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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. 100% this. And the ridiculous part of it is they do it in non-smoking areas too, and venue owners allow it. Vapers constantly puff and it is by far more emissions than a normal cigarrete, it is not harmless. Why is it allowed in non-smoking areas?
  2. Yes please. Ban those cancer sticks. More importantly ban second-hand vapor - I'm sick and tired of breathing other people's crap even in rooms designated as non-smoking. Allergic to that **** and idiots think it's candy and blow it right in your face.
  3. Now there's a joke you can laugh at. This government was literally NOT fairly elected. Move Forward were the party fairly elected and denied by unfairly unelected Senators. As for the PM - he's a joke, pushing forward the 10k digital wallet idea is a terrible plan which will just cause inflation while simultaneously increasing taxes. Robin hood maneuvers never helped a country. Good riddance if they do mange to get rid of him.
  4. If he's a heavy drinker - sure. As for the GFM - it's amazing to me how is it possible that so many families don't even have money saved up for emergencies. Or is it that they do have the money but want other people to pay for it? that's even worse. RIP either way.
  5. Employment rights? They get paid to party and get laid. The ones who are good at their job make a ton of money (in Thai standards). The very few smart ones save and invest and retire eventually. The grand majority however are completely stupid with money and gamble, drink, smoke, or give it away as fast as it comes in. What exact "employment rights" do they expect for a job that pays so much for doing so little? Legalization opens the door to a host of potential issues and problems that neither Thailand, the girls themselves, and Johns can or want to handle. It will just complicate things, push prices up, and reduce supply and demand. Keep the status quo - if it ain't broke don't fix it.
  6. The real question is: why would you make a child with a woman who's clearly a nutjob. The signs must've been there before it happened. And do it all over again, either with these children, or after she makes new ones. Reminds me of the first girl I met in Bangkok- by the time I met her, at 26, she's already had 4 (one died), and from the time I dumped her (for being crazy and violent) within a few years she made 3 more. Textbook example of someone who should NOT reproduce yet she can't stop.
  7. I don't think the 10k plan will ever happen, but even if it does it won't push inflation too much higher. Most people will just waste it on immediate "needs" like gambling, booze, and other recreational activities. There isn't likely to be much increased demand and impact to consumer goods IMO. As for the baht - keep it coming - the lower she goes the better!
  8. US markets are not tanking, and there's 0% chance for a rate increase. Rate decrease probable in June. Market rally until Oct-Nov for sure, then it depends on the election.
  9. Deport, deport, deport. Why is there so much human trash here these days? they seem to be younger, too. YouTube fault?
  10. Why warn? just deport. If someone doesn't like Thailand then just leave.
  11. Sorry to burst your "sexpats" bashing bubble, but I've got news for you: these days even young guys can't get laid in their home countries, unless it's with an ugly/old/fat chick. The good looking ones won't even bother unless you're western-standards rich or famous or extremely good looking. Normal average guys don't stand a chance which is why you see a lot more younger non-loser western types in Thailand now. It's not just retirees anymore.
  12. That's an easy possibility, as long as they limit it to exempt entries and VOA only. People with a tourist visa already pay a fee, and others on visas such as Non-O, retiree and Elite shouldn't be paying an entry fee. Given this is Thailand however- if they implement such a fee they'll just blanket throw it at all foreigners...
  13. Then why the **** are they encouraging Russians and Indians? There's entire areas in Pattaya that feel more like India than Thailand. Aside from few actually rich guys most don't spend much. The stereotype of 5 guys sharing a beer (and a girl/ladyboy) are there for a reason - it actually happens - a while ago an Indian (Thai born) friend told me about how he and 5 of his mates invited one girl over and all of them took turns. I was holding my laughter because that's the exact stereotype. Another (rich lawyer) Indian friend was laughing because there was a group of Indians who were being denied entry to a BKK club, while he walked right in - the difference is that he's well dressed, looks nice, and opens bottles. They wanted to get in with a large group of men, underdressed, and they'd be drinking beers. He said he's happy they didn't let them in, lol. As far as Russians go, while a lot of them have more money, there's also a LOT of younger guys who are broke but escaped to avoid the draft. This in itself is a positive thing, but Thailand encouraging them to come to Thailand is part of the current situation. (and let's not start on all the Russians working illegally, mafia, etc) I'm not saying discriminate- but definitely don't encourage tourists who don't have money. And don't complain about over-tourism of cheap charlies when you created the situation.
