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CM Dad

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Everything posted by CM Dad

  1. Will this change financial requirements for spousal visa extensions? For example: If a foreign man marries a Thai woman he must keep 400,000 baht in a bank account in his name only, but if a foreign woman marries a Thai man there is no financial requirement. So, if a foreign man marries a Thai man will there still be a financial requirement? In addition, if there is to be true marriage equality then the 400,000 baht bank deposit for a foreign man married to a Thai woman needs to to eliminated.
  2. The article said that the mother had been "...trying to look for two months...", not that she was yet able to look or even look out for, but she was "trying". Who writes this drivel?
  3. When I married my Thai wife, she had an infant son and a young daughter. I legally adopted them both and raised and educated them (My son is now a student at Chiang Mai University). I love them both and they both love me. They are my children as far as I am concerned and I am their papa. You get back what you give Dave0206.
  4. Why? Thailand is pretty much owned and run by the descendants of Chinese who came here many, many years ago. The Siamese allowed them to not only gain citizenship but gave them control of the country. Why all this xenophobia now?
  5. I visited Phuket once thirty-four years ago. It was beautiful! I rented a vehicle and drove myself and two friends all around the island. We had wonderful food and enjoyed watching the sunset on a beautiful beach. The trip was nice, but I have never had the desire to visit again. Once was enough.
  6. If you support a cowardly liar like Trump then I wouldn't go so far as to say you are garbage, but you are certainly mentally impaired.
  7. I have lived in CM for more than thirty years and am a member of a dining group. We are a mixture of foreigners and Thais and we call ourselves friends.
  8. I would much rather have a stronger baht than a lying, racist embarrassment like Trump in any position of power!
  9. Why are you going to a farang doctor? Go to a Thai doctor and stay away from overpriced private hospitals like Bangkok Hospital.
  10. See a urologist. It could be a bladder issue and the longer you wait, the worse it might get.
  11. Try putting the glasses on BEFORE you put on the helmet.
  12. I stopped buying anything with the Samsung name on it years ago. Their products are very low quality.
  13. My 90-day reports cost me nothing, but then I make them on time.
  14. Yet many yanks are stupid enough to support despicable Donald Trump which doesn't say much about their intelligence.
  15. I am waiting to see how this will affect laws concerning marriage between foreign men and Thai women. At present, a foreign man married to a Thai woman must have 400,000 baht in a Thai bank in his own name in order to receive a spousal visa and continue to extend it yearly. A Thai man married to a foreign woman does not have to show any financial requirements. This is not equality. Will there be any financial requirements for same sex couples, or will the same rules apply for a Thai man married to a foreign man? Will there actually be real marriage equality for all regardless of the sex of a person's spouse? Hopefully, real marriage equality be the result.
  16. I have lived in Thailand for more than thirty years and consider myself to be extremely blessed to have never had to endure all of the horror stories I continually read about on this forum.
  17. I find that my pink ID card is quite useful. I have used it in lieu of my passport, which I rarely carry, on numerous occasions.
  18. He studies at Chiang Mai University - read my post - and he finds the program rigorous.
  19. My son is 100% Thai. His biological Thai father was killed in an accident shortly after he was born and I legally adopted him after I married his mother soon after that (I had known both his mother and father for many years by that time).. I have have raised him since he was born. I sent him to bilingual schools, not international schools, to be educated and he is fluent in both That and English. He is currently studying in an International program at Chiang Mai University. All of his classes are taught 100% in English. While there are some foreign students in his program, most of the students are Thai. They all pay the same tuition - there is no special price for Thai citizens. The price is considerably higher than the regular tuition for Thai-language programs at the university, but is the same for all students. There is no special "Thai" price.
  20. Women should only be used for breeding purposes and that should all be done artificially. Men should only live with men, eat with men, sleep with men and have sex with men. AMEN! PS - Don't tell that to my wife.
  21. Wrong! Another one of Donold's tens of thousands of lies
  22. I am so grateful that my Thai wife is a wonderful, caring, considerate, hardworking, and responsible woman.
  23. I'm a veteran and he doesn't have my vote nor does he have the vote of any of my veteran colleagues. None of us would ever support a lying draft-dodger like DonOld.
  24. Elon Musk is as big an embarrassment as The DonOld!
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