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Posts posted by Kimera

  1. I currently possess a 5 year Thai Drivers License (in Thai) that does not expire until 2553 (2010), and no longer hold a license from my home country. I will be going to Spain and Portugal in a few weeks and need to rent a car...

    Can I have my current (Thai) license changed over to the new one in English...or do I need to apply for an International Driving permit...?

    Google it !! you will find that a Thai licence and an IDL issued here will be accepted for a limited time in some counties. Not suprising if you have ever done the test, Spain and Portugal should be ok for a holiday period but make sure you double DOUBLE (re the license) check the insurance :o

  2. haha ooops didnt mean it to sound like that :D

    thanks for all the tips, didnt mean it to come accross stupid just wondered where all the local hotspots were...will definatly try and check the wine connection out, and the comedy club - cheers

    just feel a bit lost as we are still trying to find our feet abit, and tend to just keep going back to the same places as they are the only ones we know. We will get there eventually, suppose its all part of the fun exploring the island.

    Go to Surin beach just 8K from you, follow the road until it starts to climb, turn right to the beach, park the bike ? and walk, find a bar and watch the sunset, wonderfull, :o

  3. thank god.. most drivers here thai/farang whatever.. have no idea whatsoever how to use a <deleted> circle...

    how hard is it to understand that when someone is in the middle he's got priority

    True, they need to come from the UK millions of islands there, still not got the hang of the Thai. ones tho :o

  4. Dont forget that if any new elections are called....bars are closed for 2 days at a time.....

    So does that mean we go back to drinking "coffee" at the bars? :D

    Yes, coffee from tea pots :o

  5. Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

    2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

    Never a dull moment in Thailand.

    Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

    Really when did this happen???

    Bet your friends where Americans, even if not they are real heroes, you saw all the blood and bullets then ?


    Ones British and ones American.. Yes I saw the blood and bullets..

    Tell you what how about a little bet.. You want to call bullshit, lets make it interesting 1000 USD if its real or not ?? Got the courage of your convictions ??

    What you have posted will have to be authenticated, every detail, to both of our satisfaction's can you tell me how we will do this ?

  6. No I am not..

    But it seems so easy to be snarky and a keyboard warrior.. So you up for this then ?? You maintain it didnt happen, with your little roll eyes and digs.. I maintain it did. As they said above put up or shut up ??

    1000 USD buys the right to be proved right or wrong.. I am game !!

    There once was a poster named Kimera

    Who some think is from North Korea

    she called a post bullsh*t

    then with a proposition she was hit

    and now will lose her shorts to a guy she thought was from America

    You need to change your coat and your pro's :o

  7. Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

    2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

    Never a dull moment in Thailand.

    Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

    Really when did this happen???

    Bet your friends where Americans, even if not they are real heroes, you saw all the blood and bullets then ?


    Ones British and ones American.. Yes I saw the blood and bullets..

    Tell you what how about a little bet.. You want to call bullshit, lets make it interesting 1000 USD if its real or not ?? Got the courage of your convictions ??

    You are American then :D

  8. Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

    2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

    Never a dull moment in Thailand.

    Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

    Really when did this happen???

    Bet your friends where Americans, even if not they are real heroes, you saw all the blood and bullets then ?


  9. I have never understood why the Brits complain about their royal family. I am not British, but I find them pretty unintrusive and interesting.

    At any rate, I hope Andrew has a successful visit.

    (PS Charles couldn't come because he's all worried about his carbon footprint!)

    We don't all complain, HRH Andrew is a war veteran and HM Queen Elizabeth is a fine monarch. They do their duty.

    Expecting abuse is imminent..

    Yes good post, the Royal family DO their duty and are excellent ambassadors God save the Queen !

  10. thanks for the replies, but I know of that tragedy, I'm looking for something more concrete or at least with suspicions. I heard a rumour about a different drug related death possibly around the same time as the article posted - most likely soon before. Any information is appreciated more then you know.


    Can you give more information ? :o

  11. good post bigbrowski.

    i have just bought a catapult and will try it later.does anyone know where to but a blowpipe from????

