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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 7 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    There are born again christians who invade muslin countries and kill many thousands of people pretending to bring them democracy. And lots of bible thumpers vote for those racist leaders.

    But I guess the good news is that W didn't ban a movie. Yeah, great!

    Your equation is a joke.

    Human rights, women's rights, homosexuals rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion - unknown in most of these muslimic s.hithole countries


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  2. On 3/11/2020 at 1:24 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    Good luck that all those Christian bible thumpers are so open minded. ???? 

    Are there "christian" countries that kill apostats? Do they stone women? Do they hang homosexual from cranes? Are hundreds of thousands out on the streets to shout "kill the infidels" when in a far away country a small newspaper publishes cartoons about Jesus?


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  3. 2 minutes ago, topt said:

    I did show up last year but I think there is a disconnect anyhow in that the "helper" would have no way to check if you did or not as he/she does not look at any database or other information when processing your documents. 



    But that means the real IO who approved the application did not look at the database too or he did not care about the fact I did not show up last June.

  4. 8 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Sound like the same as previous years except for the request to return after 3 month with BB!

    That was my impression too.

    Even if I had showed up last year according to their rules the should at least have checked my BB for the 400k. But the helper had only a very fast look at the BB and all he was interested in were the copies of the last two months and if I had updated at the day of application.

    But - as always - I would not count on this. Another IO, another way to do. TiT

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  5. 26 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Sorry if I am missing some earlier posts of yours but I would like some more information.

    Did you do your previous extension (2019 to now) under the new rules requiring you to retain 800k for 3 months and 400k for remaining months after the renewal date? 

    If yes, when you did your extension, was this checked for in any way by immigration yesterday?


    I agree with your sentiment of angry faces in immigration ... saw one this week who yelled at the top of his lungs at the Thai lady with him, then inside was voicing complaint loudly to no one in particular. Looked like hangover symptoms to me!



    1. I did the 2019-extension March 05(?)/19 under the new rules. I must have been one of the first.

    2. I did NOT show up with my BB after 90 days because I was abroad then.

    3. For the wednesday-application I had a 1-year-statement of my bank and a constantly updated BB to show them I met the requirements.

    4. IO (the helper there)  did NOT want to see the statement, neither did he check the BB one year back. He just checked the BB copies ( 800k 2 months prior the application).

    5 At the end of the check they gave me another paper (same as linked here by a fellow TVF member) to come back with the BB after 90 days

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  6. Hi,

    I'd like to drive a SEA-tour later this year.

    The bike has a Thai registration on my name and I own a Thai and international (German) DL.

    Planed border crossings are Thailand to Laos, Laos to Vietnam and back to Laos, Laos to Cambodia, Cambodia to Thailand. Timeframe 5-6 weeks.

    Right now I don't even know if it's possible.

    Anyone here did soemthing similar? I would appreciate valuable advice about the different border crossings on a bike, requested papers, visa on arrival etc and anything that could be helpful.

  7. So, right back from Jomiten Immigration.


    Yesterday the application for retirement extension (800k). Took me half an hour.

    Though last year I did not show up with my bank book after 90 days no one wanted to see the one year statement.

    Today picking up the PP, doing the 90 days report and applýing for a multi-re-entry took another half hour.


    Conclusion: Smooth as silk. Jomtien is working professionally, the IOs and helpers are polite as always.

    The place was less crowded compared to the last years but that might due to the different time I went there this time (thanks to Max69xl).


    Sitting there and waiting I asked myself why some TVF-expats are complaining about their treatment by unfriendly IOs. A look around gave me the answer. So many people in dirty shorts, muscle shirts, flipflops and with angry faces are hardly to find outside balloon decorated beer bars. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Silencer said:

    If we take the number at 2,000,000 baht spent in country per expat (or expat family) a year, then at 100,000 people we get 200,000,000,000 baht year, or the suggested 200,000 people, 400,000,000,000 baht a year. Seems like a nice infusion into the economy per year.

    The 2 million are by far too much IMO. Last year (I think) there was a poll about the amount of money, expats are living on here. As far as I remember about 40% statet that they lived on 40k THB or less. Not many were over 100k/month

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  9. 11 minutes ago, Pravda said:


    What a smug answer considering it has nothing to do with the original question ????

    You might want to read the OP again....



    Maybe we are one of the mainincome in the kingdom ?

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    The rape accuser wrote to him after the alleged assault to accept party invitations, give him her new phone numbers and even express gratitude. One message read: “I feel so fabulous and beautiful, thank you for everything."

     Another read: “Miss you, big guy.”

     His lawyer pointed to a message the next year in which Haleyi asked Weinstein how he was doing and signed off with “lots of love."



    No doubt? Really?

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