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Posts posted by Kimera

  1. Hello folks.

    Does anybody on here have any idea where to get wind power/wind turbines from. Of course not the huge things you see in the North Sea but something suitable for your average house .... ?

    Thank you in advance.


    The wind turbine is an expensive way of generating electricitiy, I have experience of using them in Scotland. With the price of electric in Thailand there is no reason you would want to use one , unless you have money, and want to be Green :o

  2. Can anyone recommend an insurance company for House Insurance & Medical insurance?

    I have car and medical insurance (for the children) with AIG, The spec. is good but I have have never had to claim :o

  3. Senate panel proposes 'Special Economic Zone' status for Phuket

    BANGKOK / PHUKET: -- A special Senate committee proposed this afternoon that the government turn Phuket into a Special Economic Zone [sEZ] for tourism to facilitate tourism developments on the island province.

    Songkram Chuenban, the chairman of the ad hoc panel, said the committee made a trip to the province and found that it had a lot of problems that could inhibit the development of Phuket tourism to its full potential.

    For example, the capacity of the Phuket International Airport is limited and there are not enough immigration officers to cope with the rising number of foreign tourists. The panel also found that the province's basic facilities are inadequate to service even the present level of tourists.

    He said a special law should be enacted to allow the provincial administration to have more power to carry out tourism developments and to retain 30 per cent of revenue for these developments.

    The idea of Phuket becoming an SEZ was first floated about 15 years ago and has cropped up almost annually ever since. However, today's senate proposal marks the first time that SEZ status has been tied specifically to tourism only.

    BANGKOK / PHUKET: A special Senate committee proposed this afternoon that the government turn Phuket into a Special Economic Zone [sEZ] for tourism to facilitate tourism developments on the island province.

    Songkram Chuenban, the chairman of the ad hoc panel, said the committee made a trip to the province and found that it had a lot of problems that could inhibit the development of Phuket tourism to its full potential.

    For example, the capacity of the Phuket International Airport is limited and there are not enough immigration officers to cope with the rising number of foreign tourists. The panel also found that the province's basic facilities are inadequate to service even the present level of tourists.

    He said a special law should be enacted to allow the provincial administration to have more power to carry out tourism developments and to retain 30 per cent of revenue for these developments.

    The idea of Phuket becoming an SEZ was first floated about 15 years ago and has cropped up almost annually ever since. However, today's senate proposal marks the first time that SEZ status has been tied specifically to tourism only.

    -- Phuket Gazette / The Nation 2009-03-06

    Oh good I always wanted to own property in Singapore :o

  4. I enjoy the rain, its refreshing, and the children love it, I just sit outsde (under cover mind) with a beer, I have been known to get up in the middle of the night, all it takes is a role of thunder, sad eh !!! :o

    You sure it was a roll of thunder that got you up?

    You know now you say, I'm not sure :D:D:D

  5. I am all for helping a hardluck case. However it should be stated as such. The fellow didn't wear a helmet properly, didn't take health insurance and didn't have sufficient funds available for an emergency. Is it possible you played up all the other details because a story that stuck only to the facts would not have elicited sympathy?

    This sad story has some inconsistencies and that cause me to question some of your statements;

    1. You state the incident attributable to" another bike carrying a lady and her two children pulled out into the main road without looking; he swerved to avoid them and crashed."

    But then you state that he's had head trauma; "he still has no idea what happened."

    If he had no idea what happened, how do we know this is what occurred? Were you present at the collision? If one of his friends was present to provide a reliable account, then why didn't that person direct where the patient should be taken?

    2. You describe the injuries as follows; He suffered a variety of injuries including three broken toes, several deep gashes to his torso, arms and feet. His neck, shoulders and arms black with bruising. Most worryingly, he cracked his head on the tarmac causing a severe blood clot and brain swelling.

    With the exception of the head trauma, these were not life threatening injuries within the context of a motorcycle collision. The head injury was sustained because the subject was not wearing his helmet properly. It's a lame excuse to say he was only wearing a helmet to avoid a fine. If he was back in his home country he would have been wearing his helmet properly. It was his decision not to wear his helmet, no one elses.

