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Everything posted by CartagenaWarlock

  1. No, in the US, in all states, you need a child care license to babysit more than a few kids. In most states, it is 6.
  2. What happened to the COVID racism commotions? There is nothing wrong if, from time to time, some commotion is created by speaking the truth. After the commotion, most foreigners fell in line and started using masks, they did not leave en masse. Thailand knows that unless foreigners are kept chained (using all their document requirements) and controlled, they will go berserk. Have you seen an explosion of videos (TikTok, YouTube, and other social media) about the discovery of a gold mine in Thailand in the form of 5000 baht rooms and 50 baht meals, and one guy is even explaining how close to each other the places are. 🙂
  3. Even worse. Maybe they realized that no foreign women came with gunboats to force a country to buy something they did not want.
  4. Thailand wants foreigners under control and chained with all their document requirements, keeping them as refugees from year-to-year residency, or the same attitude posted here. They know that if foreigners are let go unchained, they will go berserk and may use gunboats to force them to buy drugs. Also, the western countries forget two hundred years of colonization to lay their economic foundation by looting from the colonies. Now they are paying for that. And there is nothing wrong with that, and nothing can be done. Just swallow it as present payment for the past deeds.
  5. I have been hearing this mantra, especially in this forum, since I joined. It does not happen on YouTube or Facebook, where I see an explosion of videos touting 5000 baht rooms and 50 baht meals, and they would even try to convert it into the US dollar or British pound for their folks to understand it better.
  6. You are still too naive to understand why it's so difficult to get permanent residency and citizenship in Thailand, unlike in the USA, for example. Thailand wants to keep foreigners under control with their 90-day reporting, TM30 update, and numerous other documents and will only give extensions year-to-year so that they can kick a foreigner out for unruly behavior. Numerous videos of foreigners acting as if they had discovered a gold mine in Thailand show that if there is no control, the majority of foreigners will go bonkers when they learn about the 5000K rooms and 50 baht meals.
  7. You know, lots of people work illegally. Why do you think IOs resent perpetual tourists? They know lots of them work illegally, and now it is even more possible due to the internet.
  8. Why boredom? No bars and sex workers? I see there are plenty in Sydney and Melbourne.
  9. Lots of Russian money (maybe mafia money, but not sure) has poured into Thailand in various businesses, condos, and real estate. And many Russians are getting work permits from these businesses. And sometimes, they employ illegal Russians in management roles and Myanmar people in low-skilled labor jobs.
  10. Because the guy in the video says so. And for the US, I've verified that SS is excluded. I have read comments saying that nothing like that was mentioned in the DTT with the UK.
  11. Yes, one needs a transit visa to transit through the US if the person is holding a passport from a visa-required country. For example, a Singapore citizen does not need a transit visa to transit through the US because Singapore is a visa-exempt country for the US; however, Thailand is not a visa-exempt country for the US.
  12. Yes, the US maintains taxation rights for all its citizens for world-wide incomes. However, the US also exempts you from paying taxes on your income if you have already paid or accrued it in another country. While doing your taxes, you can get credits by attaching Form 1116 to your 1040. Now, if you don't pay any taxes in the US on some income, e.g., ROTH withdrawal, you don't get any credit. This whole thing about taxing money brought to Thailand is really ridiculous. No country does that. I am not sure how they are going to implement it for foreigners.
  13. I don't see the confusion. If it is mentioned not to be taxed by Thailand, it won't be taxed. What needs to flow through it? Does Australian old age pensions are barred from taxation in Thailand by the tax treaty like US social security or Swiss pension? if so, it won't be taxed. If not, you pay the tax.
  14. It'll be interesting to see how the agents do it. When they implemented the minimum holding period of 800K and 400K for the entire year, all the experts predicted the agent fee would explode, and the same was true when there was health insurance for an OA visa. So, please don't post your proven wrong expert predictions of how the agent fees will explode.
  15. All power banks are made in China, including famous American brands like Belkin.
  16. Nothing new, really. If the pension is specifically mentioned, in the double-taxation strategy, it is not taxed. All other income brought to Thailand will be taxed. LTR visa holders are never taxed. All others will be treated equally. US SS won't be taxed because it is specifically mentioned in the Double Taxation Treaty. If not mentioned, you pay tax. Plain and simple.
  17. Unless one gets an LTR visa, all these other types of visas are second to agent assisted extensions. Keep your money where it earns at least 15% and give a small portion to the unfortunate people who can't earn in foreign currencies. My friend earned 160K last year by investing his money in VOO and gave only 12.5K to agents for one year extensions.
  18. I never bothered to register TM30 except for the one I got when I signed a 10-year lease. I left Thailand multiple times and came back, but I don't visit immigration offices. I wanted to get a residence certificate and was told that my TM30 is not up-to-date. I gave 500 baht, got a new TM30 registered in my passport, and also got the residence certificate. Life is much better when you are not panicking and posting in this forum, instead of spending money and using your brain cells to resolve your issues.
  19. Similar to Quiet Quitting in the USA: Quiet quitting is when employees continue to put in the minimum amount of effort to keep their jobs, but don't go the extra mile for their employer. This might mean not speaking up in meetings, not volunteering for tasks, and refusing to work overtime. It might also result in greater absenteeism.
  20. But the landlord does not need anything done at immigration. It is your headache to realize that you have travelled 10,000 miles to live in a foreign land because you cannot live a decent life in your home country.
  21. Better than vlogging about 5000 baht for a room and 50 baht for a meal that most people do on Youtube as if they have discovered the greatest thing since sliced bread.
  22. Every day, hundreds of people come without 20K cash, or any visa. No wonder some people in this forum have to flee their homeland because they could not live a decent life there and then sought to live like refugees, possibly using a 'wify' visa.
  23. There is no declaration for credit cards. I was travelling with 100+ credit cards with a credit limit exceeding one million USD in my carry-on. I was stopped at US security. They checked all the credit cards to verify they belonged to me. Questioned me why I have so many credit cards. I replied that it is not illegal, and there is no declaration for credit cards. They agreed. I said it was my hobby to collect credit cards. Eventually, they let me go.
  24. I like the rate where it is now. My coming two year's expenses are in cash invested in a one- to three-month US Treasury bond to avoid state sales taxes. The rest of the money in my Roth IRA and IRA is in VOO and other ETFs, which is giving me plenty of returns. The market wants cheap money for gains instead of the companies' profits and management.
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