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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. So what you're saying is Thailand should have one set of laws for Thais, and one set of laws for foreigners? Foreigners should be punished more severely for the same crimes? Do you understand that's racism?
  2. Exactly. Reading the article it sounded like this was a dangerous thug that needed to be deported immediately, but watching the videos he wasn't really doing anything that Thais don't do on a daily basis. Weaving between cars? ✔️No helmet?✔️Running red lights?✔️Speeding?✔️ Sounds like the average delivery driver - except he wasn't driving on pavements which they do. There was nothing extreme - at least nothing caught on camera. As for the wheelie - done on an empty street without putting anyone other than himself at risk - at most deserves a fine. I am not fan of idiots who think they can get away with anything here - but this doesn't seem to be one - at least not from those videos.
  3. I don't typically check in luggage, so no it does not get weighed, but either way - we're talking about weighing your luggage vs weighing you...
  4. Step one: get a place in a tourist town, in a tourist area, known to have wild parties until late at night. Probably a low-rise too while at it. Step two: complain about it. I'm currently in a high-rise in Pratumnak. Couldn't be quieter up here.
  5. Who cares what "people" want? if they're not the patrons of said establishments then their opinion is meaningless. Let patrons vote with their legs/wallets.
  6. Any airline that weighs me or my luggage is an airline I will never travel with again. Just say no.
  7. Can we please get the military government back? anything is better at this point.
  8. This government is becoming more of a joke every day. Would be funny if it wasn't sad.
  9. You're not strong on history, are you? They didn't "abandon their lands" - they were exiled by enemies who took over the land. So-called "Palestinians" are mostly Jordanian/Egyptian/Syrians who've been there for less than 100 years. Jews have been in Israel - apart from periods when they were exiled - for thousands of years. When they bought the lands (yes - much of the land was bought fair and square) a century ago they were swamps and deserts, very little good land - they used Eucalyptus trees and other means to drain the swamps and make the land usable. The arabs have zero claim to those lands. Period.
  10. What a mess. Lessons to be learned: don't do business in Thailand, and if you do - no partners, and pay your damn taxes! Also- kind of a given, but don't overstay your visa... 🤦‍♀️
  11. What happened in recent days that hasn't been happening all along human history, at much larger scale at times?
  12. Stop talking about it and just do it. And while you're at it, it should be 7am, not 4am. In tourist areas where there's no disturbance to locals there is zero reason against it, and it will aid in fighting corruption and fire hazard small venues open after hours because large established venues are not allowed to.
  13. His first mistake was taking his wife to Thailand. Don't bring sand to the beach. She's probably a toxic control freak with insecurity issues and freaked out at the sheer amount of women hotter than her. On the upside (for him) - his next visit to Thailand should go much, much singler... (that is if he has half a brain - anyone who'd stay with a partner who deliberately strands you overseas is brain dead)
  14. Occupiers of what? get your facts straight. All of the people killed were on Israeli soil, most of them didn't live in that area and came from all over the country to a music festival. None of them were "occupiers". Israel left Gaza in 2005, until last week there was zero Israeli presence in Gaza. The "occupation" Hamas is claiming is all of Israel, as their stated goal is to throw Israelis in the sea and claim the entire country. That's the kind of evil Israelis have had to deal with for generations.
  15. It doesn't really matter if she was driving or was a passenger. Getting on a motorbike in rainy conditions - especially without a helmet - is a terrible choice either way. With motorbikes it's not a question of if you're going to get in an accident - it's a question of when, and how badly you're going to be hurt.
  16. Every other week there is a violent incident involving the same ladyboy group on beach road - and those are just the ones reported, there are incidents on a regular basis that aren't. Given their aggressiveness and violent nature they shouldn't be allowed to ply their trade there and be a menace to innocent tourists walking near the beach. I have no problem with them doing whatever the hell they want in ladyboy bars and clubs, but being afraid to walk on street road because men in dresses are acting like thugs and attack at the slightest provocation really is hurting the image of Pattaya, lol.
  17. They have not "been taken captive" during a war. They have been kidnapped from their homes and work accommodations. There is a huge difference. This wasn't an act of war - it was a terrorist attack on innocent civilians in brutality that has never seen before in Israel. These were murderous zealots the likes of ISIS, not soldiers in a war. Hamas is ISIS.
  18. Clearly you have not been intoduced to the wonderful world of "daddy issues".
  19. I think you're confused. Bar girls and prostitutes are exactly the type of women who would be glad to have a no commitment sugar situation. In fact many of them already have one or more "boyfriends" sponsoring their lifestyle from overseas with occasional visits to LOS. You could go on dating websites like Thai Friendly, or even Tinder - but the women there who would accept a sugar relationship are exactly the same - they're freelancers who use dating sites/apps to find customers instead of bars/clubs. It doesn't matter where you meet her and how you try to hamster it in your head that "she's different" - a prostitute is a prostitute. Normal non-prostitute Thai girls will not accept a sugar situation. Beginner prostitutes and semi-pros who hold a job but "moonlight" on the side could fit your description, however they tend to be a lot more jealous and needy than more experienced ones. Expect phone calls in the middle of the night and all those things you wish to avoid. You really should be looking for pros who won't pretend it's an actual relationship.
  20. On the contrary. Sounds like she was "lending" (giving) him money on a regular basis. Basically a sugar mama who got sick of sponsoring his lifestyle and instead of accepting her loss and stupidy decided to cause some drama in the process of leaving him. He's not a good guy, sure, but she's not a good woman either from what it sounds like.
  21. Sukhumvit bars and clubs close at 2-3am currently. Anything you see at 6am is completely unrelated to nightlife venues - mostly street workers who were there (the street) all night, and will be there regardless of when bars close. If anything extended opening hours will get some people OFF the street and into those venues. And who made you the arbiter of "quality"? Night owls are more intelligent, more creative, and more successful than morning folk. Just because I prefer to start my night at 1am in a classy venue doesn't make me any less "quality" than some dude in a wife beater drinking in a beer bar from noon till he passes out. The majority of problems and incidents happen with people who start drinking early, not late.
  22. Just let all clubs everywhere open as late as they want, and let patrons decide how late they want to party. You want tourists? start acting like it. Bangkok's nightlife has been dying a slow agonizing death ever since the wet blanket 2am rules were introduced. It's a shadow of it's former self - in 2019 you could go out at 5am and there were still venues open and fun to be had - now at 3am almost everything is closed - it's ridiculous. I personally know dozens of people who used to come to Thailand a few times a year, who stopped coming to Bangkok because it's incredibly boring now. Some of them go to Pattaya or Phuket instead, but many just don't come to Thailand at all anymore. I'm actually about to move to Pattaya because Bangkok nightlife has become so bad. Lost all hope it will ever be back to normal.
  23. Idiots in charge. They want tourists money but doing everything they can to deter tourism. This government is quickly revealing itself to be even worse than the outgoing military government - Robbing Hood style all the way.
  24. Typical Patong tuk tuk scum. Getting nasty over 100 baht like animals. The whole drive from sansabai to Kalim and back to 200 takes maybe 5 minutes - 400 baht for that? what a joke. They should sterilize Patong with fire.
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