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Posts posted by simcity

  1. Your point is?

    The present government was not elected, elections should be held, at least then it will be a democratically elected government.

    But, if they hold elections, those "stupid voters" will vote wrong again and the PAD will have to take to the streets!

    Yes, they are no end stories to this dilemma, my solution, fire every political figures, bring a proxy from china / Singapore / Malaysia and clean the system.

    In 6 years Thailand will have a chance, honesty & eliminated the corruption !

    I just wake up, i was dreaming ......

  2. Today i got privates support messages, let me go further into it,

    This night i was sitting on the terrace of Da Mario Pizza, got two pizzas, who i must say were good, after a tiramisu and a cappuccino...

    Opposite was ground zero where i got yell at yesterday about my dog, see first post, i saw 2 men organise the front with the lady who swear at me, I can tell you one thing it is the mafia (police?) who must own the place, it is why she can afford a sewer mouth !

    They did really try hard to attract farang people passing by, I can see the way they act, I am not sure of the outcome for customers, bills / quality / service, no idea.

    Remind me a little story, 2 girls, a friend’s granddaughter + her GF visit Bangkok about two years, i did look after them for few days, but was busy on the weekend, they did stay in a pratunam’s hotel. I suggest them to go to <once upon the time> who was close by.

    The story go, at night they ask the hotel for a TukTuk, they arrive into a place (no name) and got a menu (no price) the food was soso and got stung for 3800 Baht bill (2 people), pressure was put on them and they depart with a lighter wallet!

    I did write this story to media at this time, will wish for a hidden camera, it could interesting and i am sure the tourism industry will like that, bit like the Patpong show video few year ago!

    Off course they was silly first to put a feet into this place and order from a now price menu, but they was like 22 – 23, is that is the beautiful Thailand they show us? Amazing No?

    The place belongs to the police by the way...

    I like here, but do not want to be like other who think with dick and have limited ideas of what is happening!

    Where I live, most know me, I do not get cheat, nice people, but really too hot, I want to offer my fiddel dog some of best time for the next few short year he has to live (heart murmur disease) .

    I do not care if people tell me I am burn and I should to go back to my own country (I have few by the way), I did experience most of Thailand, been able to retired at 40 and travel in a lot of places.

    I respect Thai people (good Thai people), my best friend his Thai, my house his on his name the last 12 years, he is the executor and trustee of my will and i sleep very well about that.

    I will keep posting, my future experience with place & people along my way, now I am on the road most of the time, and plan to go tomorrow to ...... living sweet Hua hin behind me (good riddance will said some) , after I am looking to go to Khow Yai and Chantanabury, if any of you have suggestions about nice places radius 200 kilo from Bangkok please let me know.

    All best to you

    Ps today one shop short me change of 30 baht (ma peen ry)

    Ps i told two couples passing through after looking at the ground zero to be careful of this place

    Ps this morning I saw the yelling neighbour who was checking if his car did no have scratchs marks on it!

  3. So, you blocked a man's driveway and was surprised he got annoyed.

    You pedantic, but No we did not blocked it, the driver was in front of the hotel ! Eye on his car, no cars were to go in or out.

    Block for me if to refuse access, what the red are doing now in Rachadeaom avenue !

    Read the post before, and have the feel of what other thing about Huahin traders as well !

  4. i am there now. Last time i visit was 2-3 years ago.

    this time i find in 2 days, 3 altercations where i can see anger with locals, one i park the taxi to unload my stuff, one guy running like a mad dog came to abuse us to park bit in front of his drive way & he was not ready to move his car in and out.

    One, i was walking along the street, the pavement as usual was blocked and inaccessible, the car was corning and he was yelling because i was on his pass.

    One, was when my dog do his Doe doe, open empty land, with rubble and grass, not use for years, someone came and abuse the shit of me to let my dog been there, 5 streets dogs were looking and LOL !

    I went to my usual restaurant, told her, it is my last trip for Huahin, been in Bangkok for over 12 years were in my soi, i mainly get smiles, i tip well, i give temple pet food monthly, i go to temple when the old people came to sit once a year to get donation to help them during the year, i give to the orphanage, help someone who was in jail (for education of his daughter), Hospital & HIV centre get some as well, the restaurant owner, told me yes many anger people there.

    To see bitterness of some shops owner, who are so rude and look down at farang people like me, i will said only one thing, hope you get less and less patronage of them.

