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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 21 hours ago, Hi from France said:

    There's no question the EU team which was rookie, had furthermore been given the wrong brief... 


    They insisted on health guarantees in case they were problems, and on bulk buying and fair price (we pay up to 1/3 of the UK price apparently). 


    The UK was simply ready to pay any price to be served first, and of course the UK serves 64 millions while the EU serves 447 millions. So while production is scarce, we need 7 doses when the UK needs one. 


    I do not think anyone disagree there? 


    You name some of the main reasons why the EU failed so badly.


    1. They tried to keep the producer responsible for his product in case of long term issues.

    That's usual in a pharmaceutical approval procedure, but senseless in times of a pandemia (if there really is any).

    Does anyone believe, a relatively small company like AZ or even the big players could financially handle the costs in case of a big failure? BS! No matter what was negociated, in the end the governments - say: the tax payer - will will pay the worst case bill.


    2. To haggle about Cents while time is running.

    Crazy! Example (Biontec, because the numbers are known):

    Israel payed in the early stages 23 € per shot. The EU proudly presented a contract with 12€.

    Say we need 500 million shots first and pay the price Israel payed. Costs us 5.5 Billion more for the whole EU. Peanuts! How much is one week lockdown? 


    3. But the main fault was to transfer the process to the EU buerocracy and otally incompetent negociators ("best effort" term). Did vdL and her team of laughing stocks not even think about calling a lawyer to explain to them what they were signing?

    There was a plan by Germany's Jens Spahn to negociate directly with the producers together with his colleagues from France and the Netherlands. That would have been faster and more professional (As Boris Johnson has proved). It was stopped by Merkel for ideological reasons.



    Granted: the UK is in the supply chain so we are mutually dependant, but no one in 2016 anticipated that a national-populist government would come to power and that our relationship would become so excecrable. [/quote]

    The "coming to power" of a "national-populist government" was the result of free and democratic elections. This has to be respected and handled by the EU bleeding hearts. And be fair: From the first day of the Brexit process on it was clear that the relationship would be very very complicated. Remember the tone of the talks und the hundreds of "ultimatums". 


    [quote]But seriously do you think for one second that if the situation was reversed, Frost and Johnson would hesitate one second to requisition the UK's vaccine production? [/quote]

    means: " we take the right to stop exports or break contracts because you would do the same in our case"?

    Hmmm... ????

    But ok: If it comes to a question of life or death no contract is worth the paper it's written on. But imho we are still very far from this point.

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  2. Fact is, the EU signed a contract with AZ which did not guarantee fixed delivery quantities.

    AZ just pledged "best efforts".

    Even EU buerocrats confess meanwhile, that the negociation process went wrong on their side and that courts will have to decide, who's sight is the correct one.


    The "best effort term" is worldwide used, but it's meaning seems to be unknown to the EU amateurs.

    Why GB has no such problems with AZ? Because they sent professionals to negociate with professionals.


  3. Latest news in Germany is what Matt Hancock told the Financial Times (behind paywall).


    Still any doubt about, who the professional negotiators in this game were and who the bloody amateurs?


    The EU-buerocrats and Ursula -the living desaster - van der Leyen, who obviously are not capable to understand the contracts they are signing?

    No, no, no, it ain't me babe ????


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  4. "To shift the blame is the name of the EU-game".

    It's the EU buerocrats and the - in each job she ever did totally incompetent - van der Leyen, who are responisble for this complete failure.

    They negotiated endlessly with AZ professionals like the dumb amateurs they are - while the UK already fixed contracts and started the roll out.


    The UK does, what it has to do: Take care their own citizens first. Congratulation! I got my shots already due to my job, but i wish, I were british!


    A word to export controls:

    Today they "found" 30 million AZ doses in Italy waiting to be shipped to the UK.

    IF (big if!)  it is true that AZ's EU plants are delivering to the UK but not vice versa from there to the EU and though it was the EU who messed the whole thing up, export controls or stops have to be invented.

    First handle the crisis, then shoot the responsibles.



    • Like 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Sadly, it looks like he will win anyway.  The only thing worse for the country would be a Biden win, and even that's a pretty close tossup.


    Isn`t it more likely that Biden wins more of the not yet counted votes.

    It seems in the pending states they`re waiting for the results from bigger cities and postal votes. Those voters shoul mostly prefer Biden, or not?

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  6. 3 hours ago, Thorgal said:

    I’ve replied to another poster to provide more accurate figures related to OP.


    If you are refering to the muslim related terrorism in Europe, it is more "accurate"  to interpret the numbers to the percentage of muslims in Europe, not in Austria.


    You may dream of a  Europe as a part of dar al-islam in a generation or two.

    My hope is, that our western societies stand strong in defending human rights, women rights, gay rights and religios freedom. An aggressive Islam and millions of low lifes from stone age societies endangers everything our ancestors had to fight for for over hundreds of years.

    Islam will perish, inshallah!

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