    3. You state that BPH refused to let his friends check him out of their five star hotel/hospital and take him to a State run hospital who would have happily treated him.

    Not necessarily. The state hospitals do not offer free medical care for foreigners. Although the fees and charges can be less than private facilities, they are not free to non residents.

    To those that are commenting that the hospital denied care, read the statement again. The complaint is attributable to the hospital providing care.

    Is it possible that the hospital said it would not process the discharge until an arrangement was made for payment for services rendered? There was no incentive for BPH to keep a patient on site, particulalry if the patient was destitute. When was the request for discharge made and when was the patient discharged? You are aware that a hospital is not supposed to discharge a patient until the attending physician signs off on the discharge papers. Even at a for profit hospital, the admin still follows the SOP of a hospital. Perhaps part of the delay was attributable to finding the physician so that the discharge could be processed. You don't really say how long the discharge took, but it was done with 24 hours of the request beiing made and the paperwork processed wasn't it?

    4. You then state that He was finally released when, screaming in pain, his thumbprint was forced onto the invoice like a criminal. By the time he reached the State hospital he had an infection in his foot because of a dirty wound which had not been cleaned in two days.

    Why would he be screaming in pain if the injuries were not to his thumb? The hospital had every right to ask for the thumbprint to document its file in respect to the monies owed. How do you know the wound had not been cleaned in 2 days? Were you monitoring the dressing changes? If there was a gash due to road impact, or perforation of the flesh when the toes were broken, then such an infection was to be expected. This is what often happens. How long did it take you to admit the patient into the new hospital?

    5.Josh did not ask to be taken to this hospital and did not deserve this treatment; but here's the real question; did the "ambulance" driver who brought him there receive a commission? Why wasn't he taken to the State hospital which was actually nearer to where the accident happened?

    The answer is that 99.9% of foreigners don't want to go to the local hospitals. They want the best quality available. The ambulance driver was acting based upon experience. Had he taken the patient to a public facility, the driver probably would have been criticized when the patient died in the ER. I'm sorry, but the trauma facilities are not the same at the public hospitals. Are you even aware that the public hospitals on Phuket have medical doctor shortages? It's been in the news for the past year. Do you think there would have been a trauma specialist or a neurologist at the local hospital when the patient arrived? I believe there would not have been.

    6. At the end of the day, none of this matters. What matters is that we have a wonderful young man who needs to return to the loving embrace of his family and the British National Health Service.

    Ok. Then let his loving family repatriate him. Oh, I know people will call me cold and callous. However, as a citizen of his country, he should be pleading his case to his national government and its NHS.

    And to those that will rip into me for not being nice. Tough. I have paid for people that could not otherwise afford care. I know there are also many other people on TV that have done the same and done alot more than me. I state this because there is a difference between someone that could have taken precautions and those that truly are victims of fate. BPH is a reputable facility. To accuse the hospital of impropriety because the hospital followed SOP and kept the patient until he was deemed sufficient for discharge is unfair. We all know the healthcare situation in Thailand and should be responsible. Sooner or later we have to accept responsibility for our own decisions and actions.

    Well wrote! having no insurance is the same as riding you motorcycle without a good helmet, its up to you, as the Thai's say, but when your head hits the ground!! you made the decision, and its good that he did not hit the Thai family or his troubles would have been doubled :o

  6. After playing football with his friends in Phuket Town on Saturday 7th Feb, Josh borrowed a bike from a friend and headed back to his room to shower and change. Later that evening, another bike carrying a lady and her two children pulled out into the main road without looking; he swerved to avoid them and crashed.

    He suffered a variety of injuries including three broken toes, several deep gashes to his torso, arms and feet. His neck, shoulders and arms black with bruising. Most worryingly, he cracked his head on the tarmac causing a severe blood clot and brain swelling.

    The injuries to his body are slowly healing but he still has no idea what happened; some basic language is returning, as are some images from before the accident, but he doesn't recognise his friends and seems incapable of creating new memories.

