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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. It's a misspelling of Elias - which is a common name for Israelis of Spanish/Portuguese descent. Unfortunately in Israel the legal system is extremely lenient towards violent crimes, so psychos like this walk free even when they commit heinous acts of violence. Stabbings and worse offences are common. A lot of these goons are also involved in mafia/criminal organizations, which would explain how this human trash had that much money to settle the case. Sadly it seems like he'll walk to commit another atrocity in the future - until one day he actually murders someone, which he will, and money won't be able to solve it.
  2. Huh?? A taxi driver rigging his meter DESERVES to have his life ruined. He's not a "poor person", he's a thief. He belongs in jail, not just on tiktok.
  3. Um what? 10,703 units valued at 52,259 million baht? 4882 baht per unit? that's awfully cheap for a condo. The math is obviously completely off/wrong on this. Also the whole sentiment is wrong: the Chinese are not buying like they used to, and neither are other nationalities. Articles like this just serve to artificially inflate prices even though there's no market demand. Prices will rise, units will sit empty for months/years, great job everyone. Edit: guess I was reading it wrong, and it's 4,882,000 baht per unit.. which makes more sense.
  4. What relevance does it have how much the tiktok guy makes? the driver is obviously a bad driver and should not be allowed to be a taxi driver.
  5. Throw them in jail for a few months. "Teenagers" is not an excuse. On the contrary - they need a strong lesson and not leniency. Won't happen though.
  6. It sounds like you are assuming the money will be laying around doing nothing while he only depletes it. That's one way to do it, but not how most do. Even a conservative investment can easily get you 5-6% a year and probably more. Judging by the criteria you posted 175k/mo - even after tax - should be plenty to keep him afloat without ever touching the original 35mil, so age is irrelevant. Realistically 35mil is on the high side, but the typical problem in Pattaya is that guys get a gf/wife and end up spending significantly more than they originally planned as those ladies have a talent for bleeding you dry. If he keeps single and sticks to ONLY ST he could do it every day and still be within his budget. Another factor is alcohol and partying - it depends on your personal style but it could be anything from a minor expense to many thousands a day.
  7. Why would you keep 13mil in a checking account?? they should be invested.
  8. Allow 24/7 sales, advertising, and posting on social media. There is zero reason to restrict any of these and it's completely ridiculous that they are restricted. People will always want what they can't have, so restricting it is achieving the opposite effect encouraging people to drink more. Allow all of these, and ENFORCE drunk driving laws (it's not that hard!). But who am I kidding - it won't happen.
  9. Your age is showing. Cannabis is not a gateway drug and will not cause you to "upgrade" to harder drugs - that's a completely false narrative spread many years ago. I personally don't use drugs at all, including Cannabis, but this is just false propaganda.
  10. It's not that they cannot - it's that they chose not to because there's not enough incentive. If they actually wanted to I'm sure they could enforce both.
  11. While I did not live with her 24/7, my previous girlfriend took about a year to turn from a complete sweetheart who showed zero signs of jealousy and was always supportive to a raging jealous monster who demanded we get married, went through my phone while I was drunk blocking and deleting any woman she could find, went through my cabinets and threw away bottle tickets and a lucrative membership discount card, and in general turned into a crazy *****. Turns out she was crazy all along - she did similar things with her past boyfriends too - but she was just very good at hiding it. She even said she was hiding it at first because she didn't want to scare me off. Eventually I cut it off because you can't fix a broken woman - it only gets worse. So yeah, give it PLENTY of time before you marry a woman. Live with her for a while. See what she's really like behind the mask.
  12. Stupid. They should let people smoke at home as it hurts no one - just ban it in public and ENFORCE IT. Same goes for vapes - ban it in public and ENFORCE - they've completely stopped enforcing and every other person is blowing toxicfumes in your face nonstop everywhere.
