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CM Dad

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Everything posted by CM Dad

  1. The NY Post is a complete rag - a total waste of paper.
  2. Not me! I am one year younger than Trump, but unlike Trump I volunteered and served my country. The sooner Trump is removed from the American national scene the better for both the United States and the world.
  3. No, I don't. However, I do think that anyone who is not an American should be barred from commenting on American politics and the same rules applied to all other counties' national politics. By the way, I am an American and Mr. Trump and his continual lying rants are an embarrassment as are his ridiculous claims that he can solve any and all world problems with a phone call. His focus is never on solutions. It is always on problems, both real and imaginary, and on how wonderful he is. The sooner he is gone, the better the USA and the entire world will be.
  4. I had to deal with issues a very old - 80 plus - friend was having with Citibank several years ago. Like you, I was unsuccessful, so with my friends permission since he was physically incapacitated, I took his credit/debit card and pin number and over a two week period completely emptied his account and helped him set up other financial arrangements with the help of Bangkok Bank. I would never recommend Citibank to anyone!
  5. He will not be able to do it, just like he will not be able to do any of the other things he continually rants about focusing on problems rather than solutions. He is a delusional liar and a total embarrassment. The sooner he is gone, the better both The USA and the world will be.
  6. What about the bus owner(s)? i have found that most buses are are not well-maintained.
  7. The Electoral College needs to be abolished. All elections should be popular vote only.
  8. Donold Trump lost the 2020 election and has been crying about it for the past four years. He has repeatedly said it was rigged but has failed to offer any proof.
  9. Donold will say the election result was unfair if he loses just like he has said that the 2020 election results, which he lost, were unfair.
  10. Yes Malcolm, they are stark raving mad. I am a veteran and I could never support a lying, cowardly, draft-dodger like Mr. Trump or any of his right-wing cohorts.
  11. I love Donald Duck and Daffy and Goofy, too!
  12. How about the lying rabble-rouser in your photo?
  13. I can think of lots of people I would like to see that done to.
  14. That is truly ugly furniture.
  15. He's not dabbling - he's very serious.
  16. You and GG need to spend more time together. Perhaps you could begin a reading club. I suggest that you start with comic books since they use few few words and have pictures.
  17. I haven't owned a TV in the 34 years I've lived in Thailand.
  18. These are choices, not policies. You and your comments are weird.
  19. If you are tired of seeing Thai faces then why did you decide to live in Thailand? Since you chose to live in Thailand, why haven't you made an effort to learn to speak Thai? If you need to be in a place where English is the predominant language spoken, then I would suggest that you move to an English-speaking country. You are obviously living in the wrong country.
  20. In my 34 years of living here I have never had to show a wardrobe or and kind of closet with both my wife's and my clothes in it. In fact, we have never shared a closet space of any kind simply because there is no room for both her clothes and mine. Another fact is that there are many married couples who have separate bedrooms for a variety of reasons.
  21. How long will this last before it is curtailed or changed in some way? I will stick to my yearly Non-O stamps. I do wish that the government would focus more on those of us who have Thai families and have lived here for many years making substantial and continuing financial contributions to the country instead of temporary "tourists" who have no lasting commitment to Thailand and spend far less money.
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