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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Unless you swipe left and swipe right in your hotel, and then arrange to meet her in a bar, minus lady drinks and bar fines. Of course, you are welcome to pay these, as a donation. ????
  2. The bar has rent to pay and salaries to pay, as well as other expenses. That makes it pretty much black and white for the bar. Really? ???? The bars want girls that will bring customers in, and the girls want bars that will bring customers in. If neither the bar owner, or the bar girl, are doing their job, both will part ways. The bar has to keep the new farang fool boyfriend on the hook. Nothing new.
  3. Huh? Where do you think the online girls meet their customers? It's in a bar. Done it many times, pre covid, and during covid, and in the present. Short and long time. Sure, the customer can request the girl to come straight to their room, but that's usually in a hotel, the same hotel a girl who has a bar fine paid for her would go back to. All these hotels have CCTV. You, and others, make online hook ups look like they are some underground thing, when in fact, they are now like the Uber and AirBnB of the sex trade here, not to mention Tinder.
  4. How many Russian owned bars and Chinese owned restaurants are in Issan?
  5. What safety is there in a bar? A guy walks in and says "I am bar fining you." The girl can refuse, but she now comes under notice of the mamasan and the owner, for costing the bar a bar fine. The girl can get away with that for only so long, before she has to go with the next bar fining customer, regardless of who he is, and his behaviour. The girl working online swaps some photos, has some message chat, then a video call, and then meets in a bar anyway. Completely up to her, no pressure from management, or owner. If she doesn't like the online customer, she just blocks him, and moves on to the next potential customer. A bar girl can't do that. The bar is safer for the customer, not the bar girl.
  6. When they discover one is more lucrative than the other, and they are their own boss, with more chance of getting a farang on the hook, how long before they give up the bar, and work online, full time, across different time zones, AND then, as you say, start telling their friends that working online is the future, not bars.
  7. Neither is Dmitri from Russia, or Wang from China.
  8. 20Kg's. They can't be far from the manufacturers. I'm sure they all have some interesting phone records to sift through. Unless the exchange was taking place at the gas station, why would three be transporting? That would mean two of the three are taking a risk for nothing. They could have easily followed. Where are the guns? You don't transport and / or exchange 20Kg's without being armed. I wonder if the three arrested include a buyer and seller, or they were all just the sellers? If just the sellers, why not wait for the exchange and arrest the lot of them?
  9. Not exactly a clown response. Don't quote me on this, but even with an unlimited download / upload account, I believe ISP's record daily internet use for account holders. They may be able to tell you what date your account showed 0 Mb's activity, and that's the day your service went down.
  10. No confusion here. Link? I'm not whining about anything. I am simply asking, at what point do people start asking is vaccine number 5 really offering me any more protection than vaccine 4. The answer is, yes, for 2 months, so to maintain decent protection, that's 6 boosters a year. Is that feasible? is that affordable. Perhaps it's you that is confused thinking that the world can keep boosting until covid disappears. Given you can catch covid when vaccinated, multiple times, it's not going to disappear. So, how many boosters a year, and for how many years, does this continue? Vaccinated people are dying. The vaccine is hardly a bulletproof vest for covid.
  11. Covid is not going to be vaccinated off the planet. At some stage, free vaccines will finish, in Thailand, and elsewhere. Double vaxxed people are dying. Very soon, if not already, triple vaxxed people will be dying. Same question, at what point, or at what age, does one accept that number 3 booster is the same as number 4 booster, and number 4 booster is the same as number 5 booster etc etc. To my knowledge, to date, there hasn't been any research into the human body's tolerance to vaccine after vaccine after vaccine...
  12. How long has the market vendor had the ingredients for?
  13. Seems like you only eat "High Street" food. ????
  14. What do you go into? It's street food, usually on the road or sidewalks. Moo Katta is usually in a restaurant. Do you actually eat on the street, on the little chairs and fold up tables?
  15. Leaver


    Does it change, breaking 100 year old records, all around the world, with such regularity never seen before in the history of record keeping?
  16. Leaver


    Climate Change. It's real.
  17. Perhaps we need to clarify what exactly is street food, and what exactly is food poisoning? Some members may classify food poisoning as only needing medical treatment. Others may classify it as self medicating with some imodium tablets, as you have mentioned. I classify it as being on the toilet not long after the meal. Whether that progresses to self medication, and possibly then onto seeking medical treatment, is irrelevant. If I'm on the toilet after eating street food, then that's food poisoning to me. Mild, average, severe, it's all food poisoning.
  18. This is what you said: " I believe the Thai's to be very sanitary in the preparation" I posted a link that shows that not to be the case. Is not Thai pork sausage "street food?" Just what type of street food do you actually eat? Is that not what street food is all about? Seems like you only eat up market street food. Can this truly be classified as street food?
  19. Here's a random link from the first page of a Google search. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-10-07/studies-show-power-of-pfizer-vaccine-starts-to-wane-after-two-months Quotes: "Two new studies confirm that the immunity offered by two doses of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine drops off after about two months" "The waning appears to accelerate after the fourth month, to reach a low level of approximately 20% in subsequent months," they added." I know the vaccine offers some protection months after, but the percentage of protection is on a sliding scale. I'm vaccinated, and I'll boost, but at what point does one question the worth of booster after booster, especially when in the future, the individual will have to pay for it?
  20. Not only should you walk away from all of it, you should run. Wait till the kid says you touched him up in the change room. After all, what's stopping him from saying it, or similar? You will be spending your life savings buying your freedom for a crime you didn't commit, while the kid, his family, and police, live it up on your money. You go home just another broke and disgruntled foreigner from your experience in Thailand, if you survive some prison time.
  21. Does the restaurant in Malaysia deliver to Thailand?
  22. Some quality food preparation and hygiene in Thailand shown in this article. I call BS on your 35 years eating food in Thailand and never ending up on the toilet, once.
  23. Do you think they will cost nothing, forever? Covid is not going to go down the same path as polio. It's going to be around forever, most likely with seasonal variants. The vaccine's protection starts to wain after 2 months, hence the 3 month booster shot. The covid vaccine is not like other vaccines that offer protection for life. Why do you think one shot turned into double shot, and then into double shot plus booster. Some countries are on their fourth and fifth shot. Just like some vaccines offer 2 or 3 years protection before you need a booster, covid vaccines offer 2 to 3 months protection before you need a booster. Will you continue to boost, every 3 months, all your life? You can take one shot in 2 years and that would be even less onerous, but that doesn't mean you are protected. As long as you keep them up to date. That's four a year. Right? I would say you are overdue at only one shot every 8 months. You have been unprotected for several months. Once governments all around the world have eased the pressure on their health care systems, it will no longer be free. I agree, but we are only half way through the covid book. There are more chapters left. Errrr, covid is not going away. Many countries have a high vaccination rate, and double jabbed and triple jabbed people are still dying from covid. Given you can still catch covid even if vaccinated, and you can catch covid more than once, covid isn't going anywhere.
  24. The problem is there are not enough malls in Pattaya, but the Thai's are moving fast to address this issue. Without enough malls, Pattaya can not be called "a hub for malls" and until Pattaya can become a hub for malls, all the malls will suffer. This is why they are planning to build more malls here. Malls are like beer bars. The more you build, the more the people will come. ???? ????
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