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Posts posted by Kimera

  1. Do you have any proof of your fear on this subject or is this an assumption/guestemate.WAG?

    I'm beginning to think that member Syl is just a mischief maker on this forum. So don't expect a sensible response to your question...

    Okay point taken. I will never post new topics or replies to topics again.

    I will read with interest on future topics that makes this forum so good.

    Bye bye all.

    All the best for the future.


    Thank you! we will try to do without you :o

  2. Do you have any proof of your fear on this subject or is this an assumption/guestemate.WAG?

    I'm beginning to think that member Syl is just a mischief maker on this forum. So don't expect a sensible response to your question...

    I think you are correct ! when it gets to complicated for Syl drops the post :o

  3. Hi there,

    Dengue is definitely no joke. It can easily be fatal to children and the elderly. A guy I know in the Philippines almost lost his son to it.

    To answer the question asked (a couple times?) about treatment:

    from: http://www.dhpe.org/infect/dengue.html

    What is the treatment for dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever?

    There is no specific treatment for dengue. Persons with dengue fever should rest and drink plenty of fluids. They should be kept away from mosquitoes for the protection of others. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is treated by replacing lost fluids. Some patients need transfusions to control bleeding.


    Here's one thing I'd ask folks to consider. Give blood. The kids (especially) may need transfusions to help with the bleeding. I was over in Cambodia and their Children's hospital there had a couple billboards out begging for blood so I gave. Turned out very few locals give blood (fear of the needle? I don't know), so they have an acute shortage. If you are willing to give, you might save someone's life.


    If you have stagnant water, I'd recommend what people have been doing for years (if it's legal for you to do so) note: I'm not going to copy/paste the adult control, as methods have already been listed in this thread.

    from: http://www.mosquito.org/mosquito-information/control.aspx

    Homeowners can take the following steps to prevent mosquito breeding on their own property:

    1. Destroy or dispose of tin cans, old tires, buckets, unused plastic swimming pools or other containers that collect and hold water. Do not allow water to accumulate in the saucers of flowerpots, cemetery urns or in pet dishes for more than 2 days.
    2. Clean debris from rain gutters and remove any standing water under or around structures, or on flat roofs. Check around faucets and air conditioner units and repair leaks or eliminate puddles that remain for several days.
    3. Change the water in birdbaths and wading pools at least once a week and stock ornamental pools with top feeding predacious minnows. Known as mosquito fish, these minnows are about 1 - 1-1/2 inches in length and can be purchased or native fish can be seined from streams and creeks locally. Ornamental pools may be treated with biorational larvicides [ Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) or S-methoprene (IGR) containing products] under certain circumstances. Commercial products "Mosquito Dunks" and "Mosquito Bits" containing Bti can be purchased at many hardware/garden stores for homeowner use. Zodiac, a division of Wellmark International, has developed Pre-Strike Preventative Mosquito Control (PMC) product that kills developing mosquitoes using insect growth regulator (IGR) technology. Like Mosquito Dunks, Zodiac's Pre-Strike can be found at many home/garden and pet specialty stores.
    4. Fill or drain puddles, ditches and swampy areas, and either remove, drain or fill tree holes and stumps with mortar. These areas may be treated with Bti or methoprene products also.
    5. Eliminate seepage from cisterns, cesspools, and septic tanks.
    6. Eliminate standing water around animal watering troughs. Flush livestock water troughs twice a week.
    7. Check for trapped water in plastic or canvas tarps used to cover boats, pools, etc. Arrange the tarp to drain the water.
    8. Check around construction sites or do-it-yourself improvements to ensure that proper backfilling and grading prevent drainage problems.
    9. Irrigate lawns and gardens carefully to prevent water from standing for several days.
    10. If ditches do not flow and contain stagnant water for one week or longer, they can produce large numbers of mosquitoes. Report such conditions to a Mosquito Control or Public Health Office. Do not attempt to clear these ditches because they may be protected by wetland regulations.


    Stay healthy :o

    Informative, Thank You

  4. My teeth situation is rapidly approaching that of my dear old mother - ie toothless.

    I need a major overhaul to replace missing fillings, maybe add a bridge or two etc.

    Is there a dentist in Phuket (Patong?) who:

    - Is generous with the Lidocaine

    - Is competent and value-for-money

    - Will not circumcise me by mistake



    Will call you tomorrow to direct you to a very good one: cheap, reliable,very good work....and he's a farang.


