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Posts posted by Kimera

  1. Hi fellow TV members,

    I am relocating to Phuket very soon and need to know what are the fastest internet connections available at the moment?

    My work is internet related and involves moving 4-5 gigs of data on daily basis. Therefore I need something really fast and reliable.

    UPLOAD is what matters, has to be minimum 5mbit/5000kb/s.

    What would you recommend, what are the prices, ISP's etc?

    Thank you.

    Oh dear I think you will have a big problem, they say that a hotel in HK has more bandwidth that the whole of Thailand :o

  2. Any place on the island to get a decent free (or dirt cheap) wifi connection right on the beach? Someplace to hang out and watch the sunset while wor-...errrr surfing the net? I know of the dozens of places to get free wifi near the beach, but thinking there must be a resort or restaurant somewhere that fits the bill, but haven't found one yet.

    Alternatively, maybe a hill top place with a nice view?

    Sometimes I spend so much time staring into my computer I'm forget that I'm living in a beautiful tropical paradise!

    Get a Dtac sim for your phone, 99bhat for 40hrs for 3 months 20hrs after that per month, coverage all of Phuket, slow mind, whats your errrr... surfing the net ??? :o

  3. With all the bad news and crisis going on, believe it or not I am still interested in a house in Phuket.

    I am looking for a house, not condo, would like 3 bedrooms. Would like it to be on a development and so western type style. Can pay cash up to 2.5m Baht and somewhere around the airport would be ideal.

    Anyone know of any developments around this price. Or know of anything in the resale market?


    You will find what you need in the estates around the Monument, Thalang, 3 beds 2 bathroom detached, the two Neramit estates and others, you will need to drive around for the for sale signs, and there are others that are in government auctions, bank reposession etc however you will have to make the effort and be there in person :o

  4. nice thread.

    2008 has been a mixed year for me.

    i lost a friend to cancer, saw my dad go through a pretty major operation, saw the grief of my darling niece when her 14 month old son passed away, gave support to my other niece who has been diagnosed with cancer at just 25 years old, saw friends divorce after many years of marriage, and was unlucky in love.

    on the other hand, i moved countries, started a great new job, moved into a fab house with a lovely garden, saw my family unite in times of raw grief, i had good health, and have been happy.

    but no matter what happens to us in our daily lives, the sun is gonna come up every morning. its gonna set every evening. this is the only thing that we are sure of. everything else that happens to us is a blessing.

    this year i plan on concentrating on what i have, rather than what i dont have. i will see my glass as being half full, rather than half empty. and i will tell my family and friends that i love them more often.

    i wish everyone on thai visa who i have met, as well as those who i have not met, a very happy 2009. i hope all your wishes and dreams come true for you and that we all come out smiling after the current global crisis.

    Thank you Donna for sharing, I wish you the very best for 2009

  5. I'm looking for a small, simple house to rent for a few months, but I'm having little success despite many hours of research. There are plenty of ads on the net of course, but these are all fancy places marketed to tourists with lot's of money to spend. I'm looking for something much simpler, maybe more along the lines of how the natives live. I just need electricity and water, some kind of AC and a basic kitchen. Some reasonably quiet location, not in the middle of nightlife and traffic, but at least within a kilometer or two from some shops, restaurants and preferably a beach. The rent should not be more than 10 000 bath per month, preferably it should be lower. I get the feeling that this is not unrealistic, although I haven't found anything yet. What do the good people of this forum think?

    Any hints on how to go about finding a house along these lines? Since I obviously can't manage this myself, I would be perfectly happy to pay someone to do some research for me and come up with some specific alternatives (that is, someone who speaks thai, knows his or her way about the area etc). Where could I find such assistance?

    I'm primarily thinking about Phuket, but this is not a requirement. Perhaps I'll have an easier time finding what I'm looking for somewhere else?