    He was brought to The Bangkok Phuket Hospital who treated him immediately and probably saved his life. However, when it became apparent that there was no insurance and that his family did not have the funds to cover the bill, they stopped treatment. BPH is a private, profit-making business and this is acceptable.

    What is not acceptable is that they then refused to let his friends check him out of their five star hotel/hospital and take him to a State run hospital who would have happily treated him.

    He was finally released when, screaming in pain, his thumbprint was forced onto the invoice like a criminal. By the time he reached the State hospital he had an infection in his foot because of a dirty wound which had not been cleaned in two days.

    Josh did not ask to be taken to this hospital and did not deserve this treatment; but here's the real question; did the "ambulance" driver who brought him there receive a commission? Why wasn't he taken to the State hospital which was actually nearer to where the accident happened?

    At the end of the day, none of this matters. What matters is that we have a wonderful young man who needs to return to the loving embrace of his family and the British National Health Service.

    Many thanks to The Adventure Club and The Sportsbar in Phi Phi who helped in many ways, not least in raising over 75,000 Baht to cover some of Josh's medical expenses.

    Thanks also to Kahnasutra Indian Restaurant in Phuket Town for organising a football tournament followed by a raffle of many kindly donated prizes.

    If you're going for a drink next week, please go to O'Malley's Irish Pub in Phuket Town where the owner has promised 20% of all income to Josh, culminating in an evening of live music games and raffles on Saturday 7th March when all profits will go to helping our friend. Prizes for the raffle and auction gratefully accepted.

    It's good to know that in this cynical world, with times so hard for so many, that the Expat community here are capable of such generosity.

    If this had happened to someone else, Josh would have worked harder than anyone to help.

    Can I ask why he had no travel insurance

  7. thx for the reply

    i'd like to say that i'm looking for scooter which can be sold easly after using that is my concern most thais i meet they adviced me to buy a honda ..do you think its a good idea?? and thanks for your enlightenment


    Air Blade, No doubt ! holds its value, great bike, had one nearly 2 years and the Honda service is second to none :o

  8. Phuket Needs More Sustainability to Become a World Class Destination.

    Phuket Needs:

    1: Having a beautiful and undeteriorated destination.

    2: Having and maintaining the unique Thai customs and culture to worldwide tourists.

    3: Having an unpolluted environment.

    4: Having safe from crimes, accident and sanitary.

    5: Having enough infrastructures and facilities to offer good quality standards .

    6: Having a good transportation system.

    7: Having a worldwide telecommunication system.


    Phuket has a very low average compatibility with the aspirations of sustainable development and should be improved.

    The government should give powers to localities for the purpose of independence and self judgment of local affairs without corruption or compromise. Phuket should promote and encourage public participation in the preservation and protection of the quality of the environment in accordance with the persistent development principle, as well as the control and elimination of pollution affecting public sanitary situations for quality of life.

    Fat cat tour operators and hoteliers should pay more taxes that should go back towards the upkeep and protection of Phukets environment and infrastructure.

    It is imperative to adopt a controlled growth construction strategy for tourism development.

    Maybe Phuket has gone past the point of return!

    Please feel free to add your views or more recommendations.


    Phuket needs to be Utopia then, Not good I think, I and many people will be really!!! disappointed, anyway why are you bothered you and you family are safe in the UK :o

  9. There's some good advice in this thread. I do NOT disconnect my battery for those three months I'm here, but it's a bit stupid. If I wasn't so lazy I'd follow the gas/battery advice and also do three more things. First I'd rubber band the clutch to the bar. This would keep the clutch from getting stuck; probably not something to worry about with only a couple of months storage but a potential problem. Secondly I'd get the bike up on chocks. This will keep the tyres from getting a flat spot and possibly rotting. Finally, I'd rub Vaseoline all over the chrome to prevent rust.