    I will not go anymore where tourists go! We are taking as shit / low people. To be in hotel like sofitel or Hilton do not mean anything, as it is only a golden cage.

    I have some spot where they are nice people, they will get my patronage !

    Phuket / Pattaya / Samui as been out my list for long time, today i am adding Huahin

    Sure some of you who live there are ok, as i am in Bangkok, but just give you my feeling as someone passing through.

  5. Agree with you post, some doctors are great here.

    Cert some Doctors have to give a certain time back to the public community, i know one of them, BUT the he done 4 years medical study in Sydney (paid by the Thai government) as a heart specialist.

    Next time i contact him, i will ask him if a mandatory public hospital training is in place in Thailand, i think it is mandatory in Australia and France, but perhaps only for the one who get financial assistance.

    I was surprise to realise, not all Doctor are born with a silver spoon !

  6. Bedrockguesthouse, is your place pet friendly by any chance ?

    will add your site into my bookmarks if you said yes

    What pet do you have. ??

    Rgds Mark

    Mark, it is a pug, they do not bark, absolutly house train and not running around.

    thank to let me know


  7. Me again !

    A poster mention chiangmai, why i am back with a new suggestion, they are a Bangkok restaurant call <Once Upon a Time Restaurant> , perhaps that will fit into what you looking for.

    I ever try the one in Bangkok, but did with the one in chiangmai, i think they have ferry lights garden as well.


    Longtable restuarant is nice as well


  8. The OP should be careful about how he approaches this issue.

    If the neighbours are not doing anything illegal then he can have caused his neighbours to be the center of gossip in the building, and they might feel forced to move.

    Maybe try to befriend the neighbour and find out what the noise/washing/smell is about.

    like what ? smoking a joint on the terrace ?

    I dont know what kind of friends you have, or if you have friends at all.

    But where I come from, and where I live in Thailand, friends sometimes invite each other to their homes.

    Friends ask each other more personal questions that one would never ask strangers.

    Let me guess.

    Your option is to just raid the neighbour's appartment with some sort of SWAT team, without actually knowing what's going on there, right?

    Non, i do not have any opinion regarding this problems, i do not socialize with my neighbour, my circle of friends are not one of them.

  9. You dont need to buy gold in Thailand. There are many places you can buy ONLINE !.............For example, The Perth mint in West Australia, they will just store it for you and sell when you want at current prices. My mate digs quite a lot up in the goldfields of WA stores it in the mint and sells when price is up.

    By the way he tells me that he has quite a bit put aside till it reaches $2000 oz. Not sure if he is correct, but he says it will eventually reach that mark. So sounds like a good investment.

    As a matter of interest, gold found in Australia is "Tax free"

    Once again, I have to point out the fact that they could not provide physical to all the holders of the certs in a timely fashion. There was a 6 month waiting list to take delivery of sliver during the 2008 crash. During the time you need it most, it was not available to you. Like someone said, if you dont hold it, you dont own it.

    This problems have been mainly blow out proportion by the media, allocated silver and gold were available, non allocated gold / silver (who can be physical transfer to customers) had a delay, but commitment were made and certificates were sold et paid for without delay.

  10. The company is offering an interest in physical Gold Bullion. The holder of a Gold Bullion Security will hold both a redeemable preference share of nominal value and a beneficial interest in approximately 1/10th of one fine troy ounce of physical gold.

    Clear to me it is physical and not paper :)

    Not sure if you are being serious or just facetious.

    If I tell you "I am holding " x " ounces of Gold for you and here is a piece of paper to prove it".

    It's NOT physical - it's a piece of paper ................. and I could issue dozens of pieces of paper, to dozens of people, covering that same amount of Gold.


    you could not.

    ETF Securities’ physical gold ETCs - ETFS Physical Gold (PHAU), ETFS Physical Swiss Gold (SGBS) and Gold Bullion Securities (GBS) - are all backed by “allocated” gold bars – uniquely identifiable bars which carry no bank credit risk. The precious metal bars are held in trust in London by the Custodian HSBC Bank USA N.A., the world’s leading Custodian for ETCs. The metal held with the Custodian must conform to the rules for Good Delivery of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). Securities are only issued once metal is confirmed as being deposited into the Company’s bullion account with the Custodian. Consistent with allocated gold, no precious metal is borrowed, loaned out nor does it earn any income.

    Anyway, some people like to be safe at home around they gold bullion, I do not.

