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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. I am talking about giving the chemicals and the pulp another life. They can be turned into another product, and reused.
  2. The plastic bag and the paper box can both be recycled. To me, that means they can both be reused.
  3. Phuket offered an expensive and unpleasant experience for tourists before the tsunami, after the tsunami, before the pandemic, and now after the pandemic. Everything from hospitality staff to taxi drivers is unpleasant for tourists in Phuket. It will never change. I wish those in business there the best of luck. You are constantly undermined by the poor attitude towards tourists by the locals, and entrenched corruption across the whole island by those in power.
  4. Are you seriously suggesting you even need to be smart to run a bar here? ????
  5. I know if I owned a bar I would never ask a customer to move onto a table of strangers and incur the wrath of a customer like yourself on a forum such as this. ????
  6. Yes, used condoms and toilet paper in a local park is an important local issue. ????
  7. In Vietnam, the girls go after your money. In Thailand, EVERYONE goes after your money. ????
  8. Let me guess, the outraged locals just happen to own a short time hotel in the area. ????
  9. Sure, but in a lot of ways businesses will be going back to around April / May 2020. That's when they were still paying full rent, and tourism stopped. Fast forward to 2022, tourism has started, but nowhere near well enough to sustain pre covid rents / expenses, yet, Thai landlords will be ending covid rent discounts. The NWG has something like 25 bars. Some of their Thai landlords may be realistic, and continue on with discounted rents, but some, possibly the majority, may not be, and will demand full rent soon, if not already. I don't think it will break The NWG, but there will be a significant cash burn before things get better for the company, and they will probably cut lose the properties of the Thai landlords that are unreasonable in the current circumstances. This can be seen in my recent post. I don't think they have much choice with their reopening strategy. The reopening is in stages, but those closed bars still have expenses every month, which is / will be higher shortly. Open them too early, and the expenses simply increase with electric etc. Yes, there has been a global pandemic. ???? True, but it's that customer base that will be lacking in big numbers until all covid rules are over for most countries. Even for the ones that could come here next week, why would they? Soi 6 is nowhere near what it was in 2019. That big wave of returning mongers just never really eventuated.
  10. No, I don't think so. It's happened before, is still happening, and will happen again.
  11. What if all the OP wanted was a 4 baht piece of plastic that enabled him to purchase 9000 baht worth of products? I would train them with some autonomy. Eg. a free plastic bag for one packet of gum - no. a free plastic bag for 20 boxes of gum - yes. There's some wiggle room there also. Should it only be 18 boxes of gum and the staff member gives a free bag - fine. Giving autonomy to staff makes them feel some responsibility and is good for staff development. We don't know that it came from HQ. Never asked for the free little spoon to eat the ice cream from a 7/11 or Family Mart? I have. What about a straw? What if there was a surcharge to remove the bottle cap from a bottle? Never asked for the cold disposable towel in a bar? Why should it be up to a company like Jim Beam or Coke to do a deal with the Thai supermarket to add a bag with a purchase of their product? Thailand isn't Africa, but you wouldn't think it, with cases like this. After more than 2 years of covid, I would any decent sale is important. Or, are the customers waiting in line behind thinking, "what a tight a** company / manager, it's the last time I shop here also?" No. The customer's money is all the same to business. Your comment reminds me of that famous scene out of the movie "Pretty Women." I guess you are one of the business owners that don't believe "The customer is always right."
  12. Strong, long lasting, free advertising, as well as a reminder laying around the customer's house to go and shop at Villa again, plus better for the environment, and also being complimentary it gives the customer some satisfaction. Compare that, to a manager refusing to give a 4 baht plastic bag to secure a 9000 baht sale.
  13. To be honest, I wouldn't trust 9000 baht of alcohol in a plastic shopping bag. I would take and use my own fabric bag, but the strength of the shopping bags is off topic.
  14. It's not ridiculous, and could easily happen. Money Number One in Thailand. They demand their 4 baht, and if I physically haven't got it in my pocket, they either concede, or lose a sale. Whether that be for 1 bottle, or all three. That's business. Sometimes negotiations break down. Why is this scenario difficult for you to accept? You keep focusing on the behavior of the OP, not a word said about the manager's business sense, and refuse to answer the question, "Would you run your own business like that?" You are just trolling.
  15. I have no problem in paying the 4 baht, but say I knew the bottles of alcohol I wanted came to exactly 9000 baht, and that's all the cash I took to the shop, for whatever reason. When it came time to pay, if they stood their ground for the 4 baht, I wouldn't put one bottle back to have enough to buy the bag, I would walk out. Not my fault, not their fault. The deal just didn't get done. Sometimes negotiations break down, that's business. However, the manager is exactly that, a manager, not an owner, and if I was his manager, or even a share holder, I would be putting my shoe up his a......... I have asked before, yet to get an answer from any member criticizing the OP, "Would you run your own business like that?"
  16. Well, a 4 baht bag is given complimentary in other shops, but not the shop the OP went to, or, not on the managers instructions. Did the OP make up this story? Has it not been reported here? If it was likely to not happen, why did it happen to him? I suppose it's never likely you will be asked to move to a table with strangers in The Triangle Bar, but hey, it happened to you, and you came on here and had a big cry, and that was for free. ????????
  17. Is it really garbage? At some stage in the past some bar owner said to a customer if you want one of my staff to go with you then you will have to compensate me. (bar fine) It then spread across Thailand as a new money maker. The Thai's come up with new ways to extract money from foreigners because they have tried it, and it worked, and the word then spreads. Prime example is the "sick buffalo" scam story. Not saying that is, or will be, the case with this accident, but there is some truth to money making BS / scams spreading across the country. Another one that comes to mind is the jet ski scam. It got tried on years ago, worked, and then spread across Thailand.
  18. You haven't answered the question though, have you? The question again is, "What would your comment be to a manager that tried to charge you for a box?" Is it possible, after spending a significant amount of money in a shop, that the manager wants to charge you for a box, you may fell somewhat aggrieved?
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