    Don't leave the catapult in the sun it will only last a week ! :o I was a little worried about my post about the other side !!! but it would seem that 90% of you favour the get rid of the UNCONTROLLED dogs, excellent, there is hope then :D

  12. Too many people don't know how to look after their dogs. We also have dogs roaming in my Soi. Every morning piles of mess everywhere. They bark constantly through the night. These are not strays, they have collars.

    I'm not surprised people get sick and poison them. Being woken every morning at 5-30 am for a month can drive people pretty crazy. Sure, it's the fault of the owners, but you can't really going round poisoning them, can you?

    Good post my view entirely :o You must live on MY Soi :D

    Oh Buy a cataplut, excellent results :D

  13. Too many people don't know how to look after their dogs. We also have dogs roaming in my Soi. Every morning piles of mess everywhere. They bark constantly through the night. These are not strays, they have collars.

    I'm not surprised people get sick and poison them. Being woken every morning at 5-30 am for a month can drive people pretty crazy. Sure, it's the fault of the owners, but you can't really going round poisoning them, can you?

    Good post my view entirely :o You must live on MY Soi :D

  14. Some despicable person has been poisoning dogs over at least the past month from the Soi Gecko to the Soi Alingy areas of Sai Yuan. Four so far. Keep vigilant. :D

    Just to turn this around I live on a estate 95% Thai, Dogs run loose every morning it seems thats ok they S---t anywhere, and are agressive to adults and the children, and every morning the dustbins are spead across the roads some owners have 5 plus dogs, 4 years ago the estate mangement poisoned them, excellent!! they are back now, what do you think, Time again I think !!! And before all you doggy lovers get excited I have two dogs !!! :o

  15. Park entrance fees slashed

    source: The Nation 17 Aug 2008

    From October 1 four national parks in Chiang Mai will cut admission to between Bt40 and Bt200 to boost visitor numbers in the low season.

    Doi Phahompok, Doi Inthanon, Aob Luang and Doi SuthepPui national parks normally charge Bt40 per local adult, Bt20 per child, Bt400 per foreign adult and Bt200 per foreign child, said Thanthip Thongngamkham.

    From October 1 on, Doi Inthanon would charge Bt40 per local adult, Bt20 per local child, Bt200 per foreign adult and Bt100 per foreign child while Doi Phahompok and Aob Luang would charge Bt20 per local adult, Bt10 per local child, Bt200 per foreign adult and Bt100 per foreign child.

    Doi SuthepPui would charge Bt20 per local adult, Bt10 per local child, Bt100 per foreign adult and Bt50 per foreign child, she said.

    Made me laugh when I went to a National Park on the mainland & I asked how much my 2 half Thai kids had to pay.....didnt get an answer, only a confused smile....didnt go in anyway, I aint gonna pay 10 times that of anybody....Arnt we so lucky to get a discount>>>> :D

    This is Thailand, I just drive away, Waterfalls 20 Baht Thai 250 falang, its all across the country, they have not picked on my daughter yet, could get personal then :o

  16. Thanks in advance for your knowledge. I hope to find a shop that sells "after market" parts; specifically an oil cooler for my little Phantom. Sitting at a traffic light 20 minutes sends chills down my spine considering this is an air cooled engine. Ideally I'd love to find a shop where I can converse in the only language I know - English (sorry to say)


    The phantom for the price is a great little bike, they are strong and I enjoy mine and to wait 20 mins at the lights then, Never I would have long gone with the Thai's :o

  17. has any one heard of a counselor /therapist named David Foster? im comeing to phukett cahlong bay soon and am seeking relationship counselig for me and my girlfriend . if anyone has heard of him or know of any other doc please contact me or leave a mesage on the board.

    Thank you


    Yes I met him in a friend's restaurant once. Interesting man. If your girlfriend's Thai and she's just pulling the 'sulky face', just save yourself the fee and throw it at her. She won't get the Tantric sex aspect so central to his counselling at all.


    intersetind as in good or bad? and no shes not thai we are both american. could you olase enlighten me on the "Tantric sex aspect"?

    thank you

    Chris bryant

    Are you sure you are American :o

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