    I sleep well with my certificates / mining shares / gold fund / and ASX GOLD .

    As they said in the restaurant industry, all-time live the till open with 200 dollars inside when you shut the place.

    The few baht I have a home are for the same principal, I will not have my corps photo in the front page newspaper been murder for my gold!

    You said allocated gold hold for you in a vault or at Perth mint in storage are no secure, what i said it is, only non allocated gold is not secure by physical gold.

    Why I am paying storage and cost for it, if it is not!

    Patrick If you said “I am holding " x " ounces etcetera ....., i will said NON to you, as you do not have any credential.

  11. if you want to buy gold, one way to do it is from the stocks market / GOLD

    What you talking about? do not be so negative on the two items i just mention (Perth mint certificate) AND GOLD (ASX)

    Gold ASX have physical holding in UK

    Secondly you can be Perth mint certificates in Allocated (segregated) or an unallocated (un-segregated)

    Kor Tort......... :)

    As you can see I did not quote your mention of Perth

    I only quoted your mention of GOLD ( as in ticker symbol ) on the stock market.

    Did not mean to be negative but certificates/papers either in the stock market or that read you have some *holding* somewhere is still just that......Paper

    No negativity implied just facts. :D


    ASX Code GOLD

    Company Overview

    GOLD is an exchange-traded commodity (ETC) that offers exposure to physical gold bullion. GOLD began trading on the ASX on 28 March 2003. The company is two-thirds owned by the World Gold Council and one-third by ETF Securities Limited. Established as a special-purpose vehicle, GOLD’s aim is to provide the public with an easy and transparent method to trade gold at a competitive rate. New gold bullion securities (GBS) can be created by approved applicants at any time for a minimum of A$500,000. The market price of GOLD will always be close to the gold spot price due to the underlying gold backing each security.

    Principal activity

    The company is offering an interest in physical Gold Bullion. The holder of a Gold Bullion Security will hold both a redeemable preference share of nominal value and a beneficial interest in approximately 1/10th of one fine troy ounce of physical gold.

    Clear to me it is physical and not paper :D

    edit: packing my bags now & living for Huahin tomorrow and let the revolution take it course ... one more thing flying a lot of pdf related to this GOLD with audit, they buy weekly gold to store in vault in UK to the value of the share holding, i think they take commission of 0.02%

  12. The OP should be careful about how he approaches this issue.

    If the neighbours are not doing anything illegal then he can have caused his neighbours to be the center of gossip in the building, and they might feel forced to move.

    Maybe try to befriend the neighbour and find out what the noise/washing/smell is about.

    like what ? smoking a joint on the terrace ?

  13. Yes, happen to me at time.

    You can buy some Pseudoephedrine tablets, the one i have is call Actified, / some chemist do not release them easily as it is the base of Meth drug, just be persistent and they will on small quantity. They will psuh for Tiffy, but it is not so good!

    It clear all sinus and hay fever

  14. if you want to buy gold, one way to do it is from the stocks market / GOLD

    Actually that is buying a piece of paper based on the price of gold.

    ticker symbol GOLD on the stock market is...........( there are others too like GLD etc. )

    Randgold Resources Ltd. is engaged in gold mining, exploration and related activities. Its activities are focused on West and East Africa. In Mali, it has an 80% controlling interest in the Loulo mine through Societe des Mines de Loulo S.A. The Loulo mine is mining from two open pits and one underground mine, and is developing a further underground mine. The Company also owns 50% of Morila Limited, which in turn owns 80% of Morila SA, the owner of the Morila mine in Mali. In addition, it owns an effective 84% controlling interest in the development-stage Tongon project located in Cote d’Ivoire. It owns an effective 83% controlling interest in the Massawa project in Senegal. It also has exploration permits and licenses covering substantial areas in Mali, Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Senegal and Tanzania. In October 2009, Randgold Resources Limited and AngloGold Ashanti Limited, through their indirect jointly owned subsidiary, 0858065 BC Ltd., acquired Moto Goldmines Limited.

    These papers should not be considered the same as holding physical metals....You are not given the option of taking physical delivery like on the COMEX contracts.

    As all you did in reality is swap one type of paper for another.

    Paper gold is good for traders who like to go in & our on a regular basis

    What you talking about? do not be so negative on the two items i just mention (Perth mint certificate) AND GOLD (ASX)

    Gold ASX have physical holding in UK

    Secondly you can be Perth mint certificates in Allocated (segregated) or an unallocated (un-segregated)

  15. I purchased gold through a gold broker overseas in Australia, I bought it for $900 an ounce and sold it not long ago for $1200 an ounce. You store nothing but the Certificate of which you have a copy, your bank has a copy and the Gold broker has a copy.

