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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. 16 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    You would have thought so wouldn't you?


    I expect that the head honcho was so desperate to have his 5 minutes on the telly that it went rather like this:


    Best tightest uniform pressed - check.


    Big bouquet of yellow flowers fixed to front of podium - check.


    Vinyl backdrop up and correctly lit - check.


    Press and cameras ready to roll - check.


    OK guys let's do it. Now, what am I going to say? Oh never mind, the first load of intimate spherical male appendages that comes into my head!




    You just forgot the eternal finger pointing. 55555

  2. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Oh wow, thanks for that, but I'm still very confused.

    I did find Banglamung.

    The page auto translates to English for me, but the choices for YEAR are all Thai years! There is no choice of western years. I did the translation but you seem to be suggesting there is a western year option. How? 

    And what's that GET / No Take part about?

    If you found Banglamung, does that mean you started registering??  I 'assume' the GET part refers to agreeing on being vaccinated.  For the birth day i'll do it over again tonight to see how it really works. As far as I remember the arabic figures showed up automatically... Keep you posted tomorrow.  

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    Can you answer my questions from above?

    Also of course you need to convert to the Thai year.

    I just connected through the link the OP sent above. If you click right, as he mentioned, the translation into En is offered. No need to translate the year... The program offers you a birth date in 3 steps. Date, month, year....They offer the choice between 7 options, over 60+, or any of the other. House Nr. is the Nr of your home as on your ID Card ( if you have ). Where you live there must be a postal address,  Just fill in Street name. The site offers all the possibilities, e.g. Banglamung, etc....

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, banglay said:

    UPDATE   a Thai friend past on this site to register for a Vaccine in Chonburi Province  .

    I have just   filled in the form and registered and submitted it  ..where it asks for a Thai ID number I just put 13 zeros and it accepted that ( this part needs filling in for the registration to be  processed ) 

    I do not know if the site is working or not for Farangs but I/we have nothing to lose. 


    PS the site is in Thai ..if your PC doesn't auto translate the page   just right hand click anywhere on the page  and then click  Translate to English.



    Thank you VERY much for this, whether it works or not. It's worth trying. I just did , with 13 real figures , ID Card. 1813926447_Capturevaccine.PNG.0797f0e352a253582dd4a6053c91b0ec.PNG

  5. 52 minutes ago, lujanit said:

    I noticed the Phaya Thai site slowed the rate of refresh at 0859 through to 0902.  I was finally able to get to the google form link.  Clicking on that told me the form had been automatically taken down.  Something is not right here.  Someone is gaming the system to lock out any other registrations.  Finding proof will be impossible.


    If the 100 doses per day is correct it means a total of 1000 doses (5 x 100 x 2) has been allocated across two hospitals for expats.  Now you really know what Prayuth's and Anutin's lot think of us.

    Not certain there's a lot more for locals... Not to understand. Anyway, yesterday , as they are enforcing a new law in Fr. they had around 600000 subscriptions.....How can all the Th vaccine Sites be submerged?????

  6. 10 hours ago, leba said:


    there is neuro and hemato polyvalent : 1 antivenin for many snakes


    Working sorta like an Antibiotic with large spectrum?????

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, Eff1n2ret said:

    I just went on their website again. It says that the quota is limited (100 persons per day), but you can try again tomorrow. I suppose that means that the total quota is 300, who knows, but if that is the case then the exercise seems designed to generate publicity for the hospital rather than make a serious contribution to the vaccine drive in Thailand.

    Perhaps it's the leftovers from the French programme

    I never had much luck with the National Lottery (UK) either.


    Tomorrow is another day, problem being tomorrow after tomorrow upon tomorrow.....

  8. 20 hours ago, johng said:

    Ok same as me   I wonder if you can do a little favour and log in to your router and tell me if you have a WAN ip address starting with 100.    ( no need to state the whole address if you are worried about "hackers" knowing it )

    as you see in the screenshot below  I have 2  different Ip address  that means I'm behind their Carrier Grade Nat , they told me  "everyone" is  if they are on the 100/100 package ( as we are)

      I'm not convinced its true though.



    I could and will if you explain me in simple terms how to ' access ' to it... I'm not an IT wizard as you probably noticed...

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