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Posts posted by ricklev

  1. Bangkok Ekamie etc. is still closed. Makes sense that they would put their limited funds into getting Pattaya back open as they can argue that Paragon etc. is still open for business. I was there today. Triple the usual wanke_rs playing with their cell phones sitting on the machines for 20 minutes. And I'm not exaggerating in any way.

  2. The Avenue is owned by a company in which Major is the major shareholder and Major used to be the major shareholder in Cal Wow. The Cal Wows in Bangkok located in Major malls are shut also. This is different from the ones they planned on closing at the end of the month. Ekamie and Pinklao which are located in Major malls were supposed to stay open. Paragon Cal Wow told me Ekamie will reopen on Wednesday, but the guy I spoke with was just parroting something someone told him to say.

  3. Car shopping is quite depressing eh? The last time I was in the USA, about three years ago, I bought a 1986 BMW 320i in great condition for about a thousand dollars and in 2001 I bought a 1986 Saab 900 Turbo in excellent shape for about 1500 dollars.

  4. I'm thinking about buying an older used car. What's the oldest a car can be here and still get what I think they call Class A insurance here (comprehensive insurance in the USA). I don't want to by a 300,000 baht car and only have liability insurance.

  5. Qualified to me would mean an educational and licensing certification offering the assurance that the chiropractor has at least been trained in things like detecting bone cancer so they don't seriously injure you with their adjustments.

    A substantial amount of the time I spent in chiropractic college was devoted to learning when NOT to adjust and when to refer to an MD.

    It has nothing to do with their ethics or skill. Kind of. If they get caught doing something really dishonest they might lose their license, but there still lots of room for overcharging and minor fraud.

    And a qualified chiropractor is a hell of a lot more likely to know what adjusting technique is least likely to cause soft tissue injury than a guy that went to an adjusting seminar in Taiwan or somewhere else for a few hours.

  6. At night at Paragon eighty percent of the weight machines are seemingly permanently occupied by morons playing with their cell phones. This is not hyperbole or exaggeration. It's an accurate description of their intelligence level. :) It will only get worse when the Silom weirdos turn up!

    Hey, I wonder if I annoy them as much they annoy me..... nah!

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