    Safer than storing it and transporting it yourself.

    perhaps was Jaggards, was it perth mint certificats ? what was the commission buying and selling ?

    Jaggards use to charge 2% buying and 1 % selling

    if you want to buy gold, one way to do it is from the stocks market / GOLD

  16. What you both want to do with these containers?

    Turn them as habitat, put them on land you paid (but who do not belong to you), and if something go soar just move them away?


    Could be a start of a good business

  17. Gold Topic

    No soft landing for the Ozi market:

    I do not know about Canada

    Australia house price did grow slow in 2008-2009, the last six months has been like a hot coal walk for buyers, price has increase 20%, with few availability and 87% volume sale in auction, volume who is getting higher as the 96-97 !

    150 people attending auction, interest getting higher but the market can not cool down, in one way i hope some sanity will happen to restore the ability of first home buyer who are out this market at this time.

    Current median house price Melbourne around $550K, in a ok suburb it is close of 1 million

    Australia has avoided a housing crash due to a combination of reasons, the main one is, severe housing shortage due to a rapidly growing population, and overseas migration from 2004 to 2007

    Link to follow the Ozi market



  18. I refuse to believe this, 40,000 baht for 8 months.

    The poster may have been on some sort of starvation ritual to get from 500 lbs to sub 200.

    Rent 2,000 baht per month, no mention of water and electric, that leaves 100 baht per day, to buy food water soap shampoo etc etc, sorry the above is BS.

    Can only assume you werent a hansum man, now I know why the term farang kee nok was termed.

    100 baht per day is really easy to do.

    I took the advice of another poster today and went outside my front door and set foot in possibily the most beautiful place on earth, the 3 metre high wall obscured my view somewhat, any way I ventured out into the street.

    Breakfast, bowl of jok and bottle of water 30 baht.

    Lunch, guay tiaw and bottle of water 40 baht.

    Dinner, kao man gai (piset) and bottle of water 40 baht.

    Thats me at 110 baht already, and havent been anywhere or done anything.

    I am now starving, typing this as the mrs knocks me up some food.

    As the poster above says 100 baht a day real easy to do, 1,000 baht per day is even easier to do.

    For those who can survive or exist on 100 baht per day, what exactly are you doing all day?

    You guys must be the new high quality tourists we keep hearing about, but have never seen.

    I believe you can eat for 100 baht a day, to do that you need to go fresh food market, egg are 2 baht each, Thai vegetable cheap as well.

    For cooking off course you need a gas bottle / a ring and a pot. / microwave / rice cooker

    I saw people cooking this way and I will said it is more healthy as most of the stuff you buy from the street vendors who add in them take away the sauce / sugar / too much oil / and msg.

    I do eat for a max of 700+ baht for 3 days with food from the fresh market, that is include Pla Kapong / duck fillet / fresh tofu block / the chicken lady bone my chicken every time / my beef lady dice my meat / from the vegetable guys he order beetroot / celery / leeks / continental persil and my soup is made from cherries tomatoes + chicken bones, offcourse adding cheese / wine and special items, I will spend more. But yes i believe you can eat from 100 baht if need too.

  19. No a desperate calls by the way …. But

    Just my beloved pug (10 years) have a start of heart murmur disease, I got him when he was few weeks old, already cry thinking of him & his departure.

    I have been in Thailand for 12 years, running an O one year visa multi entries & no problem to get that to be extend as I wish.

    Feeling strongly now I want to take the way of retirement visa, what I will be able to get without any doubt and stay here permanently with him, I am 52.

    I live in Bangkok where I own a place, but I want to offer him country, beach surrounding.

    My questions are:

    Where will it nice to live with a small dog, nature and welcoming people?

    Is there a place / bungalow that I could rent on a monthly basic, pet friendly, I am going with him to Pranburi next week, not interested with pattaya or night life at all, but I stay at time at Rabbit resort along Jomtien, and we like the setup.

    I will have no car; need to be close of decent Thai open place restaurants and facility to access the town by hire transports, add to the requirement wifi access et aircond.

    If you have any ideas please let me know, I have all the medical side set up for him already with vet, diet and heart specialist in Bangkok.

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