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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. I used to fly Oman from 2012 and the following years. First they had BC 1-2-1 seats and by far the best service I ever had. The airport was as small like a provincial train station, short ways to the gates and just one hour stopover. And the prices were reasonable.

    Later the changed the seats, the service declined and from one day to the other they increased the prices by 4 or 500 Euro for return.

    So I switched back to Thai with their even worse service because they're the only ones except LH offering nonstop flights to Muc plus a very comfortable departure time in BKK.

    BTW: Do they use the new Muscat airport now?

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

    Greece must secure it's land borders. 

    It desperately tries to.

    But instead of providing them with money and all they need the german hyper-moralist "volksfront" regime already starts critizising Greece because of their use of force. As always without telling them how to avoid a breakethrough of thousands of violent "refugugees" supplied with turkish teargas grenades.

    If Greece again is left alone with the problem, they should open the border and let the invaders pass because none of them wants to stay there. Most of them will head to Germany and Skandinavia then


     The Islands and coastal borders are more difficult. Especially as Turkey turns a blind eye / facilitates Turkish smugglers profiteering from these illegal economic migrants.

    Difficult but possible.

    It's impossible IMO if you're not willing to sink the boats and that never will happen.

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  3. Facts are:

    Syrian "refugees" go back to the country they were "fleeing" from for holidays, weddings, family parties. Strange, isn't it?


    As soon as a "refugee" is in Germany, it is nearly impossible to get rid of him if he is denied asylum.

    The numbers of "refugees" that are obliged to leave the country are rising year by year (246000 by June 2019) while deportations decline (20000 in 2019).


    If deported, a "refugee" just has to return to the German border to apply for "asylum" once more and the game begins again. 





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  4. 7 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    using Germany as it is the most frequent talking point, out of 46,146 application by Syrians in 2018 only 69 were rejected outright. Other origin countries such as Nigeria the rejection rate is about 50% of all applications. For the future it would be good for you to use easily available data rather than rhetoric.

    That's what happens when one thinks a 5 seconds Google session makes him an expert.

    In 2019:

    Syria: 83.7%

    Nigeria: 6.9%

    These are NOT the accepted asylum seekers, it is the "Gesamtschutzquote" meaning they can stay in the country for some reasons.


    In 2019 about 62% of all asylum seekers (including Syriens) were denied.

    Beeing denied sadly does not mean you're sitting in the next plane to where you belong. You can stay and enjoy the social welfare system and - after a while - you can apply for visas for your relatives.

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