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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 38 minutes ago, scammed said:

    there IS reliable data, you just responded to it,

    I don't doubt the reliability of your data. But the death count sys nothing to and about (herd)immunity.




    in other data i saw nearly all individuals died off was either over 85 years or immigrants from africa, again confirming herd immunity theory

    Agree. According to german data about 95% of the severe or deadly cases were over 80 or had pre-existing illnesses. But again: These facts have nothing to do with herd-immunity.


    You cannot talk about herd-immunity seriously without knowing how long this immunity lasts. It's not even sure if there is ANY immunity. A couple of weeks ago there were a few cases reported of people who cought the virus after revouverage again. But these reports are questionable.


    We do not know enough yet. Counting on herd immunity is pure speculation.

    More important would be to focus efforts on the high risk groups. Locking down again whole economies and the social life in case of a "second wave" is financial suicide an a severe threat to our freedom and civil rights.



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  2. 11 minutes ago, scammed said:

    this is as reliable data as you will ever get, and this is how herd immunity is expected to evolve,

    data match theory

    sweden covid-19.jpg

    The research on the virus is still at the beginning. There WILL be reliable data available in future. And as long as we do not know how long an immunity lasts, speculating about herd immunity is baseless nonsense.

    Your death by day-chart says absolutely nothing about immunity and less than nothing about herd immunity.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, scammed said:

    data suggest regions that took a hit early on are now close to herd immunity


    Which herd immunity?

    It's not even clear yet how long the immunity lasts after you recovered from an infection. New studies show a fast decline of antibodies which suggests it could be just a short period of immunity

    As long as there are no reliable data, "herd immunity" ist just BS.

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  4. 16 hours ago, Logosone said:


    It's out already, it'll "with high probability" restart on 15 May.




    German companies are already producing their own face masks, soon Germany will be swamped with the useless tand.



    Well, with high probability yes, but not yet decided as I told.


    OK, Germany now produces own (and widely useless) face masks and the shortage of all protective clothes etc. is over or will be in the next few days.


    But: Germany and other European countries had weeks more than Aisa to prepare for the coming. They missed the chance and sent medical staff (ours too) into hospitals and nursing homes without ANY protection. Even hand sanitizers wich are much more useful than masks were not available for our medical staff.

    Yes, Germany can be proud of their people in the health service doing a great and dangerous job. But the government lost time to react in the early stages of the outbreak, to prepare for the flood of infected persons and to store supplies to fight the pandemia. The relatively low numbers of Corona deaths is due to our health service wich still seems to be in a better shape than in many other developed countries.


    BTW: Paulaner is a famous beer in my home town of Munich :-). Cheers.

  5. 43 minutes ago, Logosone said:


    There is plenty to be envious about with Germany. Germans can go to shopping malls. The Bundesliga will start again on 15 May. You can even get a massage in Germany.

     AFAIK reality is a bit different here.

    There`s still no decision if Bundesliga starts in May. And if it starts it will be ghost games. The Shopping Malls are limited to 800 square meters at the moment.

    You can get a massage but no hair cut until yesterday.


    Most disappointing to me was the shortage of all kind of protective clothes, sanitizers and disinfection materials. Even our staff working in the medical service and in high risk places could not be sufficiently supplied for weeks since mid March until the last week of April.

    With a time gap of a few weeks we faced the same problems in the supply chaines as "third world"-Thailand.


  6. If you blame Germany for the lack of (low tech) equipment, you have to blame any western country. This is a matter of globalisation and the following supply chaines, nothing else.


    And don't forget to blame Thailand. They were in exactly the same sotuation a couple of weeks ago. Before I left LoS on March 20, there werde no masks available in Bangkok and Pattaya and even nationwide I guess.


    Funnily, when I left through Savanabhumi, I had to take both hands on their fingerprint scanner. No hand sanitizer somewhere around. Everybody outside Thailand knows, that strictly followed hygiene rules are by far more important than masks with their questionable sense.



    Fortunately,  here in Thailand we have a semblance of law and order. 


    That made my day!  ????

  7. 11 hours ago, uhuh said:

    The trip from Vienna to Constance, visiting and staying with friends in Constance, then going on to Brandenburg  and Munich, is the trip of a German medical student I know very well.

    I know a man who knows a man.... What a BS!

    Realtity check:

    "Travellers without a valid reason are prohibited entry"


    More in the original language:



    And by the way: There are huge numbers of tests made day by day in Germany. We even have drive-by test stations now. People widely practise social distancing.


    There's still a lack of masks, hand sanitizers and protective closing all over the country like in most other western countries. Even we who are working in the medical system cannot get sufficient supplies right now but that's the backside of globalisation and the shortage won't last much longer.


  8. On 4/13/2020 at 6:05 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

    All of his own choosing.


    Assange chose to avoid justice, the consequences he brought on himself by doing so is not an argument that he should not face the justice he was running away from.

    Assange didn'd choose to avoid "justice", he tried to avoid being extradited to a country that covers it's war crimes and war criminals and prefers to hang the messenger.

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  9. 49 minutes ago, uhuh said:

    Germans don't wear masks. It is considered "culturally unacceptable" (Christian Drosten, virologist at Berlin's Charite Hospital and adviser to the federal government) You cannot buy masks. At the time the article was written Germans would scoff at you if you were wearing a mask. 


    There is no public dispensing of hand sanitizer in Germany. 


    There is no public education about the outbreak like in Thailand,  where public announcements and videos are everywhere. But plenty of fake news about the virus on German YouTube.


    Frequency of trains and public transport has been reduced because occupancy was too low. 


    Travel is de facto unrestricted. People visit the beaches of the Baltic, and the valleys in the Alps are crowded. It is no problem at all to travel from Vienna to Constance, staying there with friends and their old parents,  then traveling to Brandenburg to visit your old mom, then to Munich to visit your grandparents - criss-crossing all over Germany. 


    Infected doctors keep working.

    In which universe would thet be? Not i  ours I guess:

    - Since I flew in to Munich from Bangkok on March 20 I wear masks whenever I'm out. No one scoffed.

    - No public education? Really? You must be blind and deaf or without TV and radio if you do not realize.

    - There ARE travel restrictions, you cannot travel from Vienna to Constance (if you are not an "asylum seeker"), the tourist hot spots in the Alps are deserted, the streets are mostly empty.

    - Infected doctors working? Where do you get your fake news?

    In your case I would compare the test rates in Germany and Thaiuland. Then you'll see where the small Thai numbers are coming from.

    Your whole post ist just BS.

  10. 2 hours ago, Chrysaora said:

    Leaving the country with no masks, by giving away your stockpile is not the right thing.  Now people are dying because of this stupid decision.

    How many are dying and infected in the US? Seems The Donald's America First- strategy is not very successful right now.


    Sure it is the right decision to provide as much supplies and help to the epicenter of a newly virus outbreake. This was in February when there was still little hope that the pandemia could be avoided. That's how nations (should) work together in times of crisis.

  11. On 4/7/2020 at 1:20 PM, Chrysaora said:



    71 Tonnes of Facemasks and other personal protection sent to China by Trudeau.  Seems a bit of misplaced anger by our Canadian friends, who should be thoroughly peeved at their own idiot prime minister for sending all their supplies to the laughing Chinese. 



    This was in February. your Canadian friends and Trudeau did exactly the right thing at that moment providing help to the epicenter of the outbreak.

    That was the time, where The Donald told my US friends "not problem at all" and - according to a famous Thai genious and general - "everthing's under control".


    But: Now, that the crisis is worldwide, each country has the right to restrict exports of goods needed at home. So do the US


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