, only a truly weird individual can not understand that beauty is in the eye if the beholder. NOT YOU.
  14. Wow! I had no idea older ICE vehicles were immune to traffic, security, and private cams. To say nothing of the phone broadcasting every detail of location and inferred intent in every ICE vehicle's driver's pocket. Yeah, you keep believing your fantasy.
  15. For a dude with a sense of humour, it's weird that I have NEVER seen him belly-laugh. Normal people belly-laugh every now and then. Honestly I don't know if I have ever seen him laugh at anything genuinely funny. Usually the weirdo is just chuckling at his own inane cruelties.
  16. So, just not going to address the SCOTUS ruling or the accepted claim of Aryan race. Ok. Up to you. Science and law have definitions. Your goal us obfuscation. Weird. I wonder why?
  17. I'm working my way into it. After a decade plus of the truly enbubbled screeching, "snowflake, groomer, communist, radical, unpatriotic, baby killer, antifa, socialist, woke", and any other derogatory adjectives the authoritarian right whimsically dreams up, I'm gonna lean into weird. It just perfectly describes the singularly narrow and self-harming political framework the right has unwittingly adopted.
  18. A GM crate engine is not an obscure engine. Please try to keep up.
  19. So. You have no coherent answer for what race South Asians are. Really. Maybe we should take a big step back and ask you to define " race" In your expert opinion. It's not as though any of this is a mystery. A great portion of South Asians are defined as "indo-european". Is that as weird and confusing to you as Kamala's ethnicity? Do you know one of the first successful claims in in SCOTUS regarding race was a high-cast Pakistani claiming "white" ethnicity because of his "Aryan" ethnicity?
  20. Would it be any longer than getting a full replacement ICE engine/harness for an obscure ICE vehicle a decade old direct from the OEM? Obscure, because Corollas etc way outsell the post popular EVs
  21. Like this is a freaking Thai thing. Corporations pay more than governments the world over. Quelle suprise. This is not news, it's not even click-bait. It's weird.
  22. You are a very strange human.
  23. Would be nice if that actually surfaced in your posts. Seems, to me, like you're just chewing the same cud as the rest of the weirdos.
  24. I'm not in a bubble like Maga weirdos. I can actually hear the voices of different people because I do not limit my info intake to a silo of weirdness.
  25. I know, eh? Seems I caught the disease from the weirdo in chief. Labelling seems to be his only real talent. Sad that it can come back to bite, eh? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nicknames_used_by_Donald_Trump
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