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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. Travel, languages, getting her interested in Motorcycles, atleast traveling the country on one. Trekking, good beer and cider, electronic music, big parties or raves, cooking, baking, board games. And I find it very interesting to talk fashion with her, she has her MA in Fashion design. I have learned to listen to her and become interested in it, even if it doesn't make sense, and she sits and tries to listen about engines haha

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  2. Known plenty of people in the exotic pet business that will back up the aggressive claim and give warning not to handle them. I knew someone who decided to prove that they could be handled, it got spooked and bit him 4 times, he wasn't feeling too well for over a day...

    Mine would try to attack the forceps I used to clean it's cage, a few times it would try to run up them to get to my hand.

    On a side note, their are quite a few breeds of these myriapods in the world, some could be meaner than others.

  3. Most of the giant centipedes have enough venom to kill animals and children under 40lbs/18kg

    They are highly aggressive and may even bite multiple times.

    Be wary of dark places with high amounts of moisture. Also beware of the back end, their last two legs are enlongated for a reason, they can gab on to you and then whip around from underneath and get you that way.

    They also make great ornamental pets!

    Boric acid or Borax can be used to kill them, and any other insect, use it around the edges of your house.

  4. Another side note, while I don't want to side track the thread with a pizza pissing contest, I've never had them refuse me to bring up some Pizza company pizzas. Nice if you have the membership, call and order then in a few minutes go down and pick them up for the discounted price.

  5. I wouldn't say living like a king, but it can go well.

    2 kids at a school like CMIS would be 33,000B a month

    House with a pool 15,000-35,000 depending on location, size, and furnishings,

    Minimum saving of 40,000 a month as to have a nice savings

    More savings for college funds etc.

    He could probably clear 40,000-60,000 a month after all bills and savings, which is nothing to be upset about. 40.60k to spend on food, entertainment, etc and not have to worry about bills is a nice amount.

  6. Another quick comment and question, feel free not to answer it if it's too personal.

    You are on medical leave, can you legally or physically work?

    You could always look at a teaching job, get the visa and then you can get visas for your family as they are dependents.

    You don't have to teach English either, there are schools that hire activity directors, after school club leaders and all sorts of thing. With a 4 year degree you could for sure get into the ESL market, but even some of the international schools higher people without teaching degrees for those other positions I listed.

  7. I expect to see more Burmese, Filipino, Cambodian, and Laotian staff in restaurants. I know some people who own establishments say they can't wait to hire without the visa issue and have staff who will work and are less likely to wake up and "not feel like working there anymore".

    My question is, with all this free flow of goods, where are my Mandalay Red/Blue and Myanmar beers? I want to see beer from all the countries flow in and watch Singha's and Chang's market share drop.

  8. I would also agree that you should come a visit for an extended amount of time. I have seen more than a few young foreign couples with kids come here with little to no previous experience. They pack it up within the year because it was just not the place for them. It sounds like you could come here easily on a trial basis if everything is packed up in suit cases.

    International school fees vary from school to school and age. From as low as 50,000 a term to a few 100K, this and renting a house can eat up your monthly income. You should also look into the legality of the online business and if permits are needed or not.

  9. Wow, just read that it has a 10hp increase over the 250cc.

    Did I miss anything?

    From what I know it's only 6 hp compared to the 2008 to 2012 and 7 hp compared to the 2013.

    Got this from Wiki:

    Motorcycle Consumer News showed that the Ninja 300 produces more power than the 250 – 34.77 to 34.95 hp (25.93 to 26.06 kW) compared with 25.48 hp (19.00 kW)

    And 182,000? Damn.... Paid less than that for my 2011 650r with slip on. Secondhand is the way to go.

  10. I'm a bad person, I immediately thought "Good, serves them right for not wearing shirts". Good to know that they are going to be fine, but maybe they might actually dress correctly next time, though I doubt they will ever reflect on how they dress when driving to or from one of the most prominent temples in the north...

    • Like 1
  11. Wow, just read that it has a 10hp increase over the 250cc. Nice increase, I have the middle child of the Ninja family, the 650cc, so I won't be buying a 300. However, each time I pp by Kawasaki I am impressed with how nice the 250/300 looks, especially compared tot he boring CBR250.

    Moving back to the US next year, hoping to get a 60-70's Triumph, but a Ninja 300 to use a learner track bike would be a great bit of fun.

  12. I just played at bully bowl on Saturday, so they didn't strip the lanes there.

    But not much money is funneling into the place for repairs or new balls.

    Miss Fri and Sat night bowling in the US, loud rock music nights, beer specials, and tons of people.

    • Like 1
  13. Ninja 650

    Chaly with a 110 nice engine

    Dream 125

    I am going to be selling the dream and finishing the Chaly. But I might sell the Chaly as it has no green book. No problem with the cops, but it can't be insured, so if I cause an accident, I can be out a ton of $.

    Spent 40hs sticker bombing the damn thing too! But I think if I buy a c70 project I can transfer those parts!

  14. I would also like to make a comment about the other comments here.

    You will most likely end up teaching 40+ kids unless you are in a English Program, then only 25-35+

    This can be difficult, the others are right about many kids only respecting the Thai teachers. However, if you are strict, firm, consistent, but kind, the kids for the most part will fall in line.

    Some teachers may resent you for the pay, this is true, but not all. If you take the time to learn a bit of Thai and learn what being respectful means here, they can easily be won over to your side. Simply letting them know that you understand it is their classroom and you are there to support them can be a game changer. If the classroom teachers like you, they will back you up and this will be a big help in controlling 40 kids.

    Also, I firmly believe that teaching 40kids in a hellish setting can be a great experience, you will learn classroom management skills extremely fast, and any mistakes you make will not really amount to anything. Also, if you find yourself actually enjoying this, you know you really could make this a career move, even going as far as getting a western certification, thus opening you up to much broader opportunities.

    Some might chime in and say you shouldn't be so subservient to the Thai staff and what I am saying is BS, but in reality it will go a long loooong way in making your life better.

    • Like 1
  15. As someone without a degree you will have a tough time finding a job that will give you a work permit. Without this you are working illegally. Now, many people manage this and never get caught, but I just want you to know the facts.

    A government school with 40+ kids per classroom and little or no support is what to expect, with a salary in the low 20,000B/month is what to expect.

    Many teachers with 4 year degrees but no degree in education can earn from 25-35k/month at private schools or schools with English Programs.

    It will be easier to find a job working with Kindergarten more so than grade 1-6, known as Prathom or 7-12, known as Matayom.

    Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe you need a degree to teach Kindergarten, known as Anubaan, in Thailand. Any previous child care work is much more applicable to these jobs, making it easier to land them without prior experience.

    Look at schools like "Little Stars".

    The more desperate schools are going to be posting at the following places (some others posted these sites too):




    Also as puukao stated, anything outside CM such as Lampang and Lamphun, will be in need more so than inside Chiang Mai itself.

    You might also consider doing a TEFL cert if you are serious about this, they run about $1,500 USD

    Good luck, I personally know some fantastic teachers who never took an education class, so if you are truly serious, you can learn.

  16. Months ago I met an alcoholic Brit? who begged for food and beer or any alcohol as he was an alcoholic. He had no money, and covered in insect bites from sleeping outside under tables. Asked my Thai friends who played at Zoes why they continued to give him $ knowing they're just putting him in a grave. They say he sings well and it's his own damn choice, couldn't disagree with that.

  17. Not trying to live cheap, I just do.

    I have a room in a townhouse, which I live alone and have access to the whole place, so full kitchen etc.

    Rent, electricity, water, internet - 3000B In a very trendy area.

    Fuel - at least 2000B

    Food - 6000B a week or so? Awesome food at work

    Savings 15,000 - 20,000 a month

    And then I usually fly down to BKK once a month or so

    I was studying written Thai for about 4600/20hrs

    I have random expenses, maybe 5000B for a paint job or 3000 for parts. but on average I have about 10,000B in mandatory expenses, 15-20k in optional expenses and then anywhere from 5,000-15,000B

    Anything extra is saved.

    Male 30's, girlfriend lives in BKK, thus the flights as we visit each other every 2weeks and share the cost.

    As stated, you can live on a non native teacher salary or spend 200,000B a month. Everyone is going to be different.

    6000b per week for food is interesting amount for 1 person


    Hahahaha I meant month.

  18. Not trying to live cheap, I just do.

    I have a room in a townhouse, which I live alone and have access to the whole place, so full kitchen etc.

    Rent, electricity, water, internet - 3000B In a very trendy area.

    Fuel - at least 2000B

    Food - 6000B a week or so? Awesome food at work

    Savings 15,000 - 20,000 a month

    And then I usually fly down to BKK once a month or so

    I was studying written Thai for about 4600/20hrs

    I have random expenses, maybe 5000B for a paint job or 3000 for parts. but on average I have about 10,000B in mandatory expenses, 15-20k in optional expenses and then anywhere from 5,000-15,000B

    Anything extra is saved.

    Male 30's, girlfriend lives in BKK, thus the flights as we visit each other every 2weeks and share the cost.

    As stated, you can live on a non native teacher salary or spend 200,000B a month. Everyone is going to be different.

  19. If i still had the key, I would still have the bike if you get my drift... you could easily make a bit of that 800,000 back.

    Or get a cop on your side, for a bit of that 800,000

    Show the money trail and if it's her bike, have her demonstrate her riding it...

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