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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. What would your comment be to a manager that tried to charge you for a box?
  2. Could you imagine if there was dual pricing on the bags? 4 baht for Thai's and 8 baht for foreigners. ????
  3. I like it here. It's the best adult nightlife in the world. I'll continue to stay here so long as Thailand suits me. I give as much loyalty to Thailand as Thailand gives to farang, which is zero. Unlike others, I can leave at any time, and I will, when it suits me, or when Thailand decides I am no longer wanted or needed. I have said Vietnam is my Plan B. It's no secret.
  4. I haven't read or heard any reports of them doing so in the near future, but I am simply pointing out that they can, just as easily as a communist government can. What can farang do, sign a petition? ???? In my opinion, it's only a matter of time before the 800k goes to something like 1.2 million, and the 400k goes to something like 700k. It can't stay at the present figure forever. Whilst that may be no problem for many, it may also pose a problem for many. So, they don't change the visa, just change the criteria to get the visa. Of course, they may decide to tidy Thailand up and make it only for higher net wealth individuals, and make it 3 million and 2 million. Who knows? All of this can be done with the stroke of a pen in the corridors of power in Bangkok.
  5. Yes, which is why I asked. Perhaps they had 5 bars open with 10 girls in each bar, but if they had 25 bars open there would only be 2 girls in each bar, which doesn't even cover the electric. Just as you say, pointless opening too many bars when not enough tourists are here, many of the bar girls think the same. Pointless going back to Pattaya until there are enough tourists. It's the ability of The NWG to pay full rent, for a lengthy period of time, until the big numbers of mongers come back, that will be interesting. It goes to solvency.
  6. Your profile of me is far from fact. Once again, and again, and again, I am speaking in general. I single out no member or demographic. Do YOU deny that MANY guys come to Thailand and get fleeced by Thai women? It is a simple question. I can not be any clearer. Another member has stated "it does happen." Do you agree it happens? If so, we are now talking percentages, are we not? At what percentage would you concede the number of victims become "many?"
  7. How many NWG bars were open when you were last there?
  8. The Soi 6 market is a niche market, but tourists are more price conscious in Thailand now, and the bars are struggling for girls. Next high season will be interesting to see if Soi 6, and other areas, bounce back, but with something like 26 bars, there's lot of full price rent to pay between now and next high season, with no guarantees the big numbers will arrive. Add to that the rise of girls freelancing online, and you might see a quiet high season on Soi 6 later this year and into 2023.
  9. Well, Thailand has a military government that is masquerading as a democracy, and with no reasonable pathway to permanent residency here, we are all more or less living here on a 1 year tourist visa which gives us permission to live here, not a right to live here. There is a big difference. I don't see much difference.
  10. I will state it happens to many. By your own admission, you say "we all know that it happens." I guess we are debating percentages. Would you care to put a number on it? I agree. I would call putting the assets in the Thai girl's name stupid, yet, as you agree, "it happens" and keeps happening. It is part of Thai culture to have a mia noi. Do you deny this? If a Thai girl demands what their partner can not afford, what's that say about the relationship? There is a big difference between breadwinner and ATM. Rent, don't buy in Thailand, is my motto. That's because I am actually talking about the losers and Dickman. You are talking about other people. These fools are people also, and in many cases, as I said, are law abiding. professional, and successful in their home country, yet come to Thailand and become a "loser." How much of that change do you put down to the criminality and manipulation, and in some cases domestic violence, of a Thai women? Once again, do you deny "it happens." The "brother" is a joke, but it has happened. Just as many Thai guys have mia nois, many Thai girls have giks. "Losers" as you call them are still people. Do they deserve to be a victim of crime? I'll ask again, Are all Bernie Madoff's victims "losers?" That 'selected group is quite big here. Are they all bad people, or "losers" and "Dickman?" I remember this case. A significant amount of money involved, and 2 children. Yes, you are more sensible than "many" who come to Thailand, but I will put a question to you, one that I pose occasionally. What would be your position should, Buddha forbid, your Thai wife passes before you? Eg. motorbike accident, cancer etc. I know "many" here would like to think the extended Thai family will allow them to continue to live in the property etc etc, but wills and estates have a funny way of changing things, and people.
