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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. On 8/24/2021 at 6:30 AM, BritManToo said:

    I didn't think hemp had any THC/CBD.

    Are we talking cannabis?


    Cannabis doesn't grow all that well outside in Thailand.

    Too many pests, so it had to be frequently sprayed with pesticide.

    And the seasons are all wrong, for flowering you need dry weather with reducing daylight hours.

    First: Hemp is the plant, Cannabis is the product made out of hemp

    Second: Thailand is a perfect place for growing THC high grade  strains (Sativa dominated).

    A few decades ago, so called Thai sticks belonged to the strongest Cannabis products you could find. 

    Since the things have changed, thanks to growers and geneticists from Netherlands and California. Now we can find hybrid strains with up to 30% THC.


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  2. Quote

    Ex cop "Jo Ferrari" swears on his amulet it wasn't about money - just protecting the public

    The man tells the truth as anyone should understand.

    One man can only drive one car at the ime. That means, the 28 more cars in his garage couldn't be driven by people falling in a micro sleep or produce accidents by brake failures.

    So he protected the people, can't you see? Please show a bit more empathy with such a honorable Thai man, you bloody farang!

    • Haha 2
  3. Thailand and Pattaya will change and not in a way we would like to. Covid did not start, it just strengthens the process.

    China and India are close neighbors with a fast growing middle class. For Thailand it is not important from where the tourist money comes. They don't need us anymore.

    Less western customers means less western focussed business means less western tourists means..... - a vicious circle.

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  4. Thanks for your replies, guys!

    I thought about entering TH on visa exempt to avoid the two trips to Munich for the Non-Immi-O.

    But I fear time could run out after 14 days of quarantaine with only one month left for the extension-process. I have to start all over again. To get the one-year bank statement takes 2-3 weeks. If I'd be testet positive during the time in ASQ (got my two shots more than 6 month agoin, many false-positive results with PCR) I would be in trouble.

    The health insurance is no problem. It is mandatory as long as I am German resident and it covers each and everything worldwide.


    Anyone here who did his ASQ in Amaranth Savarnabhumi Airport Hotel? The reviews are ok and it seems quite bearable to me (balcony, smolers room, 7E-delivery).

    Have a nice day!


  5. Hello all
    I left Thailand due to professional reasons in March 2020. So I did not see my son and GF for nearly 1.5 years and now I can't stand it anymore.
    My 1 year extension of stay (retirement) ran out March 2021.
    My plan is to come back to LoS with a Non-Iimigrant-O (not OA) Retirement.
    Is it still possible to get a 1 year extension of stay with such a visa?
    Was there a change of the requirements since last year (800k in bank, health insurance)?
    Any suggestions for a good AQ hotel in BKK or are there also certified hotels in Pattaya?
    Thankyou for any advice. and habe a good time - as far as possible right now

  6. On 7/18/2021 at 5:03 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    And currency exchange rate are something different. Why do some people try to mix this together?

    Because they are foreigners and they bought their condos with GBP/USD/Eur. For every investment outside your home market the exchange rate is essential, no matter what you buy.


    If you plan to stay in Thailand forever, then the exchange rate is as irrelevant as it is for Thai nationals. A strong THB just may make selling a bit more difficult because there are less foreign buyers.


    • Like 2
  7. 6 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Meanwhile.........Germany restricts use of the Astrazeneca vaccine again!  At this rate the EU won't need any further supplies.



    Yes, very funny.

    First they stopped AZ for older people. Now they use it as far as possible ONLY for over65. Younger people can be vaccinated wit AZ - on their own risk (what ever this should mean).


  8. 27 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Even when brexit/city of london tread wiped out ...it will resurface by first occasion when  another contingent of financials cross over to Amsterdam Franfurt or Paris .....????

    This reminds me of all the horror stories of the last years since Brexit started.

    Hords of big companies and the banking sector would migrate to the EU and so on.


    Did it happen since? No. But one day in the future it surely will?

    OK, but until then I bet on perfidious Albion's Pound. From the profits I'll buy care packages and send them to your suffering people, when doomsday comes. ????


  9. 26 minutes ago, Dominion said:

    You can get freewallet app and use exodus app for exchange. Most importantly if your buying large amounts get a trezor hardware wallet. That way you have the keys to your crypto.

    That's an important advice. Always store larger amounts in an offline wallet instead online. It might be more comfortable for beginners, but it's relatively unsafe.

    • Haha 1
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