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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. There might be rules which you should follow of course. And also protect yourself and others. But I observe if you go against these rules, nothing is usually said to you.
  2. The reason why I said talk to the embassy first. For example the American Embassy requires a police report. But not every country in the world has the same rules and regulations. And the person didnt say what country they are from. That is why I said contact their embassy for guidance. There is no reason to waste your time with the police in this country unless absolutely necessary. That is why you look at your embassy website under passport for instruction or call them. And there is more of an issue here than just a lost passport. Supposedly this so called agency threatened to make trouble for these people if they went to the police.
  3. If you feel your passports have been stolen by the agency. Or any wrong doing. Contact your embassy first. If they are not opened yet, they should have an emergency contact. They will give you instructions. If they feel you should contact police they will tell you.
  4. It’s amazing how such a thing as splashing water on someone could be made such a priority.
  5. I advise you to ask your question to a pharmacist regarding the types of drugs and antivirals. II only know of one person on here Sheryl who seems to have medical knowledge. The rest will be opinion of people trying to help. This way from a pharmacist you will get a more specific answer.
  6. Why wait for the contractor to finish. Might as well get rid of it and start fresh lol.
  7. Such a heartwarming story. It brought a tear to my eye looking at the kindness of her son. Must be a real man to assault a frail 75 year old woman. Negotiated to 50%? You can’t make this stuff up.
  8. Get those bars open. At least people will have something to do.
  9. 250 for a salon is a good price. I live in Bangkok. And the lowest price I paid in a Barber shop was 400 and up. To each their own. But unless I had very little hair or just wanted a buzz cut. I would be skeptical getting a haircut for under 400 in Bangkok.
  10. I use Grab for a little over two years. Only once I had to report a driver for driving recklessly. So maybe grab would be a better option for you. I have used grab taxi also but not often. Those drivers didn’t drive recklessly. But maybe because they were working for grab. Unfortunately it’s not only the taxi drivers what you are describing.
  11. For people who are on a limited income. This can be a lucrative way to make some extra cash. Prepare yourself when the bars and nightlife open again.
  12. Just to comment on amoxicillin and antibiotics. They will treat bacterial infections only. They will do nothing for a viral infection.
  13. Must have upset quite a few, visitors and expats. Now they will have to find something else to occupy their time.
  14. I don’t know where these so called contractors and technicians get their training or lack of. But from my experience they don’t know much of anything. And if there is a problem the common answer “that’s normal “ Dealing with contractors in the west you get some bad ones. But here it’s the worst.
  15. I’m beginning to think micro sleep is more contagious than Covid.
  16. Again thanks for the people that gave me advice regarding what could be the issue. I just wanted to add this. I posted in the electrical forum. I posted in that forum for an appliance issue. Not to ask about if Im responsible to make repairs or not. Unfortunately that got into the mix. Where I was told I have no idea about contracts, renting, responsibility , etc. Im not going to get into a debate on this. I just wanted to clear the air. Im not bragging. And Im attaching the section of my contract showing what the owner is responsible for. I would never rent a place where Im responsible to replace and repair every single thing. Especially involving major issues. Then the owner is collecting rent and doing nothing. I can see the renter responsible for things like bulbs and that type of thing. That is just common sense. And changing a bulb is not a repair in my opinion. And for myself supposedly not knowing anything about contracts or renting. Im soon to be 67 years old. In my lifetime I have owned and sold two homes and a condo in the states, all involving contracts. In my younger years I rented a few apartments, with contracts. The condo I sold I lived there twenty years. For fifteen of those years I was on the condo board, including serving as vice-president. So I delt with many contracts, contractors, owners, renters, legalities, etc. And I realize that was not Thailand. The issue I see from personal experience and other renters here in Thailand. Some of the attitude is the owner is under the impression the contract means nothing. In reality it probably doesnt. The choice is if you allow them to get away with it or not.
  17. It’s terrible the person was killed. I never heard of microsleep. When I go for my yearly physical next month I have to ask my doctor about that. Is it when you are not paying attention to things around you when you should be?
  18. In each of the two condos I have rented in Bangkok. The owners did the TM 30 on line. The first owner never did it before and she had no issues. The second owner claimed they owned 12 condos they rented including to foreigners. They had all kinds of issues trying to do it. As if they never done it before. So I suggest if the owner does it, you should do a follow up with the owner. Im very sorry to hear about your cancer situation. I’m a cancer survivor. In December of 1988 I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease. I had five months chemo twice a month. And a month of radiation five days per week. Plus ongoing medical tests during that period. I have been in remission since May 1989. Hang in there. If you have any questions or concerns Regular Guy 77 you can message me.
  19. The guards claim he attempted to flee without paying his bill. Which they have every right to stop him from leaving. They claim they blocked him . Then he shoved them. They only said shove nothing else. They didn’t say he started throwing punches or violently attacked them. If he just shoved them, they could have just restrained him. Im guessing these guys are not professionals. In the states I have known a few bouncers. These were big muscular guys. And they diffused situations and even brawls. But without throwing punches or injuring someone.
  20. Most people who I know had side effects with Moderna. But it comes down to how your own body reacts. I had both Pfizer and Moderna boosters. With no side effects from either.
  21. I have never been to a government hospital so I can’t give opinions there. I’m not sure what fits into your budget. I go to Bumrungard hospital. But I have health insurance. You can check the packages there to see if the prices are good for you. A private hospital with more reasonable prices is BNH Hospital in Bangkok.
  22. Criticizing the OP because thinks he was over charged in a taxi. The OP is asking specifically for information. Not asking for your personal opinion about him or the way he thinks. And I’m sure he could care less what you think of him. And truthfully neither do I. I’m sure if his post involved being overcharged on booze. He would have gotten more favorable responses.
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