    Have a problem!! I may need a an inplant or bridge, can you post or PM me :o

  5. So Syl, you branch out to abuse posters who have an opinion on the question you asked? My comment, as a responsible parent, was meant as saying 'How safe is anywhere...' - Phuket has it's weak points, yes, but so does every other town/city/island/country. One thing you could do, if you are genuine Syl, is post how old your children are and what are your real concerns... and after that maybe WHY you are here if it's so bad :D

    Nampeung, Answers to your questions are:

    Why should other towns & countries have anything to do with safety in Phuket or Thailand?

    And it is very clear to anybody that lives here or have lived here, or spent time here.That as a whole people are ignorant to the facts regarding dangers for young children that cannot protect themselves from the dangers that Phuket have.

    So it is up to the parents to protect and educate their offspring! What sort of example would you say that Phuket provides for youngsters when the parents have no sense of danger regarding safety ? Sixteen years ago I first came to Phuket for a holiday, no crash helmets worn on bikes, the funny thing was that too many Thais used to point out while laughing, that my lights are on when I was riding my motorbike.

    So I am pleased to say that Phuket is changing regarding safety, but it is also down to the parents to show an example, and the Police to enforce safety laws.

    I have a business and a house on the island, my wife is Thai and I have a 12 year old stepdaughter who was born in Bangkok, and a 18 months old daughter who was born in Phuket, so in some peoples eyes, maybe it has nothing to do with me.

    I would say that my real concerns regarding my families safety is the ignorance of other people. This is why my family is in the UK nice and safe. I plan to sale up in Phuket when the market is right.


    There you go then you have the solution its to have move back to the uk where you feel safe ?? and you can look after your new wife who is younger than your 48 years I am sure, and maybe she is educated, I wish you the best of luck, really I do , please keep us all updated. :o

  6. The traffic problems in that area could easily be solved by teaching Thais how how to use roundabouts.

    Spot on Simon.

    You could the solve the problem for a few less baht by taking all the bollards away and let the traffic flow normally, instead of the dangerous system of all traffic going straight on being filtered into one lane.

    A friend of mine died on her motorbike in the single lane filter system, stupid, no warnings and the out of town drivers, well outsde lane and no where to go, Traffic Police, really!!! :o

  7. I live in Phuket but am taking a trip to Trang. I have been told that in Phang Nga it is quicker then in Phuket.. less people etc..

    I already have a expired international license.

    My other half was worried that Phang Nga or Trang Dept of Transportation mighrt not know how to deal with farang paperwork required for the license.

    Any experience? Success stories?

    I have posted in the other forum for s. thailand. hope I dont get banned for life!

    Phuket is fine get there early and take the wife, they will tell you what you need, photos, resident cert, medical cert, photocopies etc, all available local, and then its on to the tests, :o

  8. My observations into the lack of child safety on Phuket are:

    No head protection for youngsters on motorbikes as a rider or passenger.

    Not many child seats fitted in cars.

    Open water wells,

    None use of fencing around open bodies of water.

    Lack of pavements to walk on.

    Cars & bikes not stopping at crossings or at red lights.

    Playing near or in water, unsupervised.

    Open electrical installations.

    Lack of safety class/ plastics on the upper part of escalators.

    Poor construction of some hotels & guessed houses.

    Unclean drinking water & ice.

    Infected food.

    The list is endless!!!

    Training, education and massive public awareness campaigns are imperative to change behaviour!!!

    Every day over 2000 children die from an injury which could have been prevented if the parents or careers was more educated about their actions regarding child safety.

    I think Phuket has a long way to go if it wants to market safe holidays for families with young children!!!


    You are right of course, and what you say is common sense, we all, that live here know what you are saying, ITS not new we live with it everyday! But Thailand is a third world country (getting better mind) if it concerns you so much best have your children in 20 years, you think you can wait until then, It could be better but don't bank on it, WE and YOU are small voices in a foreign country :o

  9. Was in Chalong the other night and drove past a well known English watering 'hole' the name of which I now realise represents an ancient Pagan Deity. Being a Saturday night I was surprised to see that the car park was empty? I have to admit that I am a lapsed Christian but a Pagan I am certainly not. But could it be that I am the last to know that this establishment is a meeting place for the Freemasons to act out their depraved Pagan rituals, beliefs and desires for a New World Order. I checked the pubs web site and yes they advertise it being a meeting place for Freemasons. So moderator no need to exclude this posting. I would ask those who hold Christian beliefs and ideology to check the Alex Jones infowars.com website which will give you a true and accurate understanding of what Freemasonary is all about. But be prepared to be shocked if you are of a nervous persuasion!

    Interesting, I will be in Phuket in May-June. Would you mind giving me the name of this establishment? I would be interested to pay a visit. Thank you!

