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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Hardly. Just asking from what do you base your comments on. You stopped even before you started. ????
  2. I said years, you disagreed, that makes it months. Because you are a troll. When do you think the Russian, on mass, will be back? So how long are you saying it will take?
  3. You replied to my comment that it would take years for Pattaya to get back to 2019 lavels, and you said, "No, it won't." Probably too busy eating humble pie. ???? It means Pattaya's / Thailand's biggest tourist demographic, the Chinese, will not be back any time soon, and the Russians will probably not be back for years, but according to you, it will not take years for Pattaya's tourism to get back to 2019 levels.
  4. So what's with the "pulling experience" then? ????
  5. Yes, it is, but will it get back to pre covid within 12 months? This was your claim. What will you say if Pattaya doesn't get back to pre covid tourism levels within 12 months? Remember, the Russians are broke, and the Chinese are locked in, and I can't see either changing any time soon.
  6. The term "abuse" is very broad, but it's you who used it. Can you explain what you mean by the term abuse, in the context of your post?
  7. If covid can be eradicated off the planet, how is it that vaccinated people can catch covid, multiple times, and spread covid? It has nothing to do with anti-vaxxers.
  8. Vvaccination has been around for over a year.
  9. It's your baht that "pulls" them, not you. ????
  10. No, I don't. I agree. I look at topics from all sides, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with other points of view. I have no problem with debating an issue. I agree it's not pleasant work, and I am sure many guys come to Pattaya to practice their fetishes, but I don't see a lot of bar girls walking around with black eyes, broken noses, and cut lips from being assualted. Do you? What is your definition of abuse?
  11. Define, "nasty?" What are you basing this on? They may feel safe, but their feeling is not the reality, and as said, the bar offers zero protection once the girl leaves the bar.
  12. Once again, my comments were directed at why the premises was vacant for 10 years. I agree, it's always good to see a Thai landlord come to their senses, but how many business owners continue to be slaves to their Thai landlords here? I said 2 years ago that we could see businesses move to different locations for cheaper rent, and we have seen that, but it only takes one Thai landlord on a Soi to come to their senses, and that business can then undercut all other businesses on that Soi, because they have reasonable rent, and they can sent other businesses on the Soi broke. Eg. 99 baht meals and 65 baht beers. Thai landlords were outpricing Pattaya even pre covid. Given covid discounts on many businesses are coming to an end, yet tourism is not back to levels that can sustain pre covid rents, what do you think will happen to these businesses?
  13. I love Pattaya also, but perhaps your love of Pattaya is clouding your judgment of the reality here. Once again, if it's a hidden gem, why was it vacant for 10 years, unless the Thai landlord finally had a reality check?
  14. If you don't, why are you constantly talking up the economic situation here? Hidden gems for what purpose? ????
  15. The next generation of monger are very tech savvy, and embrace such platforms as Tinder. How many years do you give the traditional bar business model, given the generation coming through have been glued to their phones, most of their life?
  16. Typical reply by someone with business interests here. Why vacant for 10 years then?
  17. You would have to have a UPS, otherwise, what would power the wifi camera when the power goes down, and if you have to have a UPS, why not power the modem / router off it as well?
  18. Sure, but it was happening pre covid. I suppose if the pretty girls move to freelancing online, leaving only the B Team in the bars, then over a period of time, punters will move online.
  19. No. Just questioning at what point does one lose faith in the vaccine. Booster 2, Booster 3, Booster 4 etc etc, or, are you suggesting 6 billion people just keep boosting, forever? Once again, please provide a link for this? But is the shot preventing an agonizing death? Double vaxxed and triple vaxxed people are still dying from covid.
  20. If you don't eat unhealthy food, and mostly cook at home, what is your experience with street food?
  21. Would the guy beat the bar girl in the bar? Have you ever seen this happen? What safety does the bar offer the girl, once she leaves the bar with a guy who has paid her bar fine? Simple question.
  22. How does a dead certainty offer a "pulling experience?" ???? Did you consider the "pulling experience" may start a month before the guy meeting girls online even gets to Pattaya? You can't do that with bar girls. You have to be in Pattaya, in the bar, and buying them drinks. There are advantages and disadvantages to meeting the girls by either method, but in my opinion, I can see meeting online gaining in popularity to the point it effects the traditional business model of the bars.
  23. I really don't see the difference in safety between working in a bar, or working online. Bars on Soi 6, or a soapy, ok, some screaming from the room might attract attention and some intervention from security, but leaving a bar with a bar fine is the same as meeting a guy online in a bar or nightclub anyway. What's the difference between a guy and a Thai hooker entering his hotel together, and the girl entering the hotel alone, and is met downstairs by the guy so reception will let the girl into the hotel? You may argue the bar fine guy is on CCTV in the bar, so if the girl goes missing there is a face to publish in the media, but that guy could simply say to police, "We went down to the beach where some services were preformed, because I have a beach fetish, I paid, and we parted ways." Police will search his room, and check hotel CCTV, and if nothing found, what safety did working in the bar provide in this case? Other than the girl not showing up for work at 6pm the next day, what safety does working in a bar provide over working online? The girls working online share 4000 baht a month rooms like the girls working in bars do, and they are always messaging each other. One of her friends she shares with can raise the alarm, in the same way the bar can when a bar girl doesn't show up for work. I really don't see your argument.
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