  13. I think you missed the part where some of them actually married him. Gold diggers? maybe. Fishing for a Green Card? maybe. But prostitutes don't normally marry their clients. If anything it sounds like he was picking them based on them having a relatively high paying job and they were the ones who sponsored him, not the other way around. A word has to be said about the women though - the guy is a walking red flag - why would an American "soldier" live in Thailand, be on a tourist visa, fly in and out all the time, and live in Bang Yai of all places. Even if there were no character indications at first just the weirdness of his living situation should've tipped them off something was not right. If a foreigner is living in the cheapest possible place they can find or immediately moving in with her then there's 0% chance he's really an American solider with decent income. Sounds like the guy is traveling around making homemade "porn" without their consent and selling it. Hopefully they'll catch him and send him to jail for a very long time. The abuse is bad enough, but the videos will remain online essentially forever.
  14. I don't have kids, but if I did they would of course be priority #1. On the upside- kids in Thailand aren't nearly as expensive as back home. Obviously I wouldn't pay to put someone else's kids through expensive education etc, but basic needs like food etc sure - why not. Back home I would not want to take care of someone else's kids, simply because the cost is prohibitive. In Thailand (to me) it is small money so I don't care. But why even go there? you can easily get a girl who isn't a mom if that bothers you.
  15. That's exactly what I'm talking about. While I have no problem with supporting a girlfriend and her kids - having her extended family expect her to support them just because of the "rich falang" is ridiculous. If she wants to throw away her own money that she earned working - that's up to her - but using money that I give to support her to other people is completely disrespectful IMO, not to mention always asking for more because it's never enough. And then of course you have those who actually have a boyfriend/husband other than you, and use YOUR money to support him. Sadly a lot more common than most guys realize.
  16. Amazing how many loser self-defeating foreigners live in Thailand. You are ABSOLUTELY the prize when compared with other options most women here have. True that you can't get any woman you want, and if she's young and attractive she will have more choices, but there's just SO MANY women here who are very attractive yet cannot find a mate due to societal reasons (single mom, over 30, etc) that the pool of options for a falang here are virtually endless. Obviously you should work out, take care of yourself, and strive to bring more to the table than money - but if you take care of yourself the dating pool is probably the best in the world (for us) here.
  17. Your entire description of her is red flags. She is old, has kids, and is clearly more interested in financial support than a loving relationship. Best case scenario she's "only" a gold digger and will milk you for what she can. Worst case it's entirely possible she has multiple other "boyfriends" sending her money every month - that's very common. Also entirely possible that she moonlights as a freelancer (hooker) - also very common for single mothers here - they need to support a family and a government salary usually isn't enough. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it - but you should first come to Bangkok, meet the lady, see what she's like and if there is an actual genuine connection - and only then decide if you want to commit to her. You say she's out of your league - but that's completely ridiculous - she's 38yo and a single mom - why do you think she's looking abroad for older men? This is Thailand - you can easily get a younger woman who isn't a mom (yet) if you wanted to. Bottom line is becareful with your money and what you bring to Thailand with you. Anything you buy her you will never see again. Be ready to support not only her and her kids, but also her mom, possibly uncle, and various other family members who'll come to her asking for money once they learn she married a "rich" falang. (assuming a worst case scenario here - not ALL relationships are like that - but it's common enough that it needs mentioning)
  18. Nope. Won't happen. Doesn't matter. America leads the way absolutely. 20 baht I'm not firm about, lol. Why and how do you think there will be an election this year??
  19. This is literally the entire point of the OP- that the American "progressive" (regressive) movement has completely distorted language to mean the exact opposite. "tolerance" means intolerance. "woke" means hating everyone who's not a perceived underdog. Or are you just trolling?
  20. Maybe many years ago. These days being "woke" is just another name for being intensely racist towards whites, Jews, and anything that's successful and fruitful.
  21. Talking about the US - which leads the world's economy. Thailand is a different story but will likely follow suit. Election years are rarely gloom.
  22. Anti-white, and these days also anti-Jewish. Zero tolerance for racist "woke" idiots. Go woke and go broke
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