    You will find it with the the information already supplied, however I have been there many times (not in the dark mnd) and I found it empty and boreing :o

  10. Is there any reason why you're committed to Bel Air Panwa? If you're not committed, why not rent in chuan chuen lagoon or soemthing similarly close? That commute from Panwa will get old in a hurry.

    We're not commited to Cape Panwa but its one of the few places where i could have a 2 bedroom apartment private pool and an ocean view for 30000 bht per month. Im sure if I hunt around i can find other places but i wanted to check to see if was feasable to commute from Cape Panwa each day. I wouldnt have thought 30-45 mins each day is too much of a commute, but we havent actually driven in the Phuket traffic yet.

    It seems clear that we will need 2 cars, It was a bit short sited thinking we could survive with 1, I'll bear that in mind before i arrive!

    The Boat Lagoon and Bang Tao both look appealing but both seem expensive...

    The estates around the Thalang Monument will have 3 bed quite bungalows for 15000 ish no pool or sea view but 10 mins from the school, and 10 k from good beaches :o

  11. well its kind of your fault if you are reading it.

    If you wanna know what's up, read some forums, watch fox news every couple days and listen to what old thai people with no job are talking about outside of obesity and food.

    Phuket gazette is a waste of tree slaughtering, my highschool newspaper was more worthy then this piece of crap created ONLY to overprice shitty realestate

    Fox news Oh Dear!! you are american then :o

    Surely, not Canadian :D

  12. well its kind of your fault if you are reading it.

    If you wanna know what's up, read some forums, watch fox news every couple days and listen to what old thai people with no job are talking about outside of obesity and food.

    Phuket gazette is a waste of tree slaughtering, my highschool newspaper was more worthy then this piece of crap created ONLY to overprice shitty realestate

    Fox news Oh Dear!! you are american then :o

  13. Is Phuket really safe for family's with young children?

    Having lived in Phuket for a number of years without children this question never really entered my head.

    Since the birth of my daughter back in 07, safety for family was always on my mind especially when leaving the house.

    I started to notice the lack of safety that Phuket has for family's with young children, be it as a resident or holiday maker.

    It would be nice to hear your comments on safety issues for young children that Phuket have or have not?

    Please no naming and shaming, as this is not my intentions of this thread.


    Not sure what you mean by safety but if its on the roads then I can tell you what I did, no more motorbike with the baby/child, although I do use for short rural journeys, the children love it!! I know what you will say!!! But I now have a car, and car seats, AND they are made to use them!! it makes it as safe as possible here in the crazy driving conditions on the island :o

  14. A car is almost a must nowadays for Phuket due to its size and increasing amount of vehicles on the roads. And if you want to take full advantage and get out and about when your not working a car makes it a lot easier and safer. There are long drives to get around the Island especially in and out of town.

    well, a couple of people have told me this now, which actually makes it a deal-breaker for me if it is true i need a car to get around. i would be happy to rent one, but i have no license (i am from NYC, where public transport is more convenient than driving). and given my working/living (visa) situation, i can't get a license in thailand either. ARGH! i guess instead of phuket i will have to resort back to plan B, which is that i will just take lots of weekends away from BKK, or give in and move back to koh phangan. thanks anyway for all the tips and PMs people!

    have you considered krabi?

    yes, i have, but i don't like ao nang and krabi town is not western-friendly enough for me on my own. thanks anyway.

    You will certainly have a problem without a driving license for a car or motorbike here on Phuket, there are many traffic checks and if there is an accident it could well be serious for you! not sure what you mean by (visa) (working) situation :o

  15. Ok, thanks people.

    Btw, I was warned majority of posters here are British and pretty rude. Moderators obviously condone this behaviour. I aked simple question and hel_l breaks loose. Why can't you refrain from useless comments unless you have something smart to say? Flamingtod and kimera, problems at home?

    You have the problem, what you ask for is impossible, now where will you take your computer :o

  16. Anybody had a basic side-car made recently,looking for a rough price guide.

    Thanks. :D

    You will get a good basic one made and FITTED to your bike for 8000, that will include lights on the outside, (important)!!! be careful if you buy second hand you will need to have it fitted to your bike, the sidecars are normaly designed from the model of the bike, Oh and they are illegal :o

  17. Kimera, your reply was veeery helpful!

    Why there is such need to write just about anything, for some of you people simply doesn't matter what you write or what is your answer!

    If you don't have any useful info don't write anything, pleeease.


    No need for that reply my friend, I take it you have read the posts now, my reply said it all, best you keep quite next time the OP's question is beyond you :o

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