    I think the 1 to 2K away from the beach may be a problem, there are estates in Thalang area where you will find a modern 2-3 bedroom house 8-10 thousand. These ARE Thai prices, but 10k ish from the good beaches :o

  6. I have been offered a lifetime lease (usufruct) on 1 rai of building land (Chanote) where I can build a private house for myself. The contract would allow me to pay a monthly rental for the land, with no upfront deposit required. The land has already been filled, has government road access, electricity and phone cables on that road, and has the likelyhood of a decent well-water supply.

    Now, what would be a realistic monthly rental to pay for this land? It is located in Amphur Thalang, just off the Tonsai road that goes to the national park, near to Thalang town. It's a very rural and quiet area, but within 5 minute's drive of Thalang.

    The landowner is suggesting 20,000 baht per month, plus 5% increase each year. I am thinking more on the lines of 10,000 baht per month, based upon it's rural location and distance from the beach etc.

    Does anyone have experience or knowledge of land prices in that area? It might help me to reach a realistic value for the monthly rental.



    I have a relation in that area, there is land for sale 1 to 1.5m per rai, but of course if you cannot own the land, then leasing is the only option, not sure of your situation, ie do you have Thai. wife, can you buy in safety? if you can then buy in wife's name and pay the bank :o

  7. I can't stand these places, would rather see the dentisit

    then go see a dentist

    With that as post #10, do you view yourself as an intelligent person?


    Now now ! with 1200 posts over only one year, 3 plus a day ish and the odd poem maybe you should get out more :o

  8. Of course there will have to be a special forum just for


    (with proof of ownership required to access the forum)


    Yeah thats it.. Once we know who they are it will be easier to round em up :D !!


    We are usually pretty easy to find:



    And we tend to have BIG parties on a regular basis all around the country ! :D

    You sure they are not all waiting to be repaired :o

  9. On a similiar vein do the bars sell booze?

    If you want a straight massage with no funny business try the Eden Club.

    Eden Club in Bangkok?

    You're funny, that's the best one I've heard all day !

    I went to the Eden in Bangkok, I was never even offered a massage :o

  10. And believe me 2,300cc ROCKS!!!!!! :D

    A 2300cc motorcycle in Thailand?! :D


    The Triumph Rocket 3 2,300cc of British engineering excellence. The best miles per smile bike Ive ever had and is perfect for LOS. Ive done 15,000km all around Thailand and been to quite a few bike weekends and in all that time Ive never bumped into another one. :D

    Never knew that existed. :D

    Ah now! your not British then, maybe from one of the colonies then :o

  11. now I don't know if no one knows anything about the subjects in my post or no one cares?

    I think the reason you got no posts regarding your questions should be coming clear to you by now, if your bikes are illegal, you are illegal riding them and the gf ok to learn to ride on !!!!! really, Its simply really, yes 500baht in a police check, tit, but if it gets serious you will wish you were back in the home country :o

  12. Hi all,

    Can anybody steer me towards a supplier of throw over leather saddlebags. Preferably around Khon Kaen / Udon Thani.

    Plenty for sale on internet sites but would prefer to buy local.

    Thanks Andy

    Have a look at the local main Honda dealer they sell saddle bags for their Phantom, they are well worth a look, can be used as throw over and are well made and cost 4000ish Ive had a pair for two years now and have proved serviceable :o

  13. About 2 km north of the Heriones Monument on the east side of the road is a prefab home in progress. They make the forms off site of sandwedged wood planks laminated together. No website on the sign but there is a local contact number( I do not have the name or number sorry)


    Have watched this construction with interest, you can see the bare bones (so to speak) now, well worth a look :o

  14. Being tall, I would like to create more leg room on my Phantom. How do you move the foot controls forward? Are there any corresponding adjustments that can be made to the stock seat? Were can I find a Phantom shop manual in english, or one I can use online? Many thanks in advance for your help and suggestions. S

    Manual in English is available, I got a photo copy from the main Honda dealer on Phuket with the new bike in 2007, see your dealer and smile :o

  15. Sorry, can't help you in the south , but in the center, 4 k north of Heroine Monument/Circle on the east side of route 402 , ( is it 402? I can never remember the route number but the main highway bisecting the island from north to south ) 10 k or so south of the airport , 1 k south of Esso station is LPG station

    The station is dedicated LPG, they have a LPG conversion fitting garage there ! location correct, :o

  16. I was on the beach road 3 k from the airport at the time of the crash, it was impossible to drive the car, I had to stop, I took a short video of the storm on the phone as I had never seen anything like it before !

