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Captain 776

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Posts posted by Captain 776

  1. Anytime you have raw stormwater drainage being discharged directly into the ocean......,plus all the illegal direct sewage you will have serious significant pollution.


    I was the Project Manager for a significant portion of the Deer Island Sewage Treatment Plant in Boston 1991-1994 at that time the largest treatment plant in USA but there is toooooo much to type here.......it will take hundreds of Billions of BHAT to properly treat the sewage, stop illegal sewage, separate storm water from the sewage, construct the required pumping pumping stations.


  2. 7 minutes ago, ianezy0 said:

    I moved here last Nov on an OA Visa and There is no requirement for 800k in a Thai bank account. You do need proof of it in an OZ bank at the time of application. For me, also no health insurance requirement. I will need it if I decide to renew the visa back home. But I can stay in Thailand for close to 23/24 months on my current visa. So, as I have been advised, this could be why new OA visa applicants need HI. ( because no money required over in Thailand). In addition, I have taken out HI anyway, which covers the 400/40 requirements and cost me $52k not 100k as you mentioned. BTW I am 61. Totally agree about the price of wine....so drink beer??

    but I really d t know what I will decide to do after the visa runs out. Either go back to OZ or apply for a Extension of Stay stamp.

    cheers ????

    LOLOL 4000 bhat?

    I am sure ya can still get the whole package fine and all for 1000 anywhere in Pattaya, especially in May.

    • Confused 1
  3. We say.....

    What is your name?


    Thai say

    Your name is what?


    Thats why hard to translate.


    Also.......you broke Rule # 1.......dont fall in love with the first Thai lady you meet.


    Like anywhere else in the world, there is a lot to see, to do, and to learn........and you pre-empted yourself from that........thats why ya still havent been to Pai.


    Learning Thai is not mandatory because 99% of the places you go, there is someone there that knows English or at least enough to communicate.


    Khun pud pasa ang grit dai mai krap?

    Hopefully they say dai........then you are all set.

    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Its still basically cheaper here than Australia but more and more things are ending up around the same price or even more expensive. 

    The crappy exchange is one thing but the way prices are going up here adds as well.

    Everything is going up, groceries, meals out, street food. Not small increases, 20-30%, something is 20 baht one day and 25 baht the next. 200 baht one day 250 the next.

    First off.....I am not bashing Aussies, great country.....nice people, I have lived and worked in Oz 3 times but the cost of living and tax rate is beyond absurd.

    2.50 for one 300 ml Coke and that is if u can even find one at that price.....which is RARE.

    Get the same 300 ml Coke with your Subway sandwich and that Coke is 3.95.

    2 people for bacon n eggs is 50 Bucks and that isnt at a hotel dining room, thats a Mom n Pop on the side of the road in Gladstone.........lunch is the same 50 for 2 and dinner is 100 and ya have to get your food n drinks yourself because the minimum wage is so high, they cant afford wait staff.

    Pretty much throw a dart at a world map,it will be cheaper than Oz.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, sandrabbit said:

    My wife & I were sat in a friends restaurant when the husband was caught by undercover police handing out menus while she was cooking, he had a severe finger wagging and told not to do it again as it would be the monkey house. The police went up and down the beach and a few restaurants were fined for different things.

    Exactly,.......seen it al least 5 times myself

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

    I see no problem of him doing that. There's nothing wrong about it. He was helping, and helping is not illegal. I've seen other foreigners actually running shops or restaurants and I see nothing wrong with it.

    Helping without a Work Permit is definitely illegal.

    Saw a guy get jammed up with Immigration for being behind the bar while wifely went to the bank, plus right now there is heightened awareness about Farang working illegally here and taking Thai jobs.

    I have seen similar happen at least 5 times here...........others just seem quick to rat u out and cause u a problem.

    I see this story published twice now in T V.......not sure why.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. Cash~!!!

    Any guy over 50 that thinks any woman less than 1/2 his age cares about him or loves him is fooling only himself.


    My good friend for many years has had the same one from Soi 6 for over 11 yrs, he is now 60, I think she is 32 or so now and she bled him dry.

    He has been out of work for 10 months........she just told him........if he wants her to keep hanging around........he must pay her 50,000 BHAT a month.........and he is doing it.

    I had to cut his line and let him drift away........cuz that’s what Captains do........I just can’t comprehend that sheer stupidity.

  8. If he did the work, you must pay.

    If you have issue with the work, take him to court.

    Document he will not fix his work.

    Document by pics n videos the deficient work.

    You can get it fixed by a competent contractor, then sue him for the amount.


    Its like go o a restaurant and eating the steak then saying you are not paying cuz u didn’t like it.


    You must pay.


    No matter what country you are in, always have a clear concise contract

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