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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. The issue is lack of enforcement. Living in Bangkok for over two years I hardly see the police. And you have the mentality of many people that they just don’t care. They don’t care who they might injure or kill. It’s all about themselves.
  2. No friends here unfortunately. When I first moved to Bangkok I attempted to speak to other foreigners. Most from the states but also Europe. Not particularly sociable. My friends are in the states. The majority of their conversations were on and on about how they dislike their own country. Blaming this and that for their misfortunes in life. Going to the bar drinking. I’m not interested in socializing with people like that.
  3. I’m going to say this is a step in the right direction. Even though I don’t think it’s going to do much. Because of the mentality of many drivers here. But hopefully this step will save some lives. Many of these improvements are being done since the tragic incident with the doctor losing her life crossing the street. May she Rest In Peace. But many people have been injured and killed in the past. In any country, not just Thailand, certain people will draw more attention. It doesn’t reflect personally on that person. That is just the way it is.
  4. I was under the impression that people had to wear masks or would be fined. This is information I saw from previous news stories. Maybe I misunderstood. And it meant if a foreigner does not wear a mask they would be fined. As for concern about foreigners not wearing masks. The concern should involve everyone. Not just foreigners. But I actually do see a lot of foreigners not wearing masks also.
  5. Maybe it’s the top Chinese New Years destination without the Chinese.
  6. I live only a short walk from that intersection. Now I know how I can possibly make some extra cash
  7. Flashing lights, and push button devices won’t stop them. They even go through red lights. I do have a suggestion though. Install tire shredders that pop up out of the ground at crosswalks. They activate when the button is pushed. And also activate when the light turns red. Then after either the lights stop flashing or turn green. They fold back into the ground. It would be quite entertaining to watch how many just drive over them and get their tires punctured.
  8. A cowardly act. To gang up on one guy and end his life. And security guards yet. When I read this article at first I couldn’t believe that happened in Thailand. Only from all the comments in other forums that things like this only usually happen in America.
  9. I thought Sinovac was statistically proven to be not very good. I had the impression it’s use was basically phased out. But now it’s going to be used on minors?
  10. I have health insurance I carried over after I retired from my previous employer. And yes I do pay for it, It covers me internationally and domestically. i highly recommend every expat have health insurance. Taking care of your health is important. And you never know what might happen. Even though many complain that health insurance is too expensive. And many complain who have no insurance about the medical costs.
  11. I have read numerous articles on this. They say sin sod is not paid if the woman was previously married. Personally I wouldn’t pay this at anytime. But that is just my opinion. What would concern me is her not wanting to introduce you to her family. I could see if the relationship is new. But if it has been a while it would concern me. It would make me feel she was hiding something. Possibly seeing someone else that the parents know about. I was in a similar situation when I first came to Bangkok. She was 48 years old, Attractive, an accountant for a large company. She was divorced with two older children. We dated for eight months. Seeing me once a week. She never introduced me to her parents , friends or her children. They didn’t even know she was dating me. When I would ask her why. She said she didn’t know if I was sticking around . I eventually dropped her. Which I know I should have done sooner.
  12. Yes it’s frustrating. Once I got off at Nana BTS to go to Bumrungard hospital. I have a rabbit card and went out the wrong exit. There was an older lady stationed at the gate but not wearing a uniform. I explained to her what happened and asked if I could go back in to use the proper exit. She understood me. I even showed her the appointment confirmation on my phone. She had this nasty look on her face and said I had to pay again. Then a guy in the payment booth asked me what was wrong. I told him. He just smiled and laughed. Then he opened the gate to allow me back in.
  13. The main focus I have reading this story is a three year old child getting Covid . Which is possible. I do hope he recovers without any complications I wish him well. That should be the focus. But I don’t see that. Just debating on his schooling or if it’s government trying to deceive people.
  14. I still think this is an issue because some people just can’t go out and get those late night drinks.
  15. Traffic laws are going to be very difficult to near impossible to enforce . It’s the mentality and behavior .as I have said. Many people just don’t seem to care if they kill or injure someone There are drivers that do give me the right of way as a pedestrian here in Bangkok. But very few. And in every country you do have bad and uncourteous drivers to an extent But this is one of the worse. And I have traveled to many countries.
  16. They can and will reclassify it. But only when the time is right. Other countries will end up doing the same thing.
  17. As an expat I feel it’s better to rent. Because you never know what might happen. You might even want to move out of Thailand some time. But keep in mind. It also depends on your individual circumstances.
  18. Just another normal day in Thailand. If they left the BMW at the station I wonder who is driving it. I can imagine.
  19. It’s more than poor driving habits. It’s the mentality about harming another person. You have to have a fragile mind to drive a vehicle or motorbike and not care if you are going to kill or injure someone.
  20. The consumption of alcohol always seems to be a hot topic in the forums. From such high importance, It gives the impression not much else to do in Thailand.
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