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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 22 hours ago, simple1 said:

    I read the British newspapers daily, and most pictures of criminals are of non ethnic British people


    So you have to do lot of counting


    Given the topic: Murder rate by ethnicity


    For the three-year period year ending March 2017 to the year ending March 2019, when looking at the principal suspect of a homicide offence – over two-thirds (70%) of suspects convicted of homicide were White, almost one in five (18%) were Black, 9% were Asian and 3% were in the “Other” ethnic category

    Very interesting. Two questions:

    1. How many percent of the british population are white/black/asian?

    2. Are immigrants from muslim countries like Syria, Irak, Lebanon counted as white, black or asian?

  2. Quote

    Does Thailand need Submarines?

    A clear YES.

    The US, the Chinese, the Russians - each super power needs submarines and so does Thailand.

    But submarines are much complicated to handle, especially in deep water aeras like the Golf of Siam. So the Thai submariners should get some training in Austria or Switzerland before boarding their vessels.

    • Haha 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Isn't happening is it - EU vessels transferring them. Would have to have government port authority permission to return them to Libya, wherever

    It happened multiple times in the last years that the "recuers" refused to go to a north african harbour though it was closer and they had the permission of the local authorities.

    Those "rescuers" are crossing the waters close to the african shore to pick "refugees" up. The imigrants know that and count on it. Without those people smugglers less imigrants would try and put their lifes at risk.

    • Thanks 1
  4. It won't help the OP and I'm sorry to read a story that I heared in hundreds of variations over the years.


    If you want to buy land/home/anything in your wife's/GF's/family's name see it as a gift.

    If you cannot afford to loose your "investment", let it be.

    Do not fight for your "right", even if there's a contract/housebook. No home is worth to risk your mental and physical health, especially in rural aeras, where it can become quite dangerous.


    Enjoy your home/wife as long as it lasts and when it comes to the break and things turn ugly, just smile and walk away.

    If you have kids and want keep them, try first to come to an agreement with their mother. It can be much easier as expected. Money helps not only in Thailand.

    Good luck to the OP

  5. 17 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    Do you have to any prove about the cancer surgeries that weren’t carried out because of corona or did you get that from conspiracy websites?

    Do you understand written German?


    I hope it's not against the rules to post a link to a german news website:



    Conspiracy website?  "Die Zeit" is one of the most respected printmedia in Germany.

    Sounds like BS to you? Never mind. Reality is not for everyone.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 22 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    I have several friends in Germany who are doctors and nurses. What you write is absolute nonsense. These people are working plenty of overtime even without Covid, and this pandemic just made it worse. And patients didn’t die because certain treatments were postponed. Only uncritical treatments were postponed. 

    You have "some friends who are doctors in Germany"? Great! I AM in Germany and in the med business. Our staff works since the beginning of the outbreak in the most dangerous places such as old age and nursing homes.

    You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Get some facts.

  7. Historical research proves clearly:


    1. Until deep in the ww2 no one was conscriptet into the SS with the exception of some "Volksdeutsche". And even they had the right to choose the Wehrmacht and go to the front instead of becoming a SS member.

    2. Even in 1944 young men could alternatively choose the Wehrmacht.

    3. There is not one single evidence that SS-members who refused to take part in the killings were shot or even punished.

    4. Even the killing unit "Hamburger Polizeibataillon 101" did not force their staff to join the killings. No one who decided not to kill ever was punished.

    • Like 1
  8. Young Thai dudes wearing Nazi symbols and uniforms have nothing to do with the ideology behind the <deleted>. And the worldwide famous Thai education system garantees they don't know much about it.

    It's just some sort of strange fashion and provocation as in my generation long hair and wearing US-parkas and Che-Guevara-caps were.

  9. 2 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    'Most did not know about it' is not correct, many sources for that, e.g.

    Agree. Most Germans knew at least roughly what was going on, even those living in rural aeras.


    But what does that mean? Were all of them guilty because they knew and did not uprise? Who of us members of lucky generations can seriously claim he would have resisted the Nazi regime and it's deadly minions?

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