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Posts posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. 13 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

    My understanding is that back in 2012/13 there was about 300K Expats in Thailand - not tourists - Expats working or living.

    Since then I believe that it has reduced - both workers and long stayers.  No one really knows how many are workers and how many are living (retired, married etc.), but in CM in 2017 my wife was told by the Immi Officer that each year there was about 200K expat visa extensions in

    I know compared to the whole Thai economy that amout is very small. But the thing is that much of that money Expats spend is done with the poor Thais - not on merecedes and other things - much of it in local villages/towns - and also the Thai girls.

    That means a lot to the poor Thais - but overall in terms of the total economy is means very little. But that is the point - to many Thais who get that Expat money it means a lot - that 100 billion means a lot to the poor/average Thais.


    The impact to the Thai economy is small but to some parts of the country, espacially Isan,  it was quite big over the years.

    BGs working in places like Pattaya were feeding their hole families, built homes and the little more wealth there was the start to improve the infrastructure in rural areas. Where people have some money in their pockets it's worth to build the firs family mart and on goes it.


    So surely the generations of farang visitors and long stayers had an not to underestimate influence to Thailand. But I don't think Thailand has to be grateful for that. It was a give and take on both sides.

  2. 17 minutes ago, johng said:

    Sometimes ? she is always there whenever I go in..always finds something wrong with my paperwork..this year it was the bank book hadn't been updated for a while so the bank aggregated the entries..had to go back and get a full 3 month statement from the bank also  the 2 sets of documents where to be arranged in a very specific order,sign every page,get new queue number wait again..I always look dumb,just can't help myself ????

    So what! These are the requirements. If your BB is not updated over a longer period, it does not prove the 2-months before rule. And yes, you have to sign each of the thousand copies - what a mess!

  3. At the time, I was told the story by a girl, not some book, the 50k for a westerner were less than today. As I refused to believe the Canadian sent her 80k month by month she showed me the transfers. Compared to him the other two were a bit kiniow.

    I met this lady for two or three years from time to time. We went out for diner - and yes, I payed the bill - and I was amazed by her sparkling conversation.

    But now I guess my memories are wrong and I just repeat an urban legend ????

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    like the sponsors are some kind of idiot. [/quote] Most of them are.


    People who read that book Private Dancer like to tell this story too normally cos they read it in there. Another load of tripe.

    I missed that book but I'll hurry to buy it to improve my knowledge of Thailand.


  5. 8 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    I wish I had a pound for every time I have heard that one. I would own half of England. 

    If you heard this story so often there must be many of those gilrs - or we all knew the same one.

    • Haha 2
  6. 1 minute ago, ross163103 said:

    Does he mean the dirty "farangs" like me that have been here over 25 years, married a Thai, then given her and my extended Thai family--which consists of at least 6 members, a great life that they could never have had without me?

    Do you really believe Anutin and his fellow morons are interested in the fact you helped some poor Thais out of their misery? These people mean nothing to those gangsters.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    that's not to say that House by Ginger is not world class


    As Indian by Nature in Pattaya is.


    The discussion here is childish. Some like Pattaya and have good reasons, some prefer Chiang Mai and others like their life somewhere in the rice fields. To each his own.

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