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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. Guys, if you want to discuss rent prices, you should not exclusivly focus on the price of the object. More important is, where the property is and the quality of the village/surroundings.

    An object far off the darkside in the middle of the nowhere will be cheaper to rent than one close to the city in a well maintained village, no matter  if  construction costs were the same.


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  2. 2 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    Ten years, how about 30 years or more. Buying land and houses or even apartments is very difficult in Thailand if you want to own it yourself. Then there are the visas to stay which are very restrictive and inconvenient. Tax concession? Well if having 800,000 baht in a non interest bearing Thai account is tax relief I'm a Chinaman...


    To buy a condo is not difficult at all, except the 51%-Thai rule.


    And why do you think the visa system is restictive and inconvenient? What's the problem? We're talking about long term stay, right? So, if a retiree, show them enough pension or deposit 800k in a bank. Make your 90-days visit and one time a year make your extension. No brown envelops or "agents" needed. Easy, isn't it?

    If you're not able to, you belong to the people Thailand does not want to hang around in their country longtime. One may not like it, but it's their good right. And honestly, I remember the times when it was very easy to stay on monthly visa runs for years. I don't miss those people who disappeared after this option was closed.

    If you're under 50 and not working, get an EV. Just a question of money.


    I don't know where you're from, but compare with your home country's rules for strangers. Do they get retirement visas as easy as in Thailand? Can younger immigrants stay longtime without working and paying tax?  (And no, we do not talk about "asylum seekers")

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  3. When in Thailand, I play four times a week with my swiss friend. We have an excellent court in our condo (much better than those in Ambassor and even better than most courts I played in Europe). Used by no one but us. Great fun. 

    Dunlop black double dot  is the right ball here. No lang warming it up like in the icy courts back home.

    There are three aircons, but it takes time to cool the court down from 30+ degrees. When we finish it might be 29 or so...

    After the matchball a fast jump in the pool, a shower and then out for diner. Quality of life!


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  4. 2 minutes ago, Jen65 said:

    I just left the land of high taxes - France !    It now costs you best part of 1000euro for the mandatory house inspections BEFORE you can list your property !!!   Electric , fuel (especially on motorways) , vehicles , eating out , land and house taxes _____ list goes on --- astronomically expensive !    Things may have gone up a bit here but if you are prepared to live , buy and eat the Thai way then you are by far and long quids in !  

    I know the good places in Europe are more expensive than Thailand. Ever were, ever will be. But it's not all about money.

    When in Europe I spend much time in Montpellier/Cevennes and I like it. The food, the culture, the people, the climate. Friends live there and it's just a few hours drive to my home and company in Bavaria.


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  5. On 9/7/2021 at 9:17 AM, Greenwich Boy said:

    I went with a couple of mates who were collecting their 'vaccine passports' here in Chiang Mai. I asked if I could get one having been double jabbed in the UK. Got a polite No.

    That means each expat who got vaxxed in his home country can't get the pass and has to be tested if he wants to have a meal somewhere?

    That surley will improve tourism. Are they f*ing crazy?

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  6. 1 hour ago, Letseng said:

    Can you go in person or online? Just asking as next door in Salzburg/Austria it is now only online. OK has to come from Thai embassy. Would be interested to hear as a could apply in Munich due to nationality. Normally, you can only apply where you can prove residency.

    I don't know if you can make it online. You have to make an appointment, you need to have a vaccination pass OR an antigen rapid test (not older than 24 or 48 hours i think). They want you to wear a mask too.



    As far as I know your visa has to be issued in your home country

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