  11. I have never had a Thai girlfriend, or Thai wife. I am here for the sun, sea, sand, seafood, suds and snatch. I make no secret of that. I am not here to fall in love with a Thai prostitute and adopt her extended Thai family. My observations and conversations are from a diverse range of people here, including friends. Some would be called "losers" or "Dickman" by you, but I suppose everyone is in the "winners" club until they find out their relationship was only about the money. Many professional and successful guys in their working life have come here and been conned by Thai ladies. You raise the interesting point, yet again, of "blame." As an example, do you blame Bernie Madoff for fleecing his victims, or his victims for being "stupid?" Surely a Thai girl, with such criminal intent, must carry some blame for her "long game" con of a foreigner/s? Why is it you solely blame the foreigners? Would you change your opinion if you came home tomorrow and found your Thai lady in bed with her "brother?" Many say this, or similar, would never happen to them, because their girl is different, but it happens.
  12. I don't think the bar owners are ripping the girls off. The girls are well aware of their salary, working conditions, and management's expectations, when they start working at any bar. If you are talking about the girls not meeting lady drink targets and bar fine targets, those bars ultimately don't end up doing so well because the girls are so pushy. These sales targets are another reason why many of the girls have moved, and will continue to move, online.
  13. This is what happens when you don't give a complimentary 4 baht bag to a Harley customer. ????
  14. You are really missing the point. It's not about free bags, or 4 baht bags. It's about the company, through the manager, not conceding a 4 baht loss, in order to secure a 9000 baht sale. The bag still gets paid for, either by the customer, or for certain occasions, or large sales, by the company. Would you run your own business like that?
  15. Yes, there are a lot of posts attacking the OP for his stance. I would think some focus needs to be put on the manager. He / she either lacks the autonomy to offer the bag for free, which then means the store's staff policy is lacking, or, they could be incompetent, or, at worse, they are simply racist. If I was the manager of the manager, I would be having words with them about why a 9000 baht sale was lost over a 4 baht bag. That's not the way a business should operate. Maybe it was "face." The manager may have said to staff, "No free bags. Ever. To anyone." Then, he couldn't back down from his words in front of staff. Whatever happened, and for whatever reason, and regardless of right and wrong, the fact is, a 9000 baht sale was lost over a 4 baht product. To those attacking the OP, would you run your own business like that?
  16. Ok. Once again, I expect things to go back to the way it was, but should they not, and no long stay visa is available, then Vietnam is off the table. The point I am making is, just because there is no official visa call a retirement visa, that doesn't mean a retired expat can not live there. (pre covid) Will have to wait and see what happens.
  17. How did they purge them? I read they emptied the country of people on covid extensions, but so did Thailand. I have friends still living there on 5 year marriage visas.
  18. Correct. I do not know what is currently available in Vietnam. I have not been there since covid hit. It's possible the use of agents may not be available, ever again, but I somehow doubt that. Just like immigration in Thailand, they purposely leave a back door open for corrupt money to be made.
  19. I dare say the sharp rise in the cost of living in Thailand will bring such a point to the fore here for many in the near future.
  20. In many cases, it's the older Thai lady that has a longer list of victims, and even at an older age, is still looking for another victim, such is her greed. Many guys are like a fly into the spider's web here.
  21. Smoke and mirrors. The NWG would have a "friend" in place as a tenant, showing 50k month rent through the books, which is given back. The tenant moves out a day after the place is sold. As for the rent, it is a double, but The NWG could be selling at a higher rent for a commission, on behalf of the Thai landlord. As I said, with covid rent discounts ending, there's some difficult times ahead., and I suspect The NWG will be stuck with quite a few non performing assets.
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