  17. A friend brought over an answer machine from the uk. The phone plug on the phone does not fit in a thai telephone socket, I have tried some of the electrical shops in Central but to no avail.

    Any sugestions or does anyone wish to purchase an answer machine?

    you must be doing something wrong the telephone wires are the sam,e

    Only two wire system in Thailand, you can buy travel conversion adapters basement Big C :o

  18. What is a Villa market? :D

    A place that specializes in shitty expired food products. Also has been known to stock Branston Pickle, Heinz Baked (has)Beans and Vegeshite from time time. Generally the last refuge of wannabe expats desperately searching for home comfort food who can't rely on food parcels airlifted in by visiting relatives.

    /although the one opposite Sukhumvit Soi 22/24 did have decent Indian food from the crappy Novotel on 33 when I lived there

    Well now this post has just turned interesting, two clear views here, :o

  19. I can't ride or won't ride a motorbike, I'm petrified after a major accident a 2 years ago...there is no chance I will do it. My husband takes me around or i can buy a car. But, if I live further away from the Big C are there buses to get me to work in the morning? My friend's are there somewhere paying 4,000Baht a month for a townhouse...

    Contact your friends a rental of 4000 Baht in that area is very cheap, maybe they can advise you :o

  20. THIS is Paradise Beach>>>


    The day I took this photo all I did was park the bike near the restaurant and walk onto the beach...took a few photos then walked round the east end to the 2 little completely deserted beaches round the corner. Back to the bike a couple of hours later and rode off.

    OK I understand the guy owns the land the road comes over and where the restaurant is but he can't own the beach itself which is what he tries to tell people. By the way the food is very mediocre.

    It's like the exclusive Amanpuri Resort between Surin Beach and Bang Tao claiming they have a private beach which is Pansea when in fact they share the beachfront with The Chedi Resort and The Chedi allows access to the beach over their property.

    Yes that is Paradise Beach, I will tell you a story!! a few weeks after the Tusnarmi I rode a motor bike over the hill on the then unmade road, not easy had to walk the bike most of the way back! anyway I found the then owner maybe the same now I dont now, anyway he had nothing his house and fishing boat and all he owned were gone, there was wreckage all around the bay, and the family had just escaped by running up the steep road leading to the bay, he told me he had registered his loss for compensation with the government and had received nothing, all gone before it got to him I was told, He had to start his life again of that there is no doubt. :o

  21. So it's not just me and it's not just looking in the wrong places :D .

    Oh well I wont be getting out of it for 350,000 like I had hoped, that doesn't worry me too much as the resale value is good and it should hold its price fairly well :D .

    Trouble is I hate to see a new car spend most of its time in the panel beaters shop (any one know a good one Ha Ha) and I can see the insurance policy going through the roof, but maybe I'm just a pessimist or have been here too long and just expect the worst.

    Thanks for the feed back and if anyone else has anything to add I would be grateful.



    Nothing cheap second hand! its simply really the new prices are resonable if the car is Thai made, and most models sold here are! but the greatest factor that keeps second hand prices high are the very cheap service and repair costs AND of course no real goverment testing :o

  22. Does anybody know anything about the IDP I know its a book which has to be used in conjuction with the original licence , but i have lloke on the web and there seems to be many dodgy scams about. Which is the correct and legal one to use. Many Thanks

    What do you want to know? you will have to give more information, ie the counrty that issued your driving license would be good, the IDP is an extention of that license, and why you want one, they are not all acceptable in many countries its the counrty of origin thats the key :o

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