  14. Yup. Can't go two meters in Nana without running into an African drug dealer, pimp, or hooker. They're really just a waste of space and a constant annoyance. Should round them up and deport anyone who's working illegally (which is almost all of them). Even the ladyboys are more pleasant.
  15. Depends. Pretty much any girl active on a dating app will sleep with you on the first date if she likes you, so it's basically the cost of the meal and/or drinks. Not free, but definitely cheaper than a freelancer or bar girl. These days in Bangkok working girls have gone bonkers- recent quotes I've heard were 6k, 10k, even 30k. Bar girls are probably more sane but bar fines have gone up and it'll still cost ya 5k+ between drinks, bar fine, and "tip".
  16. There is no way a gogo bar is paying 1.2mil a month rent. They'd need to sell on average 500+ drinks a night just to cover rent and salaries. Possible on a busy night sure, but not every night.
  17. Every high season they go crazy greedy. Every low season they cry no tourists. Don't worry- give it a month or two and there won't be "over-tourism". What the hell is "over-tourism" in an island that it's entire economy revolves around and depends on tourism? without tourism Phuket is just another island. Don't get me wrong- I'm all for less tourists, they drive up prices and cause the greed meter to go bonkers which hurts us expats too, but imposing yet another stupid tax is just....stupid and greedy.
  18. Should've at least been arrested. If he tried to forcefully drag a random woman to do who-knows-what then why tf did they let him go to potentially do it to another woman? (if he knows the woman or it's his gf or something then it's a different story - but if he tried to drag a stranger somewhere that's a rape attempt)
  19. How exactly is revoking his visa different than deporting him? same result. As far as immigration deeming him undesirable - how is that different than discrimination? if his "victim" was someone less connected and/or he wasn't a foreigner neither police, immigration, or the court would handle the case as harshly as they are.
  20. Landlords are just doing what the market dictates: if they think there is more demand than supply they raise prices. If and when they realize there's no demand at those prices they lower. Locally demand is very low for pricey condos, but tourists compare it to prices back home and are happy to pay inflated prices because they don't think or realize they're overpriced. Low season, here we come. 🔥
  21. That's the worst bs story I've ever heard. 100% not what happened for sure. Send him and his friends to rot in jail PLEASE! It's absurd that a Swiss idiot is facing jail and deportation for bruising some bitch's ego, while these actual criminals put two men in hospital and they'll probably walk away with a small fine. Ohh, and "foreigners"? Chinese or Myanmar or something similar. These are not who we think about when you say "foreigners".
  22. Obviously drunk off his mind (if not drugged). Disgusting but I don't think it's disrespectful - he had no idea what he was doing so respect doesn't come into the equation. No doubt however that the racist/xenophobic mob out there would condemn all foreigners based on this incident. Thailand really is better without tourists. They drive up prices, overcrowd the place, and give us all a bad name with singular ridiculous incidents like this. My rent has gone up 30% since tourism restarted - it's not much of a dent but it's annoying and overpriced in relation to the rest of the country. Will probably move when my contract ends and no doubt landlord will jack up price again.
  23. I'm not saying the guy isn't guilty - he is and he should be punished. But he should be equal under the law, and the typical punishment for a kick is not jail and deportation. In this case because the case went viral and the doctor has connections you have top government intervening and basically telling the court to go harsh on him - that is discrimination. He should be made to pay a fine, pay the good doctor some money for her alleged "trauma" (bs), and move on with their lives. Instead you have the attention-seeking doctor keep holding press releases, top government doing the same - for what? a kick that didn't even leave a bruise aside from her ego? it's ridiculous. Give the man a fine and move the **** on already.
  24. Keep telling yourself that while you poison anyone around you. Do some research- it is not harmless and it is not "water vapor". It is full of chemicals like formaldehyde, benzene, diacetyl, and a whole bunch of other substances that are known to cause lung issues.
  25. Anutin once against reaffirming that he is racist. As if us "dirty foreigners" didn't know what he thinks of us already. A Thai kicks another Thai- police won't even prosecute. 500 baht and a wai max. Swiss rich guy vs an attention-whore doctor? prosecution, possible deportation, top of government gets involved. If this isn't discrimination then what is?
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