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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. On 6/19/2021 at 3:36 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    Thanks for telling me. When I asked the girls they told me it's the Thai translation for "sexy man". ???? 

    Fat can be considered as wealthy therefor sexy in some regions;  5555

    • Thanks 1
  2. 6 hours ago, UKJASE said:

    We have a medium sized Big C here in Hua Hin you could visit. 


    Hotels nearby if you wamt to make a weekend trip out of it

    Why would you like us to come to a Big C in Hua Hin as we have enough of them here in Pattaya?? 555555

    • Like 1
  3. 36 minutes ago, vinci said:

    don't bother to register at Phyathai 2, i was waiting for an hour before registration open yesterday, funny enough you have pay at shopee for 2 dose of Moderna, by the time the registration open it said 2k plus dose available, 5 second i kid you not 5 second later all was sold out, the theory was there's a middle man buying all the dose so they can re-sell.


    all these registration for the vaccine is a failure for foreigner under 60, this whole country vaccinating thing is a disgrace if you ask me, all this can be prevented if they acted early, they had the mean to do so, but greed got the best of them  

    Th is, for the moment, rated the second worse country in the world in regard of handling Covid 19....

  4. On 7/5/2021 at 11:47 AM, skatewash said:

    Precision and accuracy are not defining characteristics of either the English-language media in Phuket or of statements made by Thai officialdom.  In fact, the combination is deadly to both.

    Thaiglish ????

  5. 46 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

    Lucky its only replacement, when i was a kid in uk, my nan took me to Lyons tea rooms in London, she told me if you break a plate or the like, you must pay for it AND for a new one! true story even if off subject .

    You could have suggested you nan to change for another brand of tea. 555555

    • Haha 1
  6. On 7/6/2021 at 8:23 PM, worgeordie said:

    No not all.. you just have to take photos before you move in,

    and why did you move into a <deleted>h&le when there is plenty

    of choice about,  and it does work both ways, we had a tenant,

    steal A/c 's, curtains and even teak doors, we were lucky it

    was unfurnished ,  PS ,if you have 4 property or less,its no illegal to take 2 months security

    regards worgeordie

    Exactly my thought too, nothing illegal about the 2 months... 

  7. 59 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    Mole Hill - meet Mountain

    I for sure have better things to do with my time than wait for 75 satang, and making some young girls life - working for minimum wage - harder.

    Let me know next time you go shopping, I will be waiting outside with a 1 baht coin so you can feel real good about having made some money on the purchase


    Give us your phone Nr. so we can spend 5 Thb on calling you to make an appointment. 5555555

  8. 53 minutes ago, sucit said:

    Stang can’t be spent everywhere. This is the key to understanding here. 

    1 baht or more can be spent everywhere. 

    Business gets 1 baht, and gives back a relatively worthless. It has less worth because you cannot spend it everywhere. Bts stations won’t take them for example. Imagine the example moves to 99% of businesses won’t take them. It has less value.

    It is actually theft, and that is assuming she gave the change, which she didn’t ha. 

    Who says?? 4 X 25 Satang =  1 Thb... i.e. 240 X 25 Satang = the price of 1 beer Chang in the bar. 

  9. On 7/7/2021 at 11:00 AM, Mac Mickmanus said:


       Getting the correct change back would actually make the cash register to be correct , at the end of the day . 

       If Tesco lotus  wont disregard 25 Setang , why should I disregard 75 Setang ?

    1 million X 75 Satang is the beginning of Tesco's or other Big C's etc profit......

  10. 1 hour ago, billsmart said:

    Yes, I'll get these Thailand-provided 2 shots of AstraZeneca, but then after that, maybe sometime at the end of the year or the start of the next, whenever my local private hospital is selling vaccines shots, I'll probably get another one. Hopefully I can find someone dispensing Moderna, which is a two-shot vaccine, or Johnson & Johnson, a one-shot vaccine.


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Oxx said:

    You don't need to go to Indonesia to find that out.  At least three hospitals here have been forced to close in recent days after infection of medical staff - staff who presumably have had Sinovac.

    " Presumably " is not scientific proof....

    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
  12. 4 hours ago, billsmart said:

    One other item, the second Sinovac shot is given about a month after the first. For AstraZeneca, the second shot isn't given until 3 months later.

    So, although the data shows AstraZeneca has more efficacy, you get more protection sooner with Sinovac

    I got my first shot of AstraZeneca on June 7. I was not given a choice. My second shot will be in September.


    After that, towards the end of the year or the first of next year, I will probably get another vaccine, like Moderna.

    3 Shots ????

  13. 3 hours ago, vandeventer said:

    If you look on the internet you will start seeing groups of people with sever side effects getting together not knowing what to do as their doctors don't know what to do. This is happening with all the approved vaccines for covid in the USA.

    That's why these people are called ' the herd ' or ' sheep ' 5555555

  14. 2 hours ago, rabas said:

    AstraZenica is from Oxford England. But the red covid arm is common to all vaccines and doctors know about it. Just look at the internet. It's one of the symptoms listed under adverse reactions.


    Mine was so mild I didn't notice until I read the OP and looked in the mirror. I was suprised!

    Possibly autosuggestion?????

  15. 35 minutes ago, fvw53 said:

    ....in my home country (EU) I can go directly to a GP....but where do you go in Thailand where only specialists can be consulted in hospitals with many days (or weeks) of waiting time.

    Where did you ever experience such long waiting time?????

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