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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. Amazing Thailand. So they disbanded MFP, remove the PM, probably elections again without MFP - then guess who is going back into power? 🤦‍♀️ No doubt this was planned, and sadly they'll get away with it.
  2. You have a nice day too. You're welcome.
  3. Yes, you need it. You've always needed it. The airline may refuse boarding without it and actually will in some countries like Philippines.
  4. Does it matter? It's even worse if it's not the same guys (it means there's even more goons in soi 6). Great for business, really.
  5. Agreed. They should at least release this info to police and the family. Note to self: avoid Finnair.
  6. Soi 6 security AGAIN. Why are they not in jail? they clearly belong there and not "protecting" bars. Also worse than that is the fact foreign owners employ goons who will happily beat someone up to critical condition. This isn't limited to Pattaya or Soi 6 either - a while ago while in a club in Bangkok some guy was attacking a girl at our table, security dragged him away screaming and resisting, and his friend tried to calm things down. They knocked both out, and the friend ended up in the hospital despite only trying to calm them down. Foreign ownership but the guys still eager to beat up customers.
  7. Judging by the Olympics, that might actually work. 🤦‍♀️
  8. Most freelancers I know are simply lazy or alcoholic and usually both. I know a few who went to work in factories but they always quit after a few months because the work is hard, the hours and pay are ridiculous, and most of all they miss partying their ass off and having money. Some of the comments on this thread describe them as soulless creatures who made a wrong choice, but that's far from the truth. They are just people - some of them good, some bad, some crazy, some amazing. They don't lose their souls because a guy (or many guys) had sex with them, and to say that they made a wrong choice is, well, wrong: they get to party all the time, get paid for it, drink for free, and even get laid. Hotter/younger ones have plenty of choice and can choose the men they're willing to go with. That's actually not a bad life, and not a bad choice given the alternatives (factory or fields). Let me guess - she was old and extremely experienced? baggage. All the younger girls I know who work in bars are very happy to be there. It's a choice.
  9. It's less that westerner business is down, and more that it is low season, and the type of westerner visitors now is leaning more towards young guys who'd rather spend time and money in a nightclub or at least a gogo rather than a beer bar. I think it's the demographics that changed rather than the numbers.
  10. Sadly many of the owners encourage this behavior. Short-sighted and stupid: instead of giving customers a good experience so they become repeat customers they try to rip them off so most will never return. I do not however share your pessimism. Yes- Bangkok nightlife isn't great anymore, but Thailand as a whole is not dead just yet. Pattaya is always packed, and plenty of girls out for a mixture of fun and business, not just pro. Especially the younger girls- they are picky about who they will go with, but at least you know they chose to rather than just go with any willing wallet.
  11. I know around 10 girls who work or worked there (we drink together in a different afterhours bar sometimes and had some house parties together). Half are just friends, the other half I slept with. Aside from one who was more greedy to her own detriment (I stopped seeing her), most of them did not ask for much. At the bar they always buy their own bottles. They do make a lot of money, and sure know how to spend it, too. I doubt they save much, if anything. They get asked to send money constantly by family members and "friends" back home. It doesn't matter how much they make - it always runs out. I'm sure there are some girls who are smarter with money and do save, but most do not. As for Billboard- yes, it is probably the best gogo bar in Bangkok, maybe even Thailand, but it's an anomaly. The majority of the venues in Nana Plaza and cowboy are usually deserted, especially later at night. Funny anecdote: the first girl I met in Thailand worked in one of those bars. She stopped going there and just stayed with me for a few months. The first few weeks she asked me to pay her bar fine (500 baht) every night, but later she just stopped paying them. It's utterly ridiculous that they get no salary, no benefits, and aren't even employees - yet they are expected to compensate the bar when they take time off or quit. Her last bf actually paid the bar a lot of money to "buy her" so she could safely quit. That's why she decided to just stop paying - they were already paid. The mamasans were angry at her, but did not pursue anything further. After we broke up I got with two of her best friends/ex-coworkers, because, well, these...girls...ain't loyal. Also this was 2016 so they weren't that old, lol.
  12. Well.. they did a 180 on that one... pun intended. I wonder if immigration officers at the airports are aware of this...
  13. One of my exes used to search through everywhere to find "evidence" of other women when I was out. She even threw out some things like bottle tickets and a VIP card since she thought of it as "finding whores" (her words), so I threw her out...
  14. No. They will be raised in Isaan. 🤣
  15. Nobody wants a "family friendly" Pattaya. We love it precisely because it is sin city. Take that away and it's just another boring seaside town.
  16. They should go bust for how they treated Carlos Ghosn. He had zero chance of a fair trial as both Nissan executives and Japanese authorities plotted against him. In Japan being extravagantly successful and displaying it for all to see is in itself a crime in some people's eyes. Japanese CEOs typically draw modest salaries and pretend to live modest lives (at least when the public can see). Was the some book-bending? maybe, but probably not enough that would make anyone go after him in another country. Japan is unique in it's disdain for outward displays of success. Sadly the fact he was incredibly successful in turning the company around earned him plenty of enemies. Bottom line is: he made the company successful, they threw him under the bus and destroyed themselves in the process. Anyone hearing the stories would think twice about buying a Nissan, and personally I wouldn't touch it with a stick even if I'd consider another Japanese brand.
  17. Cngratulations, now you are officially qualified to work as a bar girl or a freelancer. Score points in life, one achievement at a time!
  18. Welcome to the land of wine and Quran.
  19. She's a queen alright, but not sure if I'd call her a beauty. Well past her prime, yet still a prima donna apparently. It is indeed frustrating when airlines market the same class and rates for different types of premium seats, but the way to handle it is not - file a complaint with the airline and move on. Bitching about it online and even worse attacking people who had nothing to do with it is exactly how not to handle oneself.
  20. Something tells me there's a lot more to this story... Hotel staff wouldn't come until the next day? 3 rooms? slept in her brother's room? what a mess.
  21. Absolute false nonsense. There is no enough data and studies to conclude anything such as that, existing data shows harmful effects (to a lesser degree than cigarettes), and not all vapes are created alike: some companies use ingredients that are not (supposed to be) harmful, while others (Chinese crap comes to mind) will stick anything in there if it makes it taste good (addictive). There have been many documented cases of vape users being hospitalized and even dying due to toxic ingredients in specific brands.
  22. Whine whine whine, it's Buddha day - you're not allowed wine. Amazing how Thailand actually takes a step in the right direction, allowing digital nomads to legally stay and work in Thailand instead of being forced to do border runs at the mercy of immigration officers and how they feel that day, and people who've had to suffer through that beaurocracy in the past complain. Be happy for those eligible for it, and on with your day. The only group that can be ****hurt is people who just recently bought Elite at the inflated price. Everyone else, including those who bought Elite before the price increase, really don't have anything to complain about. Also keep in mind the DTV is subject to change - which it very likely will - if not this government, the next one may decide they don't like how it's going and cripple or axe it. With Elite or retirement at least you're on a visa that has a long proven history which isn't likely to change too much.
  23. Yes, spending. It doesn't matter how you try to spin it - owning a house is a huge expense, NOT an investment. Real estate is a pretty **** "investment" all around.
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