    Oh and cover the sucker, but don't be surprised if you find all sorts of crawlies (which you could prevent by dousing the underside of the tarp with bug spray) on your bike. An old blanket would work best since it will provide a small amount of impact protection.

    All good advice, hard work mind , Im the same as you :o I cover the Phantom, after 3 months away the biggest job I have is to clear all the wildlife from it when I take the cover off :D

  10. One last thing. DO NOT USE GASAHOL on your last tank or so of fuel. its crap and goes off real quick. will gum up ya carby in no time. Allan

    Didn't know about the Gasahol, thanks, I have left my Phantom for as long as three months, has started ok, mind its only two years old, batteries I think like the hot weather :o

  11. Just curious, how many Phuket based TV members ride big bikes, 400cc and above?

    I know ThaiGerd, LivingLos and Coatesy ride some very nice big machines, who else is there?

    Now guys don't forget to ride these big bikes in the motorcycle lane or well to the left, no overtaking or riding in the outside lane, Thats the law here, :o

  12. Hi All,

    I want to help my girlfriend buy a new motorbike. I am providing the down payment, she will make the monthly payments, and her parents will get the loan in their name. They will be purchasing the bike in Nakhon Phanom in northern Issan.

    She is looking at buying a Honda click automatic. A 2008

    My questions are:

    1. What is the average price of a new Honda Click automatic?

    2. I'm thinking of giving $10,000 baht for down. Is that about right?

    3. What are the usual financing terms? And do you get a better price with shorter terms?

    4. Also can you buy a good used model from a reputable dealer?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    $ 10000 down 33+000 Baht deposit leaves 15000 baht ish for new and second hand you will buy the Honda Click :o wellcome to Thailand.

  13. Sly, I understand from one of your early posts that you are a 48 year old UK male with a younger Thai girl who was concerned for your family's safety, children? here in Thailand, and had moved them back to the dubious safety of your homeland, why worry about the Chavs coming to Phuket, you moved your family back to live with them. :D

    Nice one ...

    Nice cheap shot. :o

    Now dee, thats a three word 1200+ post shot :D

  14. Make Way For The chavs & Social Security Tourists In Phuket.

    With job loses in the UK and even cheaper hotel prices in Phuket, I will predict that Phuket will be host to a different class of tourist soon.

    European countries have been host to this sort of tourism for many years, and this class of tourists are fed up with over in flatted European beer & food prices, and are willing to go further a field in search of the golden stuff & sun.

    Flights might be more expensive, but hotel costs are lower and so is the cost of food and lager.

    So spending more money on a flight would save more on other holiday necessities.

    So look out all you UK expats who fled to Phuket to get away from the Chavs & lager-louts . Because it looks like they will be following you very soon.


    Sly, I understand from one of your early posts that you are a 48 year old UK male with a younger Thai girl who was concerned for your family's safety, children? here in Thailand, and had moved them back to the dubious safety of your homeland, why worry about the Chavs coming to Phuket, you moved your family back to live with them. :o

  15. Thought 2 ... since you are still here ... where did you find those statements, and how does that refer to UK embassy in Thailand policy about being married in Thailand ... refer me to some official UK embassy site, thank you.

    FWIW I seem to remember that when I went through the marriage process 11 or so years ago the embassy told me when I went to pick up the "certificate of not being already married" or whatever it was called that if I wanted our marriage here to be recorded or acknowledged in the UK then I should go back after finishing the amphur stuff and they would do it.

    I couldn't really see any point in doing that and since I have no plans to reside in the UK again I didn't bother. It hasn't been any sort of a hindrance in getting visas for my wife over the years on our infrequent trips to Blighty.

    Perhaps Syl is referring to that 'service' of the embassy?

    Sorry, off the subject, but I did not know that a nickname for England is "Blighty" I looked it up:

    "Blighty Definition: U.K. Britain: England or Great Britain ( slang dated humorous )

    You will be from the colonies then :o

    [Early 20th century. < Hindi bilāyatī "foreign, European," originally used by British soldiers in India for "home"]"

    Would this be like people living in Thailand today referring to home as "Farangland"?

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