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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. I've heard nothing but good about the Montesorri school and know a few parents and their kids who went there and left due to their child's age, not because they didn't like it.

    Also, a proper school should list their staff on their website stating their qualifications, barring that they should willingly give this info to any prospective student.

  2. Came here at 23 in 2005 as an exchange student. Moved back here and did the ESL thing for almost 3 years. Went back to the US and became a certified teacher and moved back a bit over a year ago. 5+ out of the 8 years have been spent in Chiang Mai, but decision ever. However, I am the only child and my father is declining in health, so I will return to the US in May/June and teach there.

    Plans are to rack up some years in a school, get a Masters or possibly PHD. I am leaning towards environmental science/Natural resource management/Sustainable Design to round out my Biology education degree.

    We'll see where it goes from there. I know I'll be back. Thailand will still be here in 5 or so years, I can't say the same about my father.

    • Like 1
  3. Lanna

    Chiang Mai International

    American Pacfic



    Nakon Payap

    The German Christian school (Where students learn in German)

    Varee International

    Are the international schools with international curriculum.

    Panyaden is a bilingual school, international student body using Thai cirriculum

    I am not sure where Chiang Mai Christian School falls

    The Thai schools with English programs are:

    Prince Royal



    Regina Coeli

    Sarasas Witaed


    and a few more that I can't think of off the top of my head.

    All have various good points, and bad points. They vary in religious doctrine, and their emphasis on what a proper education should be.

    Hopefully some parents or staff can share their input. But you can google these schools, and at least read their philosophy and see if it is in line with your own views.

    Good Luck

    And if anyone feels I made any errors on my list, feel free to correct me.

    • Like 1
  4. Picked up a Hero 3 Black and a few extra batteries, haven't tried it out yet.

    Yes I saw that one advertised in Thailand superbike.

    The price was not as crazy as the full blown model.

    Let us know how you like it.

    Loved the shots, loved the ease of using it, love that I can connect it via wifi to my ipod so I don't need to buy the LCD back.

    But the battery life SUCKS, 30-40mins at 720p 60FPS with wifi on.

    Buy lots of Wasabi batteries, I bought 2 before I came, wish I bought 5...

    Also, on a 32gb card I can get 3h20m at 720p 60FPS, a bit over 2hrs at 1080p 60FPS

    • Like 1
  5. Sad to hear, as every single beer or cider that I have ordered there has been fine.

    No problem dropping the Baht on something light years above Chang/Leo/Singha

    I am not too fond of the food though, I will be honest about that.

    But a night out at Sumo or YNot and then for a few beers at Beer Republic have been some of my favorite nights out.

  6. Wong!: Know what? Good point. The extra power let's me pull away faster, and that second disc brake helps slow me back down. But all is for not as there are many on slower bikes who are much better in the turns than I am.

    karlos: I wouldn't want people to think I am putting down the Honda either. Hell, I wouldn't have been able to afford a new ER6n/f, thus mine being used. My used bike cost just shy of a new CBR500. If it didn't come up for sale, I would be on a Honda. I would also be on CB500F if it was more like the CB750's as I prefer a more cafe style bike. Have fun with your next bike, I wish the Thruxton 900 wasn't so over priced here...

    piston broke: I have yet to get on a 500 as the rental costs are a bit wonky right now, I'll have to wait for the demand to drop a bit. What do you find better about them specifically?

    • Like 1
  7. First time here as a student I lost 18kg or nearly 40lbs. I lived a horrible diet in University.

    I gained it back over time and lost it again in the US, then gained 20 here since 2011.

    IMO it's so much easier to gain weight here than the US.

    In the US I can calculate my calories and macro molecules with ease, here I have no idea <deleted> I am putting in my body

  8. I left Fitness Thailand for most of the reasons listed above. Crowded as hell now, and mostly because idiots are chatting rather than lifting (no not just a 30-60sec rest between sets) Taking pictures of themselves in the mirrors, etc etc.

    Found a new and small place, signed up for 4 months we'll see how it goes. I worry about it increasing in size too quickly as it's quite small, but very neatly kept, unlike Powerhouse where the clients are too ignorant to know how to put back a dumbbell on it's labeled rack...

    On a side note, Has anyone been to Harris over at KSK? Not Kawee (a gym that was fine 5 years ago, but horrid now).

  9. I read on my iPod, so it would appear I am on facebook or playing a game. I average around 30-50pages a day. Sometimes I can't read that day, sometimes I knock out upwards of 300 pages.

    I have a lot of Thai friends who like to read, but there is a direct correlation between their reading and their education level.

    I have no problem with kids and the comics/manga, it's kinda like Sports Illustrated for kids. Is it challenging, deep and meaningful? Not really, but it is a form of reading and while they might not be making their own pictures in their head, it's far better than sitting in front of a TV waiting for an outdated sound effect